Chapter 228 Venting Anger
A line of cavalry quietly appeared in the distant sky. You could vaguely see the cavalryman in the middle holding up a flagpole. Although the words and patterns on it could not be seen clearly due to the distance, even if you could only vaguely see the yellow background of the flag, you could tell who was coming.

Because the flag of the Xuanxia Yellow Turbans that had been held up here was such a yellow flag.

Xuan Xia’s reinforcements are here!
After seeing the huge cavalry team, both Tao Qian, Kong Rong and Zhu Zhi's faces changed drastically. They all knew that things were not going well.

"All troops on alert, prepare to retreat!"

Zhu Zhi did not dare to delay for a moment. He immediately ignored Tao Qian and Kong Rong and began to loudly issue orders to direct the army's actions. He quickly divided the army into several camps, some of which were to stay behind to resist the cavalry attacks, while the other part was to retreat first.

Tao Qian and Kong Rong had no objection to this. Although they had not yet officially fought, they knew they could not fight when the cavalry appeared.

A rough look at the cavalry showed that there were at least four to five thousand people, but our side did not have cavalry of this size to deal with them.

Qingxu is not a border area. It was relatively stable before the Yellow Turban Rebellion. After the Rebellion, their main opponents were only the Yellow Turban refugees. They had no need to build a cavalry system, nor did they have any experience in dealing with cavalry.

Only when the princes fought each other in the future, the demand for war began to escalate, and the princes on all sides were forced to engage in an arms race, would cavalry flourish in the Central Plains.

Now that they were faced with such a large-scale cavalry, they wouldn't even be able to take a second look.

If one side has cavalry and the other side does not on the battlefield, then the initiative of the war must be in the hands of the side with cavalry, and the one who controls this initiative now is undoubtedly the Yellow Turbans!

Previously, they had been entangled with the Yellow Turbans and tried to drag them to death. Now, the enemy could completely rely on the initiative of the cavalry and force them to engage in battle. Once a head-on decisive battle came, neither Tao Qian nor Kong Rong would be confident enough.

Although they had spoken disdainfully of the Yellow Turbans before, when it came to a tough battle they remained silent.

The Xuanxia Yellow Turbans have gone through life and death trials, defeating guys like Wuhuan, Gongsun Zan and Liu Yu one after another, and are now a top elite force. If they go there to fight, their momentum alone will be enough to make others tremble in their hearts.

The Qingxu officers and soldiers had always been fighting against the weak Qingxu Yellow Turbans. It was impossible for them not to be frightened when they suddenly encountered such an opponent.

The lesson of Ying Shao was still fresh in their minds, and Tao Qian and Kong Rong did not want to cause trouble.

Things happened just as they expected. Once the cavalry appeared, they moved as fast as the wind. They didn't give them any extra time and swept in directly. At this time, the Xuanxia camp, which had been troubled by officers and soldiers, also had 20,000 infantrymen move along with them. The speed of their supporting actions was astonishing.

Although the Yellow Turban cavalry and infantry did not meet up, their tacit understanding was like they were connected by one heart.

Zhu Zhi's heart trembled. Although his side had the advantage in manpower with the cooperation of infantry and cavalry, it was still very difficult to fight. What's more, the quality of the officers and soldiers was generally not as good as that of the Yellow Turban soldiers, which made him even more desperate.

But at this time, whether he was willing or not, he had no choice but to fight.

If they could retreat to Laiwu City in the rear, they could retain enough manpower. Otherwise, the outcome of this battle would be quite tragic. Although Zhu Zhi's sense of smell was quite sharp and his reaction was quite fast, the speed of infantry was just a joke in front of cavalry.

Soon, thousands of cavalrymen were deployed on the vast battlefield. They inserted from both wings and began to cut off the corners of the officers and soldiers' positions. Although they could not directly attack the enemy frontally, they forced the officers and soldiers to slow down and fight back. Once they were bitten by the cavalry, their actions became involuntary.

What made Zhu Zhi despair was that these cavalrymen were not the kind of cavalrymen riding on horses, but real elite cavalrymen.

They are skilled in horsemanship and can maintain good coordination even when galloping at high speeds. They charge and kill in rounds in unison as if they were performing an offensive show. This strong pressure makes the soldiers on the edge of the officers' and soldiers' positions at a loss as to what to do.

These officers and soldiers had been fighting as infantry all their lives, and it was only in recent years when the Yellow Turban Rebellion broke out that they accumulated some combat experience. Suddenly faced with such a powerful cavalry attack, they had no experience in how to deal with it at all, and they were confused as soon as the cavalry rushed up.

However, the cavalry was just the beginning. The Yellow Turban Army that followed closely behind was the real deadly killing move.

The cavalry completed the purpose of harassment and delaying the flank, and the infantry immediately followed and began to exert frontal pressure. With such coordination, coupled with the powerful strength of the Yellow Turbans themselves, the war situation soon began to tilt one-sidedly in favor of the Yellow Turbans.

Although Zhu Zhi tried his best to command the troops, he found that no matter what he did, the Yellow Turbans on the front battlefield were terribly powerful.

With the current combat effectiveness of the Yellow Turbans, it would be difficult to fight them unless they were equipped with enough troops. However, with the current strength of the officers and soldiers, it is simply not enough to deal with them.

Xuan Xia's training system and organizational system have long surpassed this era. Even if they use the same tactics and fighting style, they can crush any existence of the same era. In Xuan Xia's eyes, Qing Xu, a team of officers and soldiers used to fight against ordinary Yellow Turbans, is as weak as a child.

Seeing the soldiers who had previously provoked him like flies being defeated, Wang Dang felt so angry that he laughed while directing the battle: "Kill them! Don't let any of them escape!"

The Xuanxia soldiers below were also filled with anger. They had always been the ones to bully others, so how could they allow themselves to be bullied by others?
The scene instantly turned into a situation of beating a drowned dog. The battle between the two sides lasted less than half an hour. The officers and soldiers collapsed in the battle of fighting and retreating, and then fled in all directions.

However, the Yellow Turban Cavalry were very good at cleaning up the remnants of the army, and soon the cavalry team broke up into small pieces and each dispersed to pursue.

During this pursuit, countless officers and soldiers were killed on their horses, and even more soldiers dropped their weapons in panic and surrendered. Only one group of officers and soldiers rode their few hundred horses and fled in panic, putting some distance between themselves and the Yellow Turban cavalry.

However, adhering to the style of cutting the grass at its roots, the Yellow Turbans still had hundreds of cavalry chasing them relentlessly, and they chased them for twenty or thirty miles, all the way to Laiwu City, before finally giving up.

But this pursuit was not without results. At least a senior officer who was not good at riding a horse and a general who turned back to fight were killed.

When the cavalry leader came back, he had two heads, one civil and one military, on his waist to show his martial arts skills. They were the two unlucky guys, Kong Rong and Zhu Zhi.

When it comes to riding skills, you are far inferior to me, Wuli!

(End of this chapter)

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