Chapter 197 Teachings
"I will take all of Youzhou and establish a country. Who of you agrees and who of you opposes?"

In the government office of Ji County, Guangyang Commandery, in an empty room, several figures were sitting around a long table, all of them looking at the young man in the upper position. He was none other than Xu Chen, the leader of countless Yellow Turbans in Youzhou and the leader of the Natural Religion.

When they heard this, they were all shocked. Has the time come to establish a country?

These people are Wang Dang, Lu Ping, Huang Long, Tian Shitou, Ju Shou and others.

Most of the leading figures of the Youzhou Yellow Turbans are here, and their reactions will determine the future direction of the Youzhou Yellow Turbans.

Should we continue with the current status quo, or formally establish a country and make it known to the world?
Lu Ping pondered for a moment and was the first to express his opinion: "I think it is not a bad idea to establish a country at this time, but if we do so, I am afraid that we will be watched by the princes of the world, which seems to be contrary to the previous strategy of keeping a low profile."

Wang Dang frowned when he heard this: "Why should I be afraid of him? I think we should establish a country. Only by establishing a country can the world know about it, and the brothers below will have more confidence!"

Lu Ping glanced at Wang Dang, then bowed and said nothing.

Ju Su also followed suit and said, "I share the same view as Commander Wang. The Yellow Turbans have already taken Youzhou. No matter how hard they try to hide their power, they cannot conceal their strength. It is better to directly establish a country and give a banner to the poor people and righteous people in the world. Establishing a country will be of great use in attracting people's hearts!"

Tian Shitou and Huang Long looked at each other and bowed to agree with the proposal to establish a country.

Seeing that several people had expressed their opinions, Xu Chen felt relieved.

This small meeting can also reflect the wishes of the people below to a certain extent. If the strength and situation are not suitable, then the direction of today's meeting will not be like this.

Even Lu Ping did not explicitly object, he just raised some doubts.

This was certainly not a sudden idea proposed by Xu Chen. There was no need for the Yellow Turbans to delay claiming their throne and store up grain. The nature of the religion meant that it was destined to be targeted from the outside, and this was not a problem that could be avoided by keeping a low profile.

Keeping a low profile was just to avoid the stage when the coalition forces were at their peak. Now that the coalition forces have failed in their campaign against Dong Zhuo, it can be foreseen that it will be difficult for them to organize a second time, so the Yellow Turbans don't have to be so timid.

What Xu Chen was considering more were the benefits that would be brought about by establishing a country.

Just as Ju Shou said, after the country was established and its name was corrected, the banner of natural religion was raised, and the poor people in the world had something to pursue, and some enlightened scholars would even consider joining it.

Establishing a country means building order and system.

A country built with a new order and a new system will inevitably subvert the old order and system. Everyone, whether hostile or supportive, needs to take it seriously.

Moreover, as the territory gradually expanded, the old military governance system gradually became unsuitable. This unsuitability was not because it could not continue to operate, but because the system placed too heavy a burden on the people.

Although the current system is not as extreme as the Qin Dynasty's farming and warfare system, the people are indeed not having an easy time.

In order to cope with the war, the Yellow Turbans had to invest most of their resources into the army and warfare, which was not conducive to sustained and stable development.

The Yellow Turbans needed to respond in a timely manner, loosen up the restrictions on the people, and begin to make some efforts towards improving people's livelihood.

In this case, it is necessary to start separating the military and politics from the integration of the military and politics, and if the military and politics are separated, it is better to directly establish a country.

"In this case, I intend to hold a grand ceremony to formally establish the country next New Year."

This time Xu Chen no longer asked for opinions, but directly announced the decision, which caused mixed reactions among the crowd.

Wang Dang, Tian Shitou, Huang Long and others all looked excited, and seemed to be impatient. Lu Ping was more calm and just smiled. Only Ju Shou looked at Xu Chen with a gleam in his eyes, and it was unknown what he was thinking.

"My lord, how do you want to establish your country?" Ju Su asked in a deep voice.

As soon as this question was asked, everyone's eyes turned to Xu Chen.

When it comes to establishing a country, only the leader Xu Chen has the greatest say. Xu Chen's will determines the future of the Yellow Turbans. Establishing a country will face many key issues, which makes their emotions serious.

What kind of country does the leader want to establish? What kind of country does the Yellow Turbans want to establish?
"Before establishing a country, we must first establish religious laws. What our country looks like is not determined by a certain person, but by religious laws!"

Xu Chen knew that establishing a country was only the result, and the key was before the country was established.

But after he said this, everyone present was stunned. They didn't quite understand why they needed to establish religious laws before establishing a country.

Isn't founding a country just about setting up a court, assigning official positions, establishing status and making it known to heaven and earth?

Only Ju Su was shocked. If this was the case, it meant that the teachings were above everything else in the new country, even including the lord himself!

"Sharia is our fundamental law. From now on, all our laws on marriage, labor, business, criminal law, education, etc. must be based on Sharia as the underlying basis.

Since we are now preparing to establish a country, we must clarify the Islamic laws and make specific explanations for the country, society, and individuals.

With these explanations, we can determine what kind of country we want to build, what kind of laws we want to establish, and what kind of organizational framework we want to design! "In fact, they didn't quite understand what Xu Chen said.

Although they have received a long education, Xu Chen's ideas are new and unfamiliar to them. They are completely different from their understanding of establishing a country.

Even Ju Shou didn't know what Xu Chen was going to do.

"Our teachings must be clear. The power of the Yellow Turban court comes from the people. Because our Natural Religion naturally represents the interests of the people, the country we want to establish is also a country led by the Natural Religion and represents the interests of the people."

When Xu Chen said this again, everyone stood up thoughtfully, and Ju Su suddenly realized.

So that’s it. This is to establish the legitimacy of the new country with religious law!
There is no need to deal with anything mysterious like destiny and the five virtues. Just put the religion on a high position, and then regulate everything with the religion to achieve one's own legitimacy.

But this is not the point. The point is what Xu Chen said next.

"The power of the court comes from the people, so the court needs to accept the supervision of the people, and we need to establish a sufficiently perfect supervision mechanism!"

Wang Dang and others understood this point immediately. After all, they were not unfamiliar with this. From the very beginning, the Yellow Turbans had tried to establish a supervision mechanism, and such attempts had been carried out from the civilian population to the military, so they all knew what was going on.

Only now, after Xu Chen's explanation, did they understand why such a mechanism existed.

Ju Su's heart was pounding. As a Confucian scholar, he knew how turbulent this matter was. It was actually a question of whether one's mandate came from Heaven or from the people. If the legitimacy changed, everything would change.

To be appointed by Heaven means to be above the people.

Being commanded by the people means that the people are above everything else.

In this case, it is natural that the people are allowed to supervise the court, which has never happened before in history. This unusual meaning can only be understood by someone like Ju Su who is well versed in Confucianism.

My Lord, this is really going to create the world.
"Our religious law also stipulates that all people are born equal and everyone has their own basic rights."

Xu Chen glanced at them, and then said the next sentence very calmly: "Since everyone is equal, there can no longer be a so-called monarch. The leader of our court is only the prime minister, and the prime minister is appointed by the Divine Religion."

This sentence was like a bolt from the blue, and the issue that everyone was most concerned about was finally confirmed.

It was visibly that Wang Dang, Tian Shitou, Lu Ping and Huang Long all breathed a sigh of relief, and then they looked at Xu Chen with even more respect.

Ju Shou took a long breath. Although according to the nature of the religion of nature, monarchs should not exist naturally, but when Xu Chen really said it, he still felt shocked.

Who doesn’t want to be the only one among thousands of people? Who doesn’t want to be the most honorable person in the world!

Ju Su was sure that if Xu Chen really wanted to become king or emperor now, no matter how disappointed the people below were, they would definitely convince him to accept this.

But Xu Chen really didn't make such a choice.

If Xu Chen doesn't do this now, he won't be able to regret it when he wants to do it later.

Ju Shou carefully observed Xu Chen's expression and eyes. He only saw calmness and serenity, without a trace of reluctance at all. It seemed that the so-called imperial status was just dirt in the other's eyes.

This is indeed not important to Xu Chen. A perverted creature like the emperor does not make him desire anything, but instead makes him feel sick.

The room was quiet for a while, and everyone's eyes were flickering. They were all imagining what a country without a monarch would be like. Even Ju Shou was unsure about this.

Is this really possible?
Compared to their excitement and nervousness, Xu Chen was very calm. He was very sure that there was no reason why they could not survive without the emperor.

Things that seem earth-shattering are actually no big deal once you get past that layer of paper.

He just calmly continued to talk about the design of the teachings.

"Because everyone is equal, we must eliminate all slaves. Because everyone is equal, all ethnic groups in China should get along equally. Because everyone is equal, the emperor's daughters should also receive education and work.

These are rights granted by Shariah, and these rights are further determined by laws in various sub-areas.

Our country was established in this way based on religious law. Whether it is the operation of the court, social production or personal life, it is ultimately based on religious law.

So before we start, we must first perfect our teachings!"

At this point, everyone finally understood and realized the true meaning of the teachings.

It turned out that the country they wanted to create was completely different from the old one from the very beginning, but this was not a bad thing, at least they were looking forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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