Chapter 25 Noble Man
"Now it seems that these Han officials are nothing special. The leader only needs to use a little trick to lure the tiger away from the mountain and easily capture the county.

But they didn't think about it. We have taken down the rich manor, so how can we not guard the back wall?
I just left a chance for the butler to escape and deliver the letter. Otherwise, how could I lure them out on their own initiative? Hahaha!"

Under the cover of night, Wang Dang and a group of Yellow Turbans sat around a campfire, and could not help but bragging while keeping warm.

He was very happy to be able to lead the Han officials by the nose today.

In the past, although the great and wise teacher Zhang Jue was very powerful in conquering cities and territories, he only relied on numbers to gain momentum, which was far from satisfying as winning by intelligence like this.

Especially until now, the other party is still kept in the dark, which makes Wang Dang extremely proud.

What scholar, what Han official, you look like a decent person, but today you are scared by a peasant like me. I just wonder how ashamed and angry you will be when you wake up.

Although this strategy was devised by Xu Chen, Wang Dang, as the executor, still felt proud of it.

The Yellow Turban soldiers next to them were also flattering him non-stop, saying things like "General, you are mighty," "General, you are powerful," and "General, you have a brilliant idea," one after another.

"Tell the brothers to get enough rest and continue walking the dog tomorrow!"

Wang Dang laughed heartily and called out to the Yellow Turbans at the top of his voice, and they immediately responded with cheers.

From the relaxed tone in which they spoke at this time, it can be seen that they have gotten rid of the negative state of being exhausted and even became a little optimistic. They are in high spirits when good things happen.

Ever since they accepted Xu Chen as their leader, everything seemed to be moving in a good direction.

For the Yellow Turbans who had already fallen into a trough, this was undoubtedly something that made them very happy.

The night passed in silence. Both the Yellow Turbans and the officers and soldiers tried their best to rest and recover their strength in preparation for continuing the pursuit game tomorrow.

When the sun had not yet climbed above the horizon and there was only a faint glow in the eastern sky, the officers and soldiers had already completed their preparations under the urging of Gongsun Zan.

Following Gongsun Zan's order, the officers and soldiers, already full of energy, immediately set out to speed up their march.

However, after chasing for a while, although they saw traces of the Yellow Turban bandits' camp, they did not see a single person. It was obvious that the Yellow Turbans had started running away early.

"These bandits are really fast runners. Keep chasing them!"

Gongsun Zan was so angry that he chased the thief for more than ten miles. After catching him, he would definitely skin him alive and pull out his tendons to vent his anger.

The officers and soldiers were also chasing as fast as they could, and their speed was indeed not slow.

However, the Yellow Turbans also had excellent running strength. Their ability to run away was acquired through constant escape, so they simply left the officers and soldiers behind and they could not be caught up with them.

The more Gongsun Zan chased, the angrier he became. At this time, he missed the White Horse Volunteers that he had trained when he was the Chief of Liaodong.

It’s a pity that those elite cavalry could not follow me to take office in Zhuo County, otherwise how could they have suffered this injustice today?

It would be fine if he really couldn't catch up, but these Yellow Turban bandits kept a subtle distance from him, as if he could catch up with them if he made a little more effort. This made it difficult for Gongsun Zan to give up.

After all, we have chased him for so far. If we don’t chase him now, we will be at a huge loss.

"I don't believe I can't outrun you. Even if I chase you to the ends of the earth, I will kill you!"

Gongsun Zan was obviously already in a state of panic, and he didn't want to think about anything else at this moment. He was determined to get rid of the Yellow Turbans in front of him, so he kept urging his officers and soldiers to speed up. This game of chasing each other back and forth seemed to have no sign of ending for a while.

As time gradually approached noon, unusual movements began in Zhuo County.

When the people in the city found out the next day that the thieves had really not harmed anyone, they finally mustered up the courage to leave the house.

They discussed and confirmed with each other, and further confirmed the style of the Yellow Turban bandits, and only then did they feel completely relieved.

The upright style of the Yellow Turban bandits amazed the people. As they became bolder, they began to comment on the Yellow Turbans.

The most peculiar thing in their eyes was the thousands of bald heads of the Yellow Turbans. They didn't even have a single hair or beard. They looked really ugly and weird.

But don't say that, when they observed carefully, they found that these yellow scarves looked ugly but were very clean.

Without hair or beard, there were almost no lice or bugs to be seen. The clothes they wore were simple but dry. Walking next to them, I actually looked filthy.

In short, although these Yellow Turban bandits look weird, they are not annoying, but rather make people curious.

Since the Yellow Turbans did not have any impact on the people, the county town quickly returned to its former tranquility and everyone resumed their daily life and production.

It was then that they were surprised to find that the nobles in the city seemed to have disappeared, and their mansions were tightly closed.

It was not until noon that they realized what had happened.

The bald Yellow Turbans openly paraded many people through the streets as a warning to the public, and as they walked they shouted to the people to go to the vegetable market to watch the execution.

At this time, when the people took a closer look, they were all terrified.

Aren’t those people who were being held captive the former nobles of the city?
This could be a matter of life and death, how could these nobles treat me like this?
In the past, we didn’t even have the qualifications to speak in front of these nobles. If we met a noble on the road, we had to wait by the side with our heads down, for fear of provoking them.

Now, suddenly seeing these nobles being tied up and led with ropes like pigs and dogs, this scene instantly gave them a great shock.

In their perception, nobles who are high and mighty cannot and should not be treated like this. Many people dare not even look at such a scene. No matter how miserable a noble is, he is still a noble, and that is not something they can just watch.

However, more people couldn't resist their curiosity and followed the Yellow Turbans all the way to the vegetable market.

They saw that one by one, the former nobles were escorted by the Yellow Turbans to an open space and knelt down. The nobles from several families added up to about three or four hundred people.

The nobles who were once high and mighty are now wailing, frightened, begging, and other ugly behaviors, without any trace of their former dignity.

The vegetable market was silent, and the people saw that the so-called nobles were no different from ordinary people at this time.

Then, everyone looked towards one place, where the nobles were kneeling.

On the wooden platform, sitting cross-legged was a bald Taoist boy in a yellow Taoist robe. Although his face was childish, his expression revealed compassion and holiness.

Apart from anything else, the appearance of the product alone is enough to scare the people.

(End of this chapter)

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