Chapter 168: Fuck

Support the Han Dynasty?

Can you still help it up?
Inside the thatched cottage, a coal stove was boiling water, and Ju Shou looked at Fu Xie, who seemed to be in a somewhat crazy mental state, and began to think in his heart.

Zhang Zhongjing has passed away. If nothing unexpected happens, he will convey my request for a meeting soon.

Before that, he took Fu Xie back to the small thatched cottage where he lived.

Although he was now a prisoner, the Yellow Turbans did not treat him too harshly. He was paid for his daily work, and there was not much difference between him and ordinary workers. It was just that his freedom was restricted because of his background, and he had no choice in what to do.

After a few years, he naturally bought a small home, and this small thatched cottage is his current residence. The same is true for Fu Xie.

In this state, he basically fully understood the living conditions of the common people under the rule of the Yellow Turbans. He didn't need to ask others how the people lived and worked. He could know it clearly just by looking at himself.

"Nan Rong, what do you think of the Yellow Turbans?" After a moment of silence in the thatched cottage, Ju Shou began to ask.

Fu Xie came back to his senses and snorted coldly: "They are just bandits, what's there to say."

Ju Su laughed and said, "Do you really think so?"

Fu Xie's face froze, and then he turned his head and said nothing.

Ju Su shook his head: "If Nan Rong wants to support the Han Dynasty, then he won't have to worry about not having a place to go. There will be many heroes who want to support the Han Dynasty in the future. But doesn't Nan Rong understand that after the general situation is over, supporting the Han Dynasty is just a title?"

Fu Xie wanted to refute, but when the words came to his lips, even he felt powerless.

Although the Han Dynasty court still existed, even a fool knew that it was in name only. No one would regard the court held hostage by Dong Zhuo as the court, and no one would take the edicts issued by Dong Zhuo in the name of the emperor seriously. The authority of the central government was gone.

Once the gentry rises in the local area, will they still sincerely respect the Han Dynasty?
Fu Xie himself was a member of a noble family, so of course he knew the answer.

Of course there are people as loyal as me, but they are not many.

Seeing that Fu Xie gradually understood some things, Ju Su continued, "The Han Dynasty is in decline and ambitions are rising. At that time, the heroes of the world only want to be kings with strong soldiers and horses. What's the use of having a reputation of supporting the Han Dynasty? What they are doing is the same as the Yellow Turbans. Why can't the Yellow Turbans be an option?"

Fu Xie said in a deep voice: "Even so, wasn't it you who told me at the beginning that the Yellow Turbans could not succeed in rebelling against the nobles of the world?"

Ju Su was stunned for a moment, then sighed: "This is a different time. You and I have lived here for several years. Don't you see that the Yellow Turbans have found a feasible way? The fact is that their governance does not need to rely on the nobles."

Fu Xie said coldly: "But we are the nobles, and they are their enemies."

Ju Su shook his head and said, "What the world's aristocrats do has nothing to do with you and me. As for you and me, we only need to consider ourselves. The future will be an era where heroes compete for the world. If we make the wrong bet, our future will be bleak. What's the point of being an aristocrat or not? What's important is how to make the right bet."

Fu Xie's expression gradually calmed down, but his eyes became more distant: "So you think the Yellow Turbans can take over the world in the future?"

Ju Shou shook his head and said, "This is why I want to contact Xu Chen in person. I want to verify whether he is a wise leader in person."

At this time, the water had boiled, and Ju Su poured a cup for each of them.

Under the rule of the Yellow Turbans, the theory of pathogens had been deeply rooted in people's minds. Although most people were still reluctant to boil water for drinking, Ju Shou and Fu Xie were both from aristocratic families and were very much pursuing quality of life. Instead, they were willing to follow the Yellow Turbans' advocacy of eating cooked food and drinking hot water.

They don't care even if this will squeeze their already tight living expenses.

Fu Xie stared at the mist of the hot water, and it seemed that when the water grew colder, his heart grew colder as well.

When the Han Dynasty fell, people's hearts were scattered. Even outstanding scholars like Ju Shou began to think more about themselves. This made Fu Xie very aware of the changes in people's hearts.

He understood very well what Ju Su said. The Yellow Turbans were indeed extraordinary. If the world really became a chaotic country in the future, this might really be a good place to live.

Having lived here for four years, Fu Xie actually admired the Yellow Turbans deep in his heart.

At least from what he had seen, the common people here all had businesses to support themselves. Those who had land cultivated the land, while those who didn't worked as laborers. Although the lives of the common people were not very good, at least they were relatively stable and they didn't have to worry about food for tomorrow.

In the current world situation, this kind of stable life with land and stable jobs is definitely what countless ordinary people dream of.

In the past, the common people’s annual output was not enough to cover the land rent, grain tax and various miscellaneous taxes. If the harvest was slightly poor, they would be at risk of bankruptcy, not to mention the heavy labor and military service, and the possibility of being invaded by war at any time. It is no exaggeration to say that their lives were in dire straits.

But during these four years, I lived as an ordinary citizen under the rule of the Yellow Turbans. Although the work was very hard, there were really no major setbacks in my production and life.

The villages and towns would organize the construction of bridges and roads, the construction of water conservancy projects, and from time to time they would call on villagers to carry out activities to eliminate rats and insects, trying their best to improve the living conditions of the people and ensure production output.

Moreover, the Yellow Turbans said that the tax was 20%, and there were no other taxes. No matter who mentioned this, they were grateful to the Yellow Turbans. Even if they had to requisition labor and soldiers, there was enough economic return, and no one could find fault with it.

From the perspective of a commoner during these four years, Fu Xie had to thank the Yellow Turbans for their benevolent governance. Although it was a bit painful for him, a noble lord, to work in the fields, at least he lived a stable life for four years without dying of starvation, illness or exhaustion.

This requirement is not high, but it is enough to make 99% of the people in the world envious.

There is indeed a reason why the people support the Yellow Turbans. If he were really a commoner, he would probably regard the Yellow Turbans as his savior. However, he is Fu Xie, a member of a famous Han family, and the person he can be loyal to can only be the Liu family.

The two of them were silent. Soon, footsteps were heard outside the door. A yellow turban walked to the door and glanced at the two of them: "Whoever wants to see our leader, you can follow me now."

Ju Shou stood up. Although he was wearing linen clothes, he straightened them out seriously.

Then he looked at Fu Xie opposite him, but saw that Fu Xie was unmoved. Seeing this, he understood Fu Xie's choice, but he didn't say much. Everyone has their own aspirations.

The building is about to collapse, and he has to choose a place to live and earn a future for himself and his family, while Fu Xie chooses to right the building, nothing more.

Ju Su quickly made preparations and followed the Yellow Turbans out.

Whatever he saw along the way, he could recall the traces of his labor. The fields, canals, mines, and workshops here all had his footprints. He had even become accustomed to the identity of a farmer or worker, and had become more adapted to the heavy labor.

After four years of farming and mining, it is finally time to end.

When passing by the camp outside Yuyang City, we heard the sounds of neat and loud training exercises.

He turned his head, and although it was just a quick glance, he saw the dust flying inside. He knew that such scenes happened here every day, and the Yellow Turbans' standing army still maintained the terrifying intensity of their daily training.

After entering the city, he saw that people were busy doing business in all kinds of shops in the streets, and there were many horse-drawn carriages and ox-drawn carts transporting goods on the road, coming and going in an endless stream.

Ju Shou was even more impressed that the Yellow Turbans had done a very good job in economics, especially the ingenious idea of ​​issuing legal currency, which even amazed him.

The fact that Xu Chen's prediction came true indeed shocked him. He still couldn't figure out how Xu Chen did it, but the real motivation that drove him to meet Xu Chen was all he had seen and experienced in the past few years.

He saw an indescribable aura in the Yellow Turbans, and always felt that these guys with strange styles seemed to be able to accomplish something.

After walking a long journey, when Ju Su looked up and saw the Yuyang government office, he felt as if he was reborn. He was no longer a farmer and a miner, but came here as a scholar. He will accept the test of the master here, and he will also test the master here.

Will the Yellow Turban leader be his wise leader?
Stepping into the government office, Ju Su clearly felt its simplicity. It could be seen that this place was still the inheritance of the old government office of Yuyang, and there was no large-scale reconstruction.

After entering the main hall, the yellow turban who led the way retreated on his own, and Ju Shou saw the young figure at a glance.

It is hard to imagine that the leader who now controls most of Youzhou is only a young man in his twenties.

But this did not make Ju Shou look down on him. Instead, he felt that the Yellow Turbans had great potential in the future. For a leader who wanted to conquer the world, age was an extremely important condition.

Youth is the future. If Xu Chen was already in his fifties or sixties now, Ju Shou would just turn around and leave.

This twenty-year-old young man was sitting in the main seat reading a book. When Ju Su came in, the young man put down the book and nodded at him.

Ju Shou didn't even wait for him to speak, but stepped forward and shouted, "Sir, do you know that the Yellow Turbans are in danger of being overthrown?"

Xu Chen was stunned at first, then he started to laugh. He raised his arm to signal him to take a seat, then he said calmly, "You guys just like to say shocking things, but I'm really interested in hearing your opinion. Where is the danger for our Yellow Turbans?"

Ju Su did not sit down, but stood in the middle with a serious face: "The art of war says to surround three sides and leave one side open. This principle can also be applied to politics. The Yellow Turbans treat the nobles and powerful families harshly. Now they can live in peace in a corner, but once they become powerful, they will be chased by heroes all over the world."

He met Xu Chen's eyes, refusing to give in: "To use one state against twelve states, and one religion against the whole world, isn't that dangerous!"

Xu Chen raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you think I should give the nobles a vacancy?"

Ju Su praised: "You are wise, you should do so."

Xu Chen asked again: "How can one be missing?"

Ju Su replied: "To set up a model is to provide a way for future generations to gain confidence in the hearts of scholars throughout the world."

Xu Chen was thoughtful, looked at Ju Shou and laughed: "Who will be the role model then?"

Ju Su said calmly: "I will do it."

(End of this chapter)

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