Chapter 203 Talent
A huge courtyard was built in the center of Jixian County. It was originally the fortress of the city's aristocrats, but after several months of renovation, it became Xuanxia's first primary school, and today is the first day of school.

In the early morning, you can see many children aged six, seven, eight or nine, accompanied by their parents, entering the school building and starting to study.

Before long, the sound of teaching was heard from inside, but both the student and the teacher seemed a little nervous. After all, it was the first time for both of them to play such a role, and everything was unfamiliar to them.

While the teacher inside was stumbling over introducing himself and explaining his lessons, there were a few people quietly listening outside the school building.

Among them was a very young man, this was Xu Chen, the current prime minister of Xuanxia and leader of the Natural Religion. As for the two people beside him, they were Ju Shou and Lu Ping, one of them was Xu Chen's secretary and the other was the prefect of Guangyang.

After taking Youzhou, in order to pursue simple and efficient governance, Xu Chen divided Youzhou into three counties, merging Liaoxi, Liaodong, Xuantu and Lelang into Liaodong County, merging Guangyang, Yuyang and Youbeiping into Guangyang County, and merging Shanggu, Dai County and Zhuo County into Zhuo County,

Three county governors were appointed: Huang Long as the governor of Liaodong, Wang Dang as the governor of Zhuo, and Lu Ping as the governor of Guangyang.

There was no distinction between civil and military officials in the Qin and Han dynasties, and ministers were always both civil and military. The same is true for the Yellow Turbans today. When there is no war, they each govern their own place, and once there is a major war, they will lead the troops to fight.

After Xuanxia was established, it began to allocate resources to people's livelihood, and they also began to focus more on local governance.

Now that Xuanxia’s first school has been completed, Lu Ping, the prefect of Guangyang, will inevitably have to accompany Xu Chen to inspect it in person. Education is a top priority for the court and cannot tolerate any slackness.

"Master, these teachers are all transferred from the army. They are good at riding horses and fighting, but this is their first time teaching people, so it is inevitable that it will be a little awkward. But I believe that as long as we give them some time, they will be able to do their job well."

Seeing the teacher stumbling in the school building, Lu Ping was greatly embarrassed and could only make amends with Xu Chen.

Xu Chen could understand it. This kind of open civilian school was a completely new thing and was unfamiliar to everyone, so it was completely understandable that his performance was not so good.

The military education was all taught by myself over the past five years. It was a learning system that was completely different from that of the times. Qualified soldiers were selected to be fully capable of serving as teachers. It could be said that Xuanxia now had sufficient teacher reserves.

In fact, up to now, the military no longer needs Xu Chen to intervene in learning. There is already a learning system within the army. Now it is just a matter of moving this system to the civilian sector. In the future, there will be a steady supply of teachers from one generation to the next.

Of course, this process will be long, and we have only just taken the first step.

The complete demolition and reconstruction of the old world also includes a reshuffle of talents. Only when new talents completely replace old talents can the world truly move in another direction, and the education system is the most important core.

With Xuanxia established as a country, this matter can finally be put on the agenda, and the conditions are in place.

"It doesn't matter. I will be relieved as long as I see the school built and students enrolled. As long as the school can be operated, technical issues can be easily solved."

Xu Chen didn't listen for too long. He smiled and turned to leave. Lu Ping and Ju Shou hurriedly followed him. Xu Chen continued to talk as he walked: "Now Xuanxia has begun to relax a little in military affairs and started to invest money and food in local people's livelihood. Your responsibilities as a governor are not light. These things are no less important than war."

Lu Ping said quickly: "Don't worry, Prime Minister. Every penny of the money and grain allocated by the court has a name and is spent where it should be spent. There will be no mistakes."

Xu Chen took a look and could figure out something about the school just by looking at it.

The school building is large and simple, without any unnecessary things. It is just a series of simple large houses used as school buildings, aiming to accommodate as many students as possible.

It can be imagined that when this school was first built, the intention was to make it sturdy, cheap, and spacious, with every penny spent wisely.

When developing education under the current circumstances, Xu Chen has no possibility to consider the comfort and refinement of students. He only needs to simply and crudely mass-produce new talents. Otherwise, he simply cannot do it.

"Education is not an easy business. Although we have given some subsidies, tuition is still a major expense for the people. So you, as the local official, must keep a close eye on it and not add more pressure on the people due to tight operations. The expansion of schools can be slow, but there must be no chaos." Xu Chen reminded again.

Lu Ping also quickly agreed, but although he agreed quickly, he still felt some pressure.

Running a school is really too expensive. School buildings, land, textbooks, teachers, meals, etc. are all costs. Just the students' tuition and the government subsidies are enough. There is no need to think about making any profit. It is very difficult to break even.

Right now there is only one school so it is not a big problem, but as more schools increase in the future, the pressure will only increase.

Of course, many of the current costs are upfront investments, which will be much easier later on, but this upfront investment is indeed huge. At the current rate, it will take an unknown amount of time for the primary and secondary schools in the counties and towns below to be improved one after another.

It was Ju Shou who could not help but speak out at this time: "Establishing education is definitely a good thing, but isn't your lordship's move too big? If your lordship's idea of ​​universal education is followed, we can certainly cultivate endless talents in the future, but where should these talents be placed? Are we going to raise countless scholars and then let them farm?" When Ju Shou said this, Lu Ping was suddenly stunned, and he suddenly realized that it seemed to be true.

The world needs scholars simply to govern the country, but that only requires a very small number of people. More people will eventually just need to farm and produce. So what's the point of spending so much effort to cultivate talents?
Thinking of this, Lu Ping suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. Could it be that the Prime Minister had made a huge mistake?

He couldn't help but look at Xu Chen, but did not see any reaction from Xu Chen. Instead, he was as calm as before and did not seem to be troubled by this question at all.

"It will be useful. The world will eventually become a different place. By then, no matter how many talents there are, it will not be enough."

Xu Chen glanced at them and did not explain it too clearly, because even if he told them about industrial development, they would not understand it. People born in the agricultural era cannot break away from their own thinking.

In their worldview, all people need to do is farm, and that’s all there is to it.

They do not realize the power of industry. They even think that if everyone goes into industry, there will be no one to farm and people all over the world will starve to death.

These questions can only be answered by themselves as I push the times forward. I don't need them to understand the changes. The changes will force them to change their thinking. However, this is probably a very distant thing.

Ju Shou and Lu Ping looked at each other and fell silent. Since Xu Chen said so, they could only agree.

In their eyes, Xu Chen is not only the Prime Minister of Xuanxia, ​​but also the leader of the Natural Religion. The latter's identity is full of mystery. Such prophecy-like words can dispel their doubts to a large extent.

"This is just the first school in Guangyang, and other primary and secondary schools will be established in due course.

In addition to investment in education, the court also allocated money and grain according to the subordinate budget plans for water conservancy projects, road and bridge construction, expansion of coal and iron workshops, and so on.

Now all construction sites have been started, and the government and workers have signed work contracts to provide protection.

At present, the construction period is accurate and fast, the workers are paid enough, and everything is going smoothly. Please ask the Prime Minister to move to other construction sites for inspection."

Xu Chen nodded when he heard this, and then took Ju Shou and went to other places under the guidance of Lu Ping.

After freeing the local area from the military, the governance of Youzhou returned to normal. If it were in the past, most of these resources would have been used in military construction and foreign warfare, but now a considerable portion of them can be squeezed out for local governance.

It can be said that Xuanxia is now slowly getting back on track and starting to have the normal look that a country should have.

For a long time after the founding of the country, Xu Chen focused his energy on internal governance and seemed to have forgotten about the external disputes. This was because the Yellow Turbans were now strong enough, so strong that outsiders did not dare to provoke them easily, so they were able to enjoy stability for quite a while.

Xuan Xia has become a giant. Until today, the Yellow Turbans no longer have to face life-and-death crisis all the time. Instead, they should be afraid of the existence around Xuan Xia.

This was the beginning stage of starting a business, and Xu Chen didn't have any military plans. However, he didn't want to move, but others took the initiative to come to him.

"Master, there is a letter from Yuan Shao of Bohai!"

Xu Chen was inspecting the construction site with Lu Ping and Ju Shou. Before they finished their work, they saw Tian Shitou coming over to report the news. This news made them all stunned.

Yuan Shao sent an envoy to Xuanxia. What did he want to do?

Their doubts did not last long. Xu Chen took them back to the office and met the envoy, and then he knew the other party's purpose.

Guo Tu was a thin man with a mustache that made him look a little cunning. When he saw Xu Chen, he bowed respectfully and said, "Guo Tu greets the Yellow Turban Heavenly Master. I came here on the orders of the General of Chariots and Cavalry to form an alliance with the Heavenly Master and divide Jizhou!"

Hearing the other party's intention, Xu Chen was a little stunned.

Yuan Shao was plotting to seize Jizhou, and he even set his sights on me, and even wanted to divide Jizhou between me and him. Does he think that I, Xu Chen, am stupid enough to believe him?

However, compared to these, what Xu Chen cared more about was that Yuan Shao, the great Han cavalry general, actually came to cooperate with him, a traitor!
It seems that the people of Dahan have really lost their morale.
(End of this chapter)

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