Chapter 258 Poor
When Hu Tao finished the course, a group of students surrounded him and refused to leave. Most of them raised their hands and shouted that they wanted to sign up to join the research group to study the so-called steam power. This novel thing was enough to arouse the students' greatest interest, so it was no surprise that they showed such enthusiasm.

At first glance, almost all the students wanted to sign up, and Hu Tao did not refuse. He just smiled and recorded the students' names, not worrying about redundant staff.

Not to mention that the current enthusiasm is only temporary. As the research becomes more difficult, students will gradually give up.

As a teacher, Hu Tao can also carry out subsequent elimination of students based on their performance.

Hu Tao has enough expectations for this research. Although he has no clue yet, he is prepared for long-term research. This time may be ten, twenty years or even longer, but he does not mind continuing the research.

Having studied the use of water power to the extreme, he already felt that he had touched the ceiling, and this steam was, in his intuitive opinion, the most likely superior substitute for water power.

How to use this force?
After class, the students gathered around Hu Tao and the atmosphere was still lively. However, a few students at the back looked indifferent, simply because they had no interest in this class.

Unlike most other ordinary students, these students are actually exchange students sent by the Alliance. They enrolled when Xuanxia Academy was founded.

The exchange students who were sent here were all the sons of powerful people from Buyeo, Goguryeo, the Three Han and even the grassland tribes. Even though they were born in small countries or tribes with no power, they were born with a sense of superiority that came from their own class.

At least when they looked at the students around them, most of them disdained to associate with them.

This was what Emiya, the center of attention, was thinking. Seeing that most of the students gathered around him, he not only had no intention of joining in the fun, but instead hurriedly walked out of the dormitory with several other exchange students. As soon as they came out, they all took a deep breath at the same time.

"Did you smell that strange smell when you were in there?"

"I smelled it, too. It's a little familiar, but I can't remember what it is. But no matter what it is, it makes me sick."

"Yeah, I almost suffocated to death. It's okay for just this one class, but if I have to endure this kind of smell in the future, it would be worse than death."

Several students took a deep breath of the fresh air outside, all looking as if they had been pardoned, and they all started talking about the discomfort they had just experienced.

What puzzled them was that the smell was so strong, yet the Xuanxia students were completely unaware of it.

Moreover, this smell is not a pungent or smelly one. It is not only an olfactory stimulation, but more of a psychological feeling. That feeling makes these people feel uncomfortable all over.

It was Emiya who was the smartest and knew what that smell was. He enlightened them with just one sentence: "Haven't you remembered yet? That's the smell of poverty."

As soon as the words fell, the scene suddenly fell silent. The other people looked at each other, and then showed expressions of realization.

After Wei Gong said this, they all remembered that this was indeed the smell of poverty.

It is the smell of poverty and sourness among the lowly servants, slaves and even the common people in their respective countries and tribes. It is a lowly temperament that is in contrast to the noble temperament that the royal family is born with.

This shabby smell comes from lack of etiquette, from rough clothes, from dark skin
They all came to realize that they had lived a life of luxury in the past and had rarely been exposed to this kind of poor taste for a long time, so they couldn't remember it for a while.

When they were in the dormitory, it was because they had to stay together with so many "poor" people indoors for a long time that they became unbearable. This feeling was more of an discomfort caused by class differences.

"Xuanxia is indeed prosperous, but why are all the students so poor? What about the children of the noble families?" Someone asked a soul-searching question. These were the children of the powerful and wealthy who came from the grassland tribes, and their understanding of Xuanxia was very limited.

However, Emiya knew the reason and said calmly: "The next class is our doctrine class, which is a required course in college. You will know why after the class." Some people have also heard of the name of the Natural Church and sighed: "Fortunately, Xuanxia only established an alliance, otherwise if they directly conquered the outside world, according to their doctrine, we would probably have a hard time."

Someone shook his head and said, "You think too highly of Xuan Xia. You really think he's that easy to defeat. Do you believe that as long as he expands outward, let alone whether he can conquer the outer regions, even if he can, it will take ten or twenty years. It's not as easy as the alliance to turn enemies into friends. Xuan Xia is really smart."

"Yes." Someone agreed with him, "Xuanxia is a branch of Huaxia, and they are eyeing the Central Plains. Our barren land outside the Great Wall is simply not worthy of their attention. In comparison, the Central Plains is the truly prosperous land."

A few people were chatting enthusiastically, but soon they lost interest.

After all, they are just exchange students and are more concerned about their own affairs at the moment. They feel very uncomfortable when they think about having to squeeze together with those "poor" people to attend classes.

Emiya looked back and saw that the poor students in the school were still surrounding the poor teacher, which made him sigh helplessly.

"It's good to study in China, but why do I have to learn these lowly skills? Animal-powered, water-powered, and other messy stuff is really insulting. Are you going to ask me to go back and build water wheels in the future? It's ridiculous!"

"It is indeed uncomfortable. It would be great if I could study the classics, history, and literature, but I see that most of the subjects in the academy are about medicine, agriculture, craftsmanship, and other lowly things. I really cannot understand them."

Several people started talking about it again, but this was not the most uncomfortable thing for them.

But Emiya shook his head and said, "That's nothing. The academy has strict discipline. Although we are all from noble families, we can only obey the school's teaching arrangements and must not go beyond the rules. Otherwise, we will be severely punished and our future life will be difficult."

"What? This is really happening!" Someone couldn't sit still anymore, his eyes widened in disbelief, "My family didn't tell me this when they tricked me into coming here. No, I have to go back!"

Emiya sneered, "Go back? We came to Xuanxia, ​​who do you think can make the decision for us? All we can do is to study hard and go home."

Everyone suddenly wailed and felt that there was no hope in life.

However, this was not the end. Emiya added: "Also, don't think that attending classes with poor people is the most painful thing. Today, the school will assign several people to a room for all students. Although we are exchange students, we will also be randomly assigned with the general students."

The others looked horrified: "Doesn't that mean that we not only have to study with the poor guys, but also sleep and spend every day together with them?"

They looked at each other, all having an urge to escape from the academy. This was completely different from the study abroad life they had imagined when they came here.

However, escape was destined to be a luxury for them. After the first day of teaching, these international students had no time to be shocked by the content of the naturalistic teachings. What immediately greeted them was the painful assignment of accommodation.

Of course, Shirou was no exception. When he got his own number plate from school and found his dormitory, and saw a poor guy making his bed inside, his face suddenly became painful.

He knew that the next few years of his life would be a miserable one that he could not avoid.

Although he was a member of the royal family of Goguryeo, he had to endure the hardship of studying and even ended up living in such poverty. How miserable it was.

The poor fellow was actually a simple and honest young man. It was obvious from his dark skin that he was an ordinary commoner from a farming family.

When Emiya walked in, the boy stopped what he was doing and greeted him with a silly smile: "Classmate, are you also in this room? It seems that we will be roommates from now on. My name is Zhou Liang, and I study agriculture. What about you?"

(End of this chapter)

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