Chapter 22 Taking and Asking
"Perhaps, things may not be as you worry. Although the Yellow Turbans are bandits, they are restrained by Xu Chen's teachings and will not cause a disaster. Even if Zhuo County falls into their hands, they will probably just rob some big families."

Fu Xie, who was standing by, saw that Ju Shou was worried, coughed awkwardly, and then spoke to comfort him.

Fu Xie's embarrassment mainly came from the fact that he had also been fooled by Xu Chen. If what Ju Shou said was true, then he would be as stupid as Gongsun Zan.

This is actually a coincidence. He and Gongsun Zan are actually familiar with each other. They once studied together under the famous scholar Liu Kuan. If you really think about it, they can be considered brothers.

Of course, now it seems more appropriate to say that they are brothers in distress.

Seeing Gongsun Zan being fooled, although he also sighed, he certainly would not follow Ju Shou in saying something stupid, otherwise he would have scolded himself.

Whether it was Ju Shou or Fu Xie, when they saw Gongsun Zan leading his troops here, they knew that Zhuo County would definitely fall into the hands of the Yellow Turbans.

"Maybe so. Xu Chenli's words about the demon are very humane only in terms of the precepts. It is indeed a strange thing." Ju Su shook his head helplessly. Now that things have come to this, he can only think so.

At least they had seen with their own eyes Xu Chen restraining the Yellow Turban followers, and along the way, they did see some strict military discipline.

It should be known that even government soldiers are not necessarily incapable of robbing civilians.

It is indeed a rare thing for a group of rebels like them to know the right path so well. On this point, Ju Shou still likes Xu Chen very much.

You are such a beautiful lady, why do you become a thief?
"I feel that this matter cannot be blamed entirely on the incompetence of the officers and soldiers, but rather on the fact that Xu Chen was too cunning.

Upon hearing about the military strength of Zhuo County, he lured them with more than a thousand Yellow Turbans, just enough to lure out all the troops of Zhuo County, leaving the city undefended so that he could take it without attacking. His idea was extremely sinister.

Gongsun Zan didn't know the details of this official, and was tricked by him because of his carelessness. He was helpless. "

While Ju Shou was sighing, Fu Xie took the initiative to make amends for Gongsun Zan.

After all, he had some friendship with Gongsun Zan, so he had to protect him to some extent. Besides, if he tried to make amends for Gongsun Zan, he would also be making amends for himself.

In the beginning, he was also plotted against by Xu Chen, which led to his current situation of being a prisoner. This is an eternal pain in Fu Xie's heart.

He really couldn't accept his own incompetence, so he could only blame Xu Chen for being too cunning.

Ju Shou naturally saw through this little trick, but he also knew to save face for the other person, so he didn't say much, but just nodded silently.

To some extent, what Fu Xie said was indeed correct. Xu Chen was cunning and treacherous, and it was hard to blame him for being caught off guard.

"Controlling troops with strange tactics can be a good idea for a while, but it is not the right way. If this so-called Yellow Turban leader only knows these little tricks, he won't get far.

When the heroes of Youzhou become familiar with his methods, they will naturally be more cautious. Then we will see how he performs! "

Ju Shou actually looked down upon these little tricks. He could not survive by relying on them. If one wanted to gain a foothold in this world, one needed reputation, resources, and abilities, and he had not seen these things in Xu Chen.

Maybe in the future, Xu Chen may have these, but before it becomes a reality, it is meaningless.

He wanted to end the topic, but Ju Shou felt something was wrong, as if something was missing.

Then he came to his senses and realized that there was one person missing. When they were talking in the past, Zhang Ji would always come to join in the fun and say a few words, but this time he was silent, which made Ju Shou a little uncomfortable.

But when he turned around and saw Zhang Ji, he only saw Zhang Ji carefully observing a moldy fruit. Seeing this, Ju Shou's mouth twitched. Ever since this guy went to discuss medicine with Xu Chen a few days ago, he has been in this weird look since he came back.

Either you observe something moldy or something rotten, which is really scary.

He really couldn't understand this kind of behavior. It was hard for him to imagine what Xu Chen had said that could make such an outstanding scholar like Zhang Ji become possessed. Could it be that this official really had some magic method to confuse the mind?

Ju Shou, who didn't understand, could only turn a blind eye and began to rest his eyes.

But not long after, when Gongsun Zan's troops had completely passed through here and walked away, he could no longer rest, because Xu Chen had already stood up and pointed the long sword in his hand in the direction of Zhuo County.

"There is a land promised by God ahead, waiting for us to take it. Yellow Turbans, listen to me, march towards Zhuo County, capture the county, and enforce justice on behalf of God!"

As soon as Xu Chen finished speaking, the Yellow Turbans all looked excited. Their fiery gazes followed Xu Chen's sword and looked towards the direction of Zhuo County. They shouted in unison, "Carry out justice on behalf of heaven."

They were not fools. They naturally understood by now that Zhuo County was already an air-defense city and they could easily occupy it without even fighting a battle.

And the looks they gave Xu Chen became more and more fanatical.

Their belief in Xu Chen is not just because Xu Chen claims to be the leader of the Heavenly Master.

What they believed was that it was Xu Chen who helped them escape the death penalty from the plague, it was Xu Chen who led them to defeat the elite Han army, it was Xu Chen who led them to fight against the heroes, and today, Xu Chen led them to easily capture the county.

Every time he overcomes a crisis and every small victory is a process for Xu Chen to accumulate prestige.

By now, many Yellow Turban followers have undoubtedly completely regarded him as the Heavenly Master of the Divine Religion and the Leader of the Yellow Turbans.

Xu Chen drove his horse forward, and the Yellow Turbans were guarding him in a large crowd. Xu Chen pointed to the front, and they all surged forward like a wave. The three thousand strong army soon arrived at the city of Zhuo County.

When Tian Kai rushed to the top of the city wall after hearing the military report and saw the densely packed Yellow Turban bandits below the city, he felt dizzy.

Just by seeing this scene, he didn't need to think much and knew that both he and Gongsun Zan had been fooled.

But it was too late for him to regret now. There were only a hundred or so city guards left on the city wall. These few people standing on the city wall could only serve as a show, and were not even enough to fill the teeth of the Yellow Turbans.

Even if we could organize civilians to defend the city, regardless of whether it would be useful, it would be too late.

"My life is over!" Tian Kai wailed, and quickly ordered the city guards: "Zhuo County will be lost, and it is useless to defend it. You should abandon your weapons and hide in the city. I will do the same. I hope we can all escape this disaster!"

These weak city guards were already terrified, and when they heard this, they felt as if they had been pardoned. They threw away their armor and weapons and ran into the city pretending to be civilians.

It's not that they don't want to fight, but there's no need to fight a battle that is destined to lead to death. Even Tian Kai knows that it is impossible to do so, so he also hides in the city.

No matter what, saving your life is the most important thing.

Zhuo County was like a stripped woman, completely exposed to the eyes of the Yellow Turbans.

(End of this chapter)

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