Chapter 176: Leader's Style
Both Buyeo's King Yuchotai and Goguryeo's King Bogu felt the arrogance of the Yellow Turban envoys.

Whether it was Tian Shitou's direct attitude or Ju Su's apparent decency, what was ultimately revealed was contempt for the king.

However, this was not because Tian Shitou and Ju Shou were arrogant, but they behaved in this way deliberately.

These small foreign countries were not strong, and the Yellow Turbans did not have the energy to deal with them for the time being. At this time, both Xu Chen and Ju Shou understood what attitude would be better for controlling the other party.

For those who are weak but restless, you need to use arrogance and strength to intimidate them. Lowering your posture will not make them respect you, but will make them feel contemptuous.

Of course, the prerequisite for doing this is that you are indeed strong enough.

When they really faced Buyeo Goguryeo with a strong and arrogant attitude, what responded to them was not the anger of Yu Choutai and Bogu. Instead, the other side treated them with a more cautious attitude.

If any random person acted so arrogantly in front of the two kings, they would probably kill him without even blinking an eye.

But not long ago, the Yellow Turbans staged a massacre of the Xianbei cavalry in the wilderness, and they witnessed the entire process with their own eyes.

When Jue Ji arrived here, he immediately asked for help from the surrounding areas. Although Buyeo and Goguryeo did not agree directly, they also sent a small number of troops to guard their respective borders. If the Yellow Turbans were not strong enough, they might not necessarily intervene.

So in front of their witnesses, the Yellow Turbans staged a complete crushing victory in combat.

The Xianbei cavalry were not unknown people, but the first-tier nomadic combat force on the grassland. However, such a powerful Xianbei cavalry had no way to resist when faced with the Yellow Turbans' attack.

In less than two quarters of an hour, the battle was over.

For the first time, remote local forces such as Buyeo and Goguryeo also had a clear understanding of the Yellow Turbans.

Although Bo Gu and Yu Choutai did not see the battle in person, they knew from the reports from their ministers that the Yellow Turbans should not be provoked.

It is said that these Yellow Turbans have now occupied more than half of Youzhou. Even a fool knows that the current force is not the enemy's full strength.

Neither Goguryeo nor Buyeo were powerful entities, and they had no confidence to provoke such an existence.

Although the Yellow Turban envoys did not respect them very much and even offended them a little, they endured it.

If you have the strength, you can be so arrogant. Although this will make you lose some face, there is no need to offend the Yellow Turbans.

And now, as kings, they finally have the opportunity to witness the Yellow Turbans in action and get to know their strength firsthand.

Of course, they also understood the purpose of the Yellow Turbans inviting them to watch the battle.

The Yellow Turbans had no intention of beating around the bush to hide their intentions and were openly showing off their might. Regardless of whether Bo Gu and Yu Choutai were willing or not, they had no choice but to agree to it.

It was nothing more than a matter of making a trip for themselves. They had no intention of provoking the Yellow Turbans. After all, after the Yellow Turbans took over Liaodong, they had become their neighbors whom they could not actually move away.

Moreover, they really wanted to see with their own eyes how powerful the Yellow Turbans were.

By the time they brought their subjects and accompanied Ju Shou and Tian Shitou to the border, another five or six days had passed.

After the Yellow Turbans arrived at Gaoxian City, they did not launch a single attack and stayed outside the Great Wall for half a month, quietly confronting the officers and soldiers in the city. They were patiently waiting for the arrival of the audience and had no intention of taking any action before that.

At this stage, Xu Chen has no idea about Goguryeo and Buyeo, so he needs to maintain enough deterrence against them to prevent them from causing trouble for him behind the Yellow Turbans and distracting his energy.

The more effective the deterrence is now, the longer the stability it will bring to the rear in the future.

Of course, to achieve long-term stability, military deterrence alone is not enough, so he sent Ju Su and Tian Shitou to "invite" the kings of Buyeo and Goguryeo respectively.

In the current situation, the advantage of having fewer troops is reflected. With only a few thousand troops, the pressure of logistics consumption is not too great, so Xu Chen does not mind spending a month and a half here.

If there really was an army of 20,000 or 30,000, he would not have done this. He would have definitely captured Xuantu as soon as possible.

When the two kings led their ministers and their own retainers out of the border and arrived near Gaoxian City, they found that the Yellow Turbans had already prepared a meeting place for their arrival, eliminating their worries about entering the Yellow Turban camp.

If they were asked to go to the Yellow Turban camp to meet Xu Chen, they would not feel safe at all. It would be much better to set up a special venue like this. They can rely on their own troops and do not have to be afraid of any special situations.

In the meeting hall, the two kings sat side by side. Their wooden tables were filled with preserved fruits and drinks, as well as telescopes that Xu Chen had thoughtfully prepared for them.

Bo Gu and Yu Choutai looked at each other, and the atmosphere became a little awkward.

Goguryeo and Buyeo were neighbors, and their relationship was not very good. When the two kings met, the feeling was naturally subtle. In the end, they could only nod to each other as a greeting to maintain the surface of decency. Then they began to fiddle with the telescopes on the wooden table. This was a rare thing that they had never seen before.

As soon as they asked, they learned the use of the telescope. They put it to their eyes and started to observe far away. The final effect surprised them greatly. They all said that such a magical object could always be found in a place with outstanding people and beautiful scenery. However, they never thought that this was something made by the Yellow Turbans.

The venue here was neither too far nor too close to Gaoxian City, and they could use a telescope to clearly see the situation on the battlefield, which made them all marvel.

However, they did not pay too much attention to Gaoxian City, but turned their eyes and began to observe the Yellow Turban camp in the distance. Through the clear view of the telescope, they felt even more the powerful momentum of the Yellow Turban army.

Not long after, they saw some movement in the Yellow Turban camp. The army had begun to march out of the camp and form a battle line, obviously preparing to attack the city, which made them subconsciously nervous.

Attacking a city is not an easy task. Even though the Yellow Turbans are very strong and the defenders in the city are limited, the city walls can still provide the defenders with a great advantage. They can't help but wonder how long it will take the Yellow Turbans to capture Gaoxian City.

Just as the Yellow Turbans were forming their battle array, a team of about a hundred people also headed towards the venue.

Bo Gu and Yu Choutai looked at each other and stood up at the same time. They knew that it must be the Yellow Turban leader who came. They wanted to see what the man who stirred up Youzhou looked like.

Then they saw a twenty-year-old young man with delicate features and elegant temperament walking slowly towards them, escorted by a group of personal soldiers.

In their eyes, this age undoubtedly belongs to the younger generation, but for some reason, when they saw this young man with a smile on his face and steady steps, they felt inexplicably uneasy and uneasy.

This is the blessing effect that identity brings to people. If they meet the emperor of the Han Dynasty, most of them will feel the same panic.

Xu Chen led the Yellow Turbans step by step to where they are today. As a heroic leader who founded the business, his natural leadership qualities are far stronger than that of the emperor who later inherited the throne.

It is difficult for the king of a small country like Buyeo Goguryeo to be on an equal footing with Xu Chen in terms of momentum.

"I am really pleased that you two have come here from your own countries upon invitation. Goguryeo and Buyeo are both neighbors of the Yellow Turbans. I hope that our meeting today will be a testimony to our friendship and lay the foundation for long-term peace in this land!"

Xu Chen came over, smiled and sat down with them, holding their hands, looking friendly and happy.

Tian Shitou and Ju Shou behaved arrogantly as envoys, but when the leader Xu Chen really met the two kings, he adopted a completely different and friendly attitude.

No matter what, Bo Gu and Yu Choutai are kings, so they naturally understand the little tricks involved, but it must be said that this attitude still makes them feel good about Xu Chen.

The Yellow Turbans have been entrenched in Youzhou and have undoubtedly become the most terrifying force in the northeast of Shenzhou. The fact that their leader Xu Chen is willing to sit down and have a good talk with them in this manner is something that should make them happy.

Even the powerful Wuhuan tribe that originally operated in Liaodong and Liaoxi was completely destroyed by the Yellow Turbans. Goguryeo and Buyeo did not think that they could be stronger than the former Wuhuan tribe.

"I've long heard about the rise of the Yellow Turbans in Youzhou. Their leader is young and talented. Today I see that he is indeed worthy of the rumors. The leader is such a heroic figure, I only regret that we met too late!" Wei Choutai grabbed Xu Chen's hand and said with emotion.

Bo Gu also spoke politely: "Recently I asked the envoy for a copy of the Natural Scripture. After reading it, I was amazed by its beauty. The leader can compile such a scripture, he is truly a god!"

Although these words are somewhat exaggerated and ceremonial, they are not without some sincerity.

Xu Chen was able to create such a foundation in Youzhou, which was indeed something they admired. Although the Yellow Turbans were now only a force entrenched in a corner of Youzhou, it was not an exaggeration to call Xu Chen a hero.

No matter what thoughts the few people had in their minds, they all had a great time after the meeting.

However, before they could exchange pleasantries for long, the Yellow Turbans' offensive had already begun, which made them all focus their attention on the battlefield. Bo Gu and Yu Chou Tai apologized to Xu Chen, then picked up their telescopes to watch the battle.

Xu Chen naturally wouldn't stop them. He originally wanted to give these two guys a good look.

Seeing the Yellow Turbans pushing the siege equipment that they had built on the spot by cutting down trees in the past half month, both of them sighed in their hearts.

The Yellow Turbans' orderly and strict formations alone were enough to make them feel the power of this army, which meant that there was an unknown amount of rigorous training behind it.

Not to mention the soldiers' strong armor and powerful weapons, which make people feel terrified.

Wei Qiutai said: "With the strength of your army, I think it will take at most five days to capture the city."

Bo Gu was even bolder: "Five days is a bit too long, three days will be enough."

Xu Chen glanced at them, smiled and shook his head without saying anything.

(End of this chapter)

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