Chapter 200 Ridicule
"What? The Yellow Turbans have established a nation?" Upon hearing the news reported by Xun Chen, Yuan Shao was stunned for a moment, but then he laughed. This laugh was full of absurdity: "The Yellow Turbans think that the world is in chaos, so they have a chance to make a name for themselves. They are so serious about establishing a nation. Do they really think they can accomplish anything?"

Xu You below also laughed out loud: "How can a makeshift team know the importance of a country? This is really the biggest joke of the new year."

Guo Tu was also unconcerned. He curled his lips and said, "The Yellow Turbans are not worth mentioning. General, you don't need to pay attention to them. The most important thing for us right now is to deal with Han Fu. As long as we replace Han Fu and take over Jizhou, the Yellow Turbans will be easily captured."

After taking a look at the people below, Yuan Shao nodded with satisfaction.

Although his current situation is not very good, the reputation and foundation of the Yuan family is enough for him to develop. Even if he is now just hiding in Bohai, there is still no shortage of talents coming to him. The following people are all top-notch talents, which also makes Yuan Shao feel that he is full of talents.

It was precisely because of these people coming to join him and place their bets, bringing him resources and strength, that he had the strength to challenge Han Fu.

"That being said, Liu Yu and Gongsun Zan were defeated by the Yellow Turbans one after another. We cannot underestimate them. It's just that we can't take care of them now. After we take Jizhou, we will definitely look north to Youzhou!"

After a few people made fun of each other for a while, Yuan Shao changed the subject, but he did not really take the Yellow Turbans lightly.

Right now, all the heroes in the world are plotting their own interests, and Yuan Shao is no exception. He has already formulated a strategy for his future, which is to occupy the Yellow River in the south, guard Yan and Dai in the north, and control the Wuhuan and Xianbei people, and fight for the world in the south.

To achieve this strategic intention, he must not only replace Han Fu and seize Jizhou, but the Yellow Turbans in Youzhou must also be his enemy. Even if the Yellow Turbans do not come to him, he must take the initiative to find them.

Pang Ji stepped forward and said, "General, you are right. The Yellow Turbans cannot be ignored. They will be a strong enemy in the future. However, our primary target right now is Han Fu. If they can help us achieve our goal of seizing Jizhou, it would not be a bad idea to cooperate with the Yellow Turbans."

When Yuan Shao heard this, he immediately became interested. He had not intended to pay attention to the Yellow Turban Rebellion, but Pang Ji's mention of cooperation was beyond his expectation.

The rest of the people also looked over, expecting Pang Ji to give the next words.

"The grudge between Han Fu and the general cannot be resolved. Replacing Han Fu and seizing Jizhou is the general's top priority. However, the general's current strength is not enough to win completely. It is better to seek help from outside forces. The Yellow Turbans in Youzhou may not be a bad choice. If the Yellow Turbans can be persuaded to deploy troops in Jizhou, Han Fu will definitely panic.

At that time, the general used force in the rear to threaten Han Fu, and sent another envoy to persuade Han Fu to give up Jizhou. One soft and one hard, there is always a way to swallow Han Fu, and there is no worry about not being able to take Jizhou. "

After Pang Ji finished speaking, everyone pondered for a while and felt that it was possible.

Yuan Shao paced back and forth, and finally nodded continuously. It was obvious that this plan hit the mark.

He looked at Pang Ji: "How can I persuade the Yellow Turbans to support me? How can they obey my orders?"

At this time Xu You smiled and said: "My lord, you only need to promise them some land in Jizhou as an inducement, which will be enough to induce the Yellow Turbans to cooperate."

Yuan Shao frowned. Jizhou was already a place he regarded as a feast. How could he be willing to give up the land to the Yellow Turbans? "The Yellow Turbans will surely be a strong enemy in the future. Giving away land like this will only aid the enemy!"

Xun Chen also said: "General, don't worry. There is no need to talk about morality with the bandits. As long as we take Jizhou, you can decide how to deal with it."

Yuan Shao nodded when he heard this. If it was just an empty promise, then it would be fine: "In that case, send an envoy to pass the message on behalf of this general to that person."

Xun Chen reminded him: "My lord, the Yellow Turbans established the country and named it Xuanxia, ​​which means Xuanhuang Huaxia."

Yuan Shao said, "Yes, it is this so-called Xuan Xia. Send a letter to the Xuan Xia Prime Minister Xu Chen to see if he can give me some face."

Xu You laughed again: "Xu Chen is obviously the monarch, but he wants to hide the fact that he has no monarch. He also solemnly uses some kind of recommendation method to be the prime minister. This hypocrisy is really ridiculous. It is a shame for me, Xu You, to have the same surname as this person."

As soon as these words were spoken, there was a burst of laughter at the scene. It was not that they intended to ridicule the Yellow Turbans, but what the Yellow Turbans did was simply too out of place in their opinion.

This so-called Xuanxia really doesn't seem like a serious country. It is so different from what they know that they feel it is absurd.

New things are always subject to doubt and ridicule. In today's world, the Xuanxia established by the Yellow Turbans is something that cannot be newer. A country without a monarch is unimaginable.

How can we build order when there is no moral order between superiors and subordinates? Wouldn't everything be in chaos from the court to the people?

Just like land creatures cannot understand why fish do not drown, they also cannot understand how an existence like Xuan Xia can operate.

However, the establishment of Xuanxia is more of a joke to them now. The struggle between Han Fu and Yuan Shao is the top priority of Jizhou now. Not long after their conversation, another person came here to work on this matter.

"General Bing, an envoy from Yecheng is here to see you!"

After hearing the news reported by the messenger, everyone present was stunned for a moment, and then all looked at Yuan Shao. Yuan Shao raised his eyebrows. The messenger from Yecheng must have been sent by Han Fu.

It was Pang Ji who reacted first: "Could it be that this is an envoy sent by Han Fu to negotiate peace? If so, I'm afraid he will be disappointed."

Yuan Shao simply said: "Let the envoy come in. If he wants to talk, then we will talk with him. Whether there will be any results is another matter."

Everyone smiled but said nothing. The current situation could no longer be resolved by peace talks. Yuan Shao's strategy of taking Jizhou to develop himself would not change, so there was no room for easing tensions with Han Fu.

Not to mention that they had just made a plan to drive the tiger to devour the wolf, so they would not take the envoy seriously.

Not long after, a man walked in, saluted everyone, and began to speak: "I am Liu Bei Liu Xuande, greetings to the General of Chariots and Cavalry, and greetings to all of you!"

Although Liu Bei tried to change the situation with his meager power, such efforts were doomed to be in vain. His mission to Yuan Shao ultimately remained at the level of perfunctory cooperation and did not lead to any concrete results.

But Liu Bei was unyielding and asked to see Yuan Shao every day. He always talked about the righteousness of fighting against the enemy and the interests involved. But this alone was not enough to convince Yuan Shao.

After staying like this for a few days, Yuan Shao got tired of him and finally didn't even bother to see him.

Only then did Liu Bei slowly come to his senses, and finally realized that Yuan Shao had no intention of reconciliation at all. Since he was irreconcilable with Han Fu, he must have made up his mind to plot against Jizhou.

If this is the case, then no matter how hard you try, it will be in vain.

After facing the reality, Liu Bei could only return home in despair, which made him feel infinite worry and anger.

The worry is that the Yellow Turbans are becoming more powerful, but Jizhou is totally unprepared. How should they face the other side in the future?

The anger lies in the fact that there are external enemies nearby, but Jizhou is busy with internal strife. In the final analysis, Han Fu and Yuan Shao are both short-sighted people and are not worth working with!
If possible, Liu Bei really wanted to take his few troops and leave, but in the current world, there seems to be no other place for him to stay, but this also makes him feel even more aggrieved.

But compared to the undercurrent in Jizhou, Youzhou cannot be said to be calm, but can only be said to be in a state of turmoil.

At the beginning of the new year, the Yellow Turbans of the Natural Way announced to the world in the seventh year of the lunar calendar that Xuanxia was officially established in Ji County, Youzhou, with Ji County as the capital. They also announced the teachings of the Natural Way in clear articles. The teachings made basic interpretations of the country, the court, society, and individuals, which laid the foundation for the establishment of Xuanxia.

A new country without a monarch appeared in Youzhou. Although it does not have enough influence on the world now and can only attract a little attention from the surrounding areas, in the long future, the storm it brings will sweep everyone in the world.

After Xuanxia was established and promulgated its teachings, the first thing it did was to elect and establish a prime minister within the church. As expected, this prime minister was Xu Chen.

In terms of the central court structure, Xuanxia adopted the more advanced six-department system.

Since there is no monarch, the three provinces and six ministries can be eliminated, and only the functional structure of the six ministries needs to be retained to be directly responsible to the prime minister, and the court is responsible for the operation of Xuanxia's country.

The establishment of the central court completely weakened the specific role of the divine religion, and the identity of the divine religion became more of a different title that matched the specific position.

In this way, the direction of the court was guaranteed by theocracy, while at the same time being relatively isolated from the secular world.

The imperial court only needed to perform its own function of governing the country and was not responsible for the religion, but specific officials had to follow the doctrines and disciplines of the religion. If they violated them, they would be subject to double punishment from both the religion and the imperial court.

At the local level, Xuanxia did not make any changes and continued to use the existing county system, and the original military garrison and military unit system was abolished.

In the most important military field, the current organizational structure is still maintained, with the supreme commander of the army concurrently held by Prime Minister Xuanxia, ​​that is, Xu Chen.

After the system design was completed, a large number of personnel appointments and dismissals followed. However, the Yellow Turbans were currently short of talent and there were still many vacancies.

For example, it is difficult to appoint people to many of the six ministries. Although there are some professional talents below, they obviously do not have the qualifications to directly serve as ministers of the ministries. Most of them are still serving as middle or low-level officials in the ministries, doing specific affairs and supporting the operation of the departments.

Although the existing system is not perfect, it does not actually need to be improved. With the limited affairs in Youzhou now, having an overly complicated court structure would actually be redundant.

The current system is sufficient to cope with the governance of Youzhou. As the Yellow Turbans continue to expand in the future, the system will naturally improve. Otherwise, Xu Chen, the only prime minister, will be in charge of the world's military and political affairs, and he will not be able to hold on sooner or later.

(End of this chapter)

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