Chapter 192 Taking the bait
After a struggle, Nanlou could no longer hold back his excitement. When he saw that the Yellow Turban cavalry was moving slower and slower, he knew that the opponent's physical strength had been almost exhausted, and this was his chance to perform.

The soldiers under his command did not know the results of the battle reported by the officers and soldiers in Zhuo County, but Nanlou naturally knew it clearly.

Since they suffered a loss on that side, they must get back at this side. Otherwise, this battle will be a failure. No one in Youzhou will be able to stop the Yellow Turbans from now on.

Shanggu Dai County was the Shanggu Dai County of the Han Dynasty, but it was also the activity area where the Xianbei and Wuhuan relied on for survival.

They could submit to the name of the Han Dynasty, but it was difficult for them to accept the governance of the Yellow Turbans. They understood very well what this meant. Just by looking at the current situation of the Wuhuan tribes in western and eastern Liaoning, they could imagine their own future fate.

Nanlou doesn't want to be treated as a criminal, so he can only try his best to beat the Yellow Turbans back.

He led the cavalry to control the distance accurately. When the Yellow Turban cavalry was running out of strength, he suddenly ordered them to speed up and turn back, and then attacked the Yellow Turban camp.

The Yellow Turban cavalry were suddenly shocked. They no longer had the strength to continue fighting and could only watch the enemy cavalry disappear into the distance.

At this time, on the walls of Shanggu, the infantry of both sides were engaged in a fierce offensive and defensive battle. The camp in the rear was unguarded. If the cavalry rushed in, the consequences would be disastrous.

Although Wu Li and his cavalry brothers were exhausted, they still tried their best to catch up.

Nanlou had already prepared a backup plan. The small cavalry he had left behind immediately came forward to block the attack. This slowed down the pace of the Yellow Turban cavalry, and even though they were extremely anxious, they could hardly provide any rescue.

Fortunately, although the heavy armor limited the mobility of the Yellow Turban cavalry, it also enhanced their protection. Even when they were exhausted, they could still deal with the enemy cavalry that actively approached them.

However, in this way, the Yellow Turbans' rear camp was completely exposed to Nanlou's sight.

Thousands of cavalrymen rushed to the camp gate as fast as the whistling wind, and the few defenders in the camp hurriedly came to resist. The two sides immediately fought a fierce battle. Relying on their advantage in military strength, even though the cavalry was not in a good position to charge the camp, Nanlou led the cavalry to quickly suppress the Yellow Turbans.

The total strength of the Yellow Turbans was already weaker than that of the enemy, and most of their strength was used to attack the city. Once their own cavalry could not contain the enemy cavalry, the empty camp instantly became a weakness.

Nanlou also understood that this was an excellent opportunity, and he worked hard to command the warriors to rush forward at all costs.

Although the Yellow Turban garrison camp was also fighting hard, the weak defense line was soon broken, and Nanlou was eventually able to enter smoothly, and a major destruction of the camp began.

Nanlou looked back and found that the main force of the Yellow Turbans who were fighting had begun to gather their troops. He understood that the Yellow Turbans were preparing to return to defend.

"Warriors, don't bother with them. Burn down their camp and leave. We have already won this battle!"

Nanlou shouted excitedly, and soon the whole camp was on fire following his voice.

At this point, the Yellow Turbans were doomed to fail. Without food and supplies, what else could the Yellow Turbans use to fight against them? As long as the food supply route was blocked, they would be doomed if they did not withdraw their troops.

Even whether they could retreat safely was still a big question. The fire in the rear camp had obviously caused a commotion on the front line of the Yellow Turbans. They hastily organized their formation and began to retreat, but retreating was not something that could be done immediately. By the time they organized their troops and rushed to the camp, the entire camp was already on fire, and Nanlou had already led the cavalry away early.

Of course, Nanlou did not go far, he just wandered around at a distance not too far or too close.

It was not until this time that the Yellow Turban heavy cavalry finally broke through the blockade of the Wuhuan cavalry and ran all the way to join their own army. When they saw the situation in the camp, everyone's heart sank to the bottom.

Are we going to lose here today? The leader is fighting beautifully, so why can’t we?
Wu Lizhen wanted to run over and point his finger at Lu Ping and question him. If it weren't for Lu Ping's wrong decision, the war would never have developed to this situation. However, he obviously didn't have the time to think about this now.

If he could escape from this battle by chance, he would definitely appeal to a series of high-ranking military officers including Lu Ping!

These guys should bear primary responsibility for the failure of the war!
Soon, the order to retreat was conveyed. Wu Li was not surprised at all. If he didn't retreat after such a mess, he would be doomed.

Without hesitation, he obeyed the order and organized the retreat while cursing, and at the same time intercepted Nanlou's cavalry to create good conditions for the army's retreat.

To make matters worse, the gates of Shanggu city were wide open at this time, but Gongsun Zan took the lead and led his army to pursue the Yellow Turbans.

The scene suddenly became extremely chaotic. The Yellow Turbans abandoned their camp and fled, quickly disappearing into the distance.

The Yellow Turbans and Wuhuan cavalry fought and retreated, buying enough time for the Yellow Turban army to withdraw, so that when Gongsun Zan pursued them, the two sides had already opened up a huge distance between them.

What was originally a siege battle ended up being a chase. The Yellow Turbans were careless and the situation on the battlefield collapsed in an instant.

Half a day had passed since the chase and escape. The road was filled with chaotic footprints left by their escape. Their fleeing backs could be seen in the distance, and soon they disappeared at the end of the road.

But in the mountains and forests on both sides of the road, there were two thousand ambush soldiers lurking quietly. They were wearing heavy armor and lying in the forest, motionless, like dormant beasts quietly waiting for their prey to come within killing distance.

"Will he really come?" At this most critical moment, Lu Ping became a little worried.

Ju Su on the side said confidently: "I have carefully read Gongsun Zan's resume and found that he is actually very arrogant and reckless. In the past, he often won first and then lost. He often suffered losses because of greed and recklessness. He has never changed this bad habit. Today, he must have been unable to control himself!"

Lu Ping nodded when he heard this: "I hope so."

Ju Shou felt that Lu Ping was still not reassured, so he continued, "There is another big reason why I am so confident. Now that our troops have been badly defeated in the Zhuojun battlefield, if Gongsun Zan simply forces us to retreat, it will not help the overall situation at all. Only by expanding the victory in the Shanggu battlefield can the troops continue this game."

Lu Ping pondered for a while and felt that it made sense: "That is to say, the pressure from the battlefield in Zhuo County will force Gongsun Zan to make a more radical response."

Ju Shou nodded happily, and was about to speak when he paused, then smiled and pointed to the distance: "General Lu, look, the fish has been hooked."

(End of this chapter)

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