Chapter 249 Martial Arts Performance
In the early hours of the morning, a dull and orderly sound of footsteps was heard in Ji County. Because the footsteps were too heavy, many sleeping people were awakened. When they opened the windows with sleepy eyes and looked out, they were immediately shocked by the scene outside, and then they all became excited.

What they saw were the Xuanxia troops marching in neat steps. If it were in the past during the Han Dynasty, if the army made such a noise at night, the people would definitely be terrified. However, in Xuanxia, ​​seeing the Yellow Turbans made them only feel at ease and excited.

Moreover, the people all knew the reason why the army was making such a commotion, which was that Xuan Xia was going to conduct a military exercise today.

This is undoubtedly a big event for the people, or at least it is something new and exciting, which can make their boring and tiring production and life more interesting. Celebrations can always make participants happy.

Especially for them, Xuanxia's army is the real soldiers of their own country. Many of their husbands, fathers, and sons are in the army. So the martial arts performances of the Xuanxia army are something that make them feel very involved. It would be such an honor if they could see their relatives in the martial arts performances.

In this way, the awakened people could no longer fall asleep, but instead woke up their family members. They were about to follow the army's footsteps to the training ground to watch the style of their own army!

By daybreak, all the troops had left the city, and the people followed behind to form a large team.

But obviously they went too early. The time for the martial arts performance was set at the hour of Si on that day. They waited outside the city for a long time before finally seeing Xu Chen, Wei Chou and Tai Bo Gu slowly walking out of the government office and then heading all the way to the top of the city.

Several people climbed up to the top of the city wall. As soon as Xu Chen appeared, they heard the excited shouts of the people below. The sound of the huge crowd was like a tsunami. The noise scared Bo Gu and Yu Choutai.

At first they thought that this was an act deliberately arranged by the government to be performed by the people in order to highlight the prestige of Xu Chen as the prime minister. This was not an uncommon thing. As the rulers of their respective countries, they were well aware of this method.

But they soon realized something was wrong, and precisely because they knew it so well, they could easily distinguish the true from the false.

As rulers, the most important thing they do every day is to distinguish whether their subjects are genuine or fake. These simple people can never be deceived by their eyes. Other things can be faked, but the sincere emotions of the people can never be faked.

Some people below were so excited that their faces turned red and swollen, some knelt down and kowtowed unconsciously, and some were shouting and crying. All eyes were instantly focused on them, as hot as the scorching sun, and the strong emotions of respect and reverence made them both feel a little suffocated.

This immediately made the two of them dumbfounded. The people of Xuanxia actually respected Xu Chen so much!
At this moment, they were envious and even jealous of Xu Chen.

In their own country, it is absolutely impossible for them to make their subjects have such genuine love and respect for them. Even if someone kneels down to them, it is more based on fear and submission due to their status.

No one understands better than them how luxurious and precious this sincere emotion is.

What on earth did this guy do to make the people so crazy?
They didn't ask, they just saw Xu Chen stretch out his two hands and press down lightly, and then the scene that was full of cheers and applause just now suddenly became extremely quiet.

Bo Gu and Yu Chou Tai's pupils shrank sharply and they both took a deep breath. How terrifying was this prestige.

As the saying goes, a little can reveal a lot. The silence at this moment meant absolute obedience, and the people were unwilling to go against Xu Chen's will in the slightest. That was why the countless crowds, which seemed to have no end in sight, could instantly switch from excited shouting to extreme silence, a silence that was creepy.

Before the martial arts performance even started, Bo Gu and Yu Chou Tai were already greatly frightened. The people supported him to such a fanatical degree, who could resist such a Xuan Xia?
However, they soon came to their senses. Although Xu Chen was the prime minister of Xuanxia, ​​he actually possessed the dual attributes of a leader and a pope. Perhaps only in this way could the people's state be explained.
They had no doubt that as long as Xu Chen wanted, he could drive the people below to do anything, even to die.

Before the two of them could recover from their shock, Xu Chen's young and clear voice had already sounded on the top of the city wall. Although an individual's voice could not be heard very far, it was particularly noticeable in such an extremely quiet environment.

"My natural religion is in accordance with the laws of nature and the will of the people, and was first established in Xuanxia.

Now that we have gained the country for one year, the people are stable and the country is prosperous, we should hold a military parade to show it to both heaven and earth!
Xu Chen told the heaven and earth, and the people, that Xuanxia was established to liberate the people of the world, and must first cleanse the land of China with thunder and lightning to unify the mountains and rivers. This is the mission of my Yellow Turbans. "

At this point, Xu Chen drew out the sharp sword in his hand and pointed forward: "Let's perform martial arts, strengthen our Yellow Turbans, and long live Xuanxia!"

As Xu Chen finished speaking, the soldiers and civilians below the city responded instantly, all shouting "Long live Xuan Xia". The sound of this chorus was as powerful as a rainbow that penetrated the sky. Bo Guwei, Qiu Tai and others all turned pale and felt weak. Before they could catch their breath, they could hear the drums beating below, followed by heavy footsteps coming from afar.

They turned around and saw an army slowly approaching. However, at the first sight, they could not help but rub their eyes, as if they were dazzled.

All the soldiers in the army were wearing armor, and their bodies were glowing with phosphorescence under the reflection of the sunlight.

Every soldier was tall and had a stern look. As they walked along, they stared at the top of the city wall, which instantly made Bo Guwei Qiu Tai feel cold in his heart. Those fierce eyes were as sharp as a knife.

However, these were not what surprised them. What really shocked them was that the soldiers' marching formations were so neat.

It was simply neat and tidy. Everyone's marching steps and movements were almost exactly the same. The square army formation was even pleasing to the eye when it moved. It was an ultimate unified standard, as if the entire army formation was a shadow of one person.

These two men had never seen such a military formation before. When the formation came before them, they all felt terrified.

There is no need to do anything extra. Being able to achieve this level will naturally exude a strong and sharp aura, which is far more amazing than any sophisticated equipment.

But that's not all. The one leading the army in the front was Lu Ping. As soon as he shouted "Salute", the entire army drew their swords at the same time in extremely standard movements. Everyone's movements were almost the same. Then they all held their swords upright in front of them, maintaining a neat marching formation while staring at Xu Chen and shouting "Mighty".

Such an action instantly made their already fierce momentum even more oppressive.

It was not until they arrived at the army formation that Bo Gu and Yu Chou Tai realized that a fine layer of sweat had appeared on their backs without them noticing. They stood on both sides of Xu Chen and bore all the momentum, which did not feel good.

After all, the soldiers in these armies are all veterans who have been on the battlefield for a long time. The murderous aura they exude is like substance, which is not something these two pampered kings can easily withstand.

Xu Chen, however, remained calm and continued to watch the army formation coming from the rear. In fact, the main purpose of this military parade was to rally people's hearts and boost national strength. For Xuanxia, ​​a new country, this was very meaningful.

Demonstrating military power can make the people more confident and at ease, and it can also enhance the morale of the military. These things cannot be seen or touched, but they are very useful.

As for the two guys next to him, they were actually just extras. He called them over to scare them to facilitate some plans he wanted to discuss.

Of course, Xu Chen didn't think that such a military formation alone could really scare the other party to death, but it would be enough to deter them.

In fact, this martial arts performance was indeed enough to shock them.

This highly coordinated and standardized march not only had an unparalleled visual impact, but the absolute discipline behind it also made them feel frightened.

They couldn't even imagine how terrifying it would be if an army that had trained marching skills to such an extreme was actually deployed on the battlefield.

As time passed, the two of them became increasingly silent as they watched the long military formation, and when Xu Chen saw that the time was almost right, he finally revealed his true colors.

"The two countries have signed a treaty with our Yellow Turbans for quite some time now. What do you think of the effectiveness of this treaty?"

(End of this chapter)

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