Chapter 221 Adding chaos
If it were in the past, Ying Shao would never take the more than 20,000 Yellow Turban reinforcements seriously. Even if such a motley crowd were piled up in number, it would be difficult to improve their combat effectiveness, and it is even possible that a negative improvement would occur.

But when the yellow flag rolled up and he saw the words "Xuan Xia" on it, he was dumbfounded.

"These are the Yellow Turbans of Youzhou, why are they here?"

Times have changed. Today, Xuan Xia is no longer the small thief in the border area. After occupying a state, people all over the world have to look at Xuan Xia with awe. Even though Ying Shao, who is far away in Yanzhou, doesn't know much about it, he has heard of it.

But why could the Xuanxia Yellow Turbans appear in Yanzhou's territory!

The opponent has changed, and Ying Shao is no longer confident. The Xuanxia Yellow Turbans are completely unfamiliar to him, and he is sufficiently wary of unknown things.

"The central army will form a battle formation to resist the enemy reinforcements!"

"The front troops retreat, switch to offense and defense!"

Ying Shao's face was as gloomy as water. He issued two orders in succession, and the entire army moved accordingly. The officers and soldiers who had just been fighting hard to attack the city quickly began to retreat to defend.

Ying Shao had no idea whether this reinforcement army was easy to defeat. Although he still looked down on the Yellow Turbans, out of due military literacy, he would still show enough caution and respect to this unfamiliar opponent.

First, shrink your defense and test the opponent's strength.

However, when the officers and soldiers were taking action, the Yellow Turbans who were getting closer and closer were not idle either. As the distance shortened, the Xuanxia Yellow Turbans suddenly accelerated their offensive formation, and both sides soon entered the combat range.

At this time, Ying Shao also saw the details of this support army, but what he saw made him gasp.

Looking around, the Xuanxia Yellow Turbans were wearing black iron armor and a spear formation that looked like a slanting forest. The sword and shield soldiers in front were like a solid steel wall that was impenetrable. An aura as heavy as a mountain suddenly came crashing down on them, suffocating Ying Shao for a moment.

The two sides had not yet come into formal combat, but Ying Shao already felt something was wrong.

Why did the Yellow Turbans have such an armored corps? Does it make sense?

Are you sure I'm not fighting against the elite Han soldiers?
Moreover, even the elite Han army can’t do this!
Ying Shao's mind was full of questions, but he had no time to think slowly. The Xuanxia Yellow Turbans did not stop at all. They deployed their battle formation and pressed forward directly. The officers and soldiers could only resist them. The two sides collided with each other without giving in. In an instant, metal and iron clashed and blood flew.

The officers and soldiers were not weak, and the Xuanxia Yellow Turbans were also strong enough. At the beginning of the confrontation, both sides showed extremely strong combat power.

However, the Xuanxia Yellow Turbans of today have already achieved a general advantage over the times in terms of equipment, and this alone is enough to break the balance of the battlefield.

The officers and soldiers soon discovered that a considerable part of their attacks would be weakened by the enemy's heavy armor, but the enemy's intensive attacks could effectively kill their own side.

The ultimate result was that casualties on both sides began to rise unequally, and as the battle continued, the rate of this unequal rise became faster and faster.

The factors that determine the strength of an army are nothing more than equipment, training, morale, discipline and so on.

As long as they are qualified in these aspects, or reach above the average level of the times, then this army will surely stand out in the era. There is no need for the generals to have excellent command. As long as the necessary military arrangements are completed, victory will naturally be achieved in the war.

Even if Ying Shao was replaced by a famous general like Huangfu Song today, it would be impossible for him to defeat the Xuanxia Yellow Turbans with such officers and soldiers.

Soon, the gap between the two sides of the war began to emerge. Facing the high-intensity attack of the Xuanxia Yellow Turbans, the formation of officers and soldiers was slowly squeezed and deformed. The heavy casualties of the front-row soldiers dealt a heavy blow to the overall morale.

Ying Shao was terrified. He thought that this sudden reinforcement of the Yellow Turbans would be very strong, but he didn't expect them to be so strong. At this moment, he finally understood why Liu Yu and Gongsun Zan of Youzhou both died at the hands of the Yellow Turbans.

Damn, no one can withstand such a terrible opponent!

Ying Shao immediately called his generals and ordered them to cover the retreat of the army. After fighting with the Xuanxia Yellow Turbans, he knew that he could not win this battle.

It was already very difficult to deal with this group of Yellow Turban reinforcements alone, not to mention the Yellow Turban threat led by Guan Hai in the rear. At this critical juncture, Guan Hai, who was originally not taken seriously by him, was also fatal.

The battle was extremely difficult and frustrating. Under Ying Shao's command, the officers and soldiers began a difficult retreat.

However, under the powerful pressure of the Xuanxia Yellow Turbans, the retreat process was also fraught with danger. Ying Shao clearly felt that his side was already on the verge of collapse, which made his heart sink to the bottom.

Maybe you should be prepared for defeat.
To make matters worse, as he worried, Guan Hai in the city also came to his senses. At this time, Guan Hai also discovered that the Yellow Turbans were not the Zhang Rao he was waiting for, but as long as they were friendly forces, it would be the same.

Seeing that this friendly army had an overwhelming advantage over the officers and soldiers, and almost beat them to the point where they could not fight back, Guan Hai was so surprised that he almost bit off his tongue. When did such a powerful Yellow Turban appear?

The neat and stable offensive formation, the dark weapons and armor, and the ruthless strangulation advance made this friendly army look like a ruthless war machine.

Even the officers and soldiers who they had feared like tigers and wolves before were now weak in front of this reinforcement force.

As far as Guan Hai knew, apart from himself and Zhang Rao, there was no third force in Qingxu and Yanzhou, the Yellow Turbans. So this reinforcement could only be outsiders. Who would they be?
Before long, he had some guesses in his mind that two or three months ago, Zhang Rao seemed to have sent a messenger to Youzhou to ask for help, and perhaps he really asked him to bring reinforcements.

Are these the Yellow Turban brothers from Youzhou? They were the ones who founded Xuanxia!
Guan Hai was completely convinced. Naked strength was the most convincing. Ever since the death of the Great Sage Master, he had looked down upon anyone else in the Yellow Turban group. Therefore, he had been hanging out in Qingxu all these years and had never thought of joining other Yellow Turban forces.

It was not until he heard that the Yellow Turbans in Youzhou had occupied Youzhou and established Xuanxia that Guan Hai was greatly shocked. He realized that a group of Yellow Turbans had risen in the far north.

At a time when Zhang Jue had died of illness and the Yellow Turbans were on the verge of extinction, such news was undoubtedly extremely encouraging to the remnants of the Yellow Turbans like him.

As he himself was in danger, he finally reached an agreement with Zhang Rao and decided to defect to the Xuanxia Rebellion. Perhaps Xuanxia was the only final destination for the lingering Yellow Turbans in the world.

In the past, he still had doubts about Xuan Xia's strength and was somewhat worried about his future.

Now that he had witnessed Xuan Xia's powerful strength with his own eyes, he was completely relieved and convinced. There was a reason why the brothers in Youzhou could rise up against the odds. They had the strength and they were strong enough!
"Brothers, follow me and defeat the Han army together with our friendly forces!"

Guan Hai laughed loudly, then drew out his long sword and pointed it towards the sky, and then led his troops to rush towards the tense battlefield. Now the two sides were fighting fiercely, and as long as he gave the final blow, he could completely defeat the enemy.

Now that the situation has reversed, the soldiers who were originally demoralized are now excited and rush forward in a large number. It would be difficult for them to fight a tough battle, but they can still give a downtrodden enemy a beating.

When the loud shouts of killing were heard from the side of the position, Ying Shao turned pale and cried out that his life was over.

At this time, everyone on the battlefield thought that the battle was over, but the subsequent developments were beyond everyone's expectations. The Yellow Turbans of Qingzhou rushed into the battlefield, but did not defeat the officers and soldiers as expected. Instead, they caused chaos on the battlefield.

Although the officers and soldiers were beaten to the point of being on their last breath by the Xuanxia Yellow Turbans, they still had that breath of energy left. Even though they could not defeat the Xuanxia Yellow Turbans, it was easy for them to bully the Qingzhou soldiers.

At this point the battlefield had become extremely complicated, with the three forces colliding with each other, and the Qingzhou soldiers became confused as the fighting went on.

Ying Shao also had a keen sense of smell and immediately sensed the opportunity. He shouted and issued orders: "All troops, listen to my orders, break out from the Qingzhou troops!"

Following his command, the officers and soldiers who had just been in danger suddenly had a target. They quickly changed direction, concentrated their strength and began to break through in the direction of the Qingzhou soldiers. After a fierce fight, they actually broke through the formation of the Qingzhou soldiers.

The chaotic Qingzhou soldiers at this time became a hindrance to the Xuanxia Yellow Turbans. Their influx immediately slowed down the Xuanxia Yellow Turbans who had been maintaining a very good offensive rhythm.

"What a bunch of idiots! They only made things worse. I was about to win, but they ruined it!"

Seeing that Ying Shao was about to lead the army to break through successfully, but his side was affected by the Qingzhou soldiers and was in chaos and difficult to pursue, Wang Dang was almost furious, and then ordered a small group of soldiers around him: "Go find their leader and tell him not to cause trouble. Our army can defeat the enemy!"

After being disrupted by Guan Hai, Wang Dang took a lot of effort to organize the formation again, and then he hurriedly chased after the officers and soldiers.

However, by this time, the officers and soldiers had already left them a long distance away. After seeing the strength of the Xuanxia Yellow Turbans, they no longer had the intention to continue to fight them. They ran away desperately, which made it very difficult for Wang Dang, who was behind, to catch up.

Under this situation, it would be difficult for Wang Dang to catch up. Even if he could, it would take a lot of energy and time. After chasing for a while, Wang Dang had already decided to give up.

But at this juncture, the situation changed again.

The officers and soldiers were running very fast, but suddenly they ran into a Yellow Turban army of more than 20,000 soldiers in front of them. Both sides were stunned.

Ying Shao suddenly felt hopeless and thought that God was going to kill him.

The Yellow Turban who suddenly appeared on the other side was actually Zhang Rao who came to support. He did not react at first when he saw the officers and soldiers fleeing for their lives, but when he saw the Yellow Turban of Xuanxia chasing them in the distance, he immediately understood what was going on.

"Brothers, stop the soldiers, they will die today!"

(End of this chapter)

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