Chapter 215: Yellow Turban Leader
When smoke began to rise from the camp, the aroma of food began to waft everywhere, and this also attracted the attention of the Yellow Turbans from Changshan who had just joined forces.

Just now they were chatting and laughing with their Youzhou brothers, but now they were all in no mood. Almost everyone was staring at the campfire stove, and their stomachs were rumbling.

The Yellow Turbans in Youzhou found this a little funny, but they could no longer laugh when they thought about the hard life the other side had gone through over the years.

After all, if the leader had not led him to conquer Youzhou, he would be in the same situation as his brothers in Changshan today, and might even have been buried in the earth by now.

From their defeat at the hands of the Yellow Turbans, pursuit by the Han army and infection with the disease, to their current presence in Youzhou and founding the Jianye Kingdom, only they themselves know how difficult the journey was.

Soon the meal was ready, and with a shout from the soldiers, the whole camp was thrown into chaos.

The Changzhou Yellow Turbans, who had been eyeing the pots and stoves for a long time, could not stand it at all and immediately rushed over to surround them. The logistics soldiers banged on the spoons and shouted at them to line up, but it was in vain. In the end, they had no choice but to give up.

The scene suddenly turned into a scramble. They just used their hands to scoop food into their mouths, and the whole place was a mess.

As for the Yellow Turbans in Youzhou, they did not move. They were considerate of their brothers in Changshan. They knew that their brothers had not had a full meal in these years, so they naturally would not compete with them for food at this time.

Even when the Yellow Turbans in Changshan were looting in a disorderly manner, they just shook their heads and said nothing more.

However, Zhang Baiqi, who was talking with Xu Chen and others in an open space in the distance, blushed suddenly.

After cursing his brothers countless times in his heart, he turned to look at Xu Chen and the others with an embarrassed look on his face: "My brothers have suffered a lot over the years, and it is indeed a bit ugly. Please understand and be considerate, Master."

Xu Chen smiled indifferently: "It's okay, I can understand. It doesn't matter if there is no discipline now. We can slowly train them in the future. At worst, we can let them return to the people to live. At least we can let the brothers settle down."

Wang Dang laughed even louder: "What's the big deal? We were all like this in the beginning. We all got through this."

After the two of them said this, Zhang Baiqi's expression eased a little, but when he looked back, he couldn't help feeling sad. He could only say that his brothers had suffered too much in the past few years.

After a while, the Yellow Turbans from Changshan had almost finished eating, and Xu Chen led Zhang Baiqi over.

These guys had their mouths full of grease and were still sucking their fingers with satisfaction, until Xu Chen and Zhang Baiqi came up to them. Then they suddenly woke up and stood up one after another, but were at a loss as to what to say.

To them, Xu Chen has always been a character that only exists in legends, but is actually very unfamiliar to them.

Is this the current leader of the Yellow Turbans?

Is this the current Heavenly Master of the Yellow Turbans?

This is too young!

Feeling the soldiers' gazes, Xu Chen smiled and said, "Are you full?"

The soldiers were all nervously pinching the corners of their clothes, smiling innocently and answering, "I'm full after eating."

When Xu Chen saw their eyes looking around and their lips licking from time to time, he knew that they were saying one thing and thinking another, so he waved his hand and said, "Follow me, I won't let you go hungry. If you're not full, keep eating and keep cooking. We'll talk when you're really full!"

Xu Chen knew what these Yellow Turbans needed most at this moment. Having a full stomach was the greatest peace of mind.

Fill your stomach first so that you can think about other things.

Sure enough, just this one sentence immediately caused the Changshan Yellow Turbans present to shout in unison. They just decided to continue cooking, but it immediately brought them closer to Xu Chen.

The leader has me in his heart! Then, Xu Chen walked in front of them.

When they see people with injuries or illnesses, they will call a military doctor to immediately provide treatment to the person. Or if they see an elderly person, they will hold the person's hand and ask about his or her well-being.

When he saw that the little kid was also in the army, Xu Chen looked at Zhang Baiqi, which made Zhang Baiqi a little embarrassed.

When he asked about the little kid's condition, he learned that his parents and brothers had either died at the hands of soldiers or starved to death or died of disease. This experience made Xu Chen feel as if something was choking his chest, and he was speechless for a while.

Everyone saw Xu Chen's attitude, and they could all feel Xu Chen's emotions that came completely from the bottom of his heart. This also infected their emotions, and slowly many people began to wipe away their tears secretly.

Xu Chen looked around at everyone and took a deep breath: "From today on, Zhongshan and Changshan are the land of Xuanxia, ​​and you are all the people of Xuanxia. In my Xuanxia, ​​I guarantee that every family will have land and extra money in the future. Even the elderly and children who have no one to support them will be supported by the court. With my coming, the hard times will be over!"

When these words were spoken, all the Yellow Turbans of Changshan were shocked.

Although they had heard about the situation in Youzhou countless times, when Xu Chen made such a promise in person, the shock it brought to them was still unparalleled.

Every family has land, and every family has surplus food!

Even babies and the elderly who had no one to take care of them were directly supported by the imperial court!

Is such a day really possible?

They looked at Xu Chen and saw Xu Chen's determined expression.

They looked at the other Youzhou Yellow Turbans and saw that they all had calm expressions, and no one showed any doubt about it.

"Long live the leader, long live Xuan Xia!"

A soldier suddenly knelt down, and this instantly triggered a chain reaction among all the Yellow Turbans in Changshan, and suddenly a large number of them knelt down.

For a while, shouts of "Long live Xu Chen" were heard everywhere. They could only express their respect and support for Xu Chen in such a primitive way.

Xu Chen did not forcefully say anything about not being allowed to kneel, he knew that at this juncture his words would just be drowned out.

When Xu Chen saw the Yellow Turbans from Changshan kneeling in front of him, he also understood the greater meaning behind it.

This time, the merger of the Yellow Turbans in Youzhou and Changshan will completely push Xuanxia to the center of the Yellow Turbans in the world.

If the Yellow Turban forces, large and small, scattered across the country were to find a representative and backbone, it would only be Xuan Xia.

Now, the only person who is qualified to be the leader of the Yellow Turbans in the world is himself, and no one else can take on such a position.

The impact of this surge in reputation is enormous. It will naturally make the Yellow Turbans across the world move closer to Xuan Xia, and the Yellow Turban forces of all sizes distributed throughout the world will naturally become Xuan Xia's potential forces.

Xuanxia will inevitably become the holy land of the Yellow Turbans in the world, and Xu Chen is the de facto leader of the Yellow Turbans in the world.

I will inherit all of Taoist Zhang Jiao’s legacy!
"Brothers, eat and drink your fill, and go to Changshan!"

(End of this chapter)

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