Chapter 270 Lobbyist
After Xuanxia's official bonds were issued, they were immediately sold at an unimaginable speed. There were endless queues in Xuanxia money houses in counties and towns all over the country, and the people were all waving the legal money in their hands, hoping that it would be their turn as soon as possible.

Although the imperial court calculated interest when issuing official bonds, in fact, the people at that time were not so enthusiastic just for the interest.

Even if the court did not choose to issue official bonds but accepted donations, the current team would not be much smaller.

The people of Xuanxia today have all come to where they are today through extremely chaotic and painful lives, and they know how hard it is to get everything they have today.

No one is willing to let those nobles come back and snatch their land, and then ride on their heads and pee and shit on them every day.

Only in Xuanxia do the vast majority of working people truly have the dignity of being human beings. In order to defend this kind of life, they can give everything they have.

The people in the rear were united in their determination to stand with the imperial court and defeat the evil external enemies.

Wang Dang had already led 30,000 new troops southward, but just as he left Youzhou and entered Bohai County, he was immediately blocked by the city in front of him.

In the city were Yuan's 30,000 defenders, who had long since recovered the rest of Bohai's counties and towns.

This city was recaptured by Zhang He and is now firmly held here. If Wang Dang cannot conquer this city, he will not be able to move forward, otherwise his logistics routes will be blocked.

It seems that I can only fight my way through.
Wang Dang realized the seriousness of the situation, took a deep breath, and shouted: "Soldiers, the leader needs help urgently, we can't delay, pull out this nail for me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the army responded with a roar, and then the entire army began to move. Under the push of the army, ladders and battering rams slowly approached the city wall.

Being forced to attack the city is not good news. Even if Xuan Xia has siege weapons such as explosives, the pace of advancement will definitely be slowed down. Whether it will be possible to send reinforcements within the scheduled time is a big problem.

Fortunately, the enemy had just recaptured these cities and was not yet able to take effective precautions against gunpowder on the city walls, which provided sufficient conditions for the Yellow Turbans to attack the cities.

The scale and difficulty of this war far exceeded the initial expectations. If the subsequent war really began to become dangerous, Xuan Xia would have no choice but to use up his last resort and really fight desperately.

This is Xuan Xia's last bit of confidence. When the time comes, Xuan Xia will squeeze out all of his war potential. Even if another Yuan Shao comes, Wang Dang has absolute confidence that he can defeat the opponent.

However, Xuan Xia would not make this choice unless there was no way out. After all, doing so would greatly disrupt Xuan Xia's stable internal environment, and it would take a long time to recover.

The sound of an explosion brought Wang Dang back to his senses. He could see all kinds of sand, stones and wood chips flying around the city gate in front of him. Such explosions would last for a while, and the door could be easily broken by ramming a car.

However, the enemy has a large number of troops. Although Wang Dang is confident that he can capture the city, it will take considerable time, and there are far more cities that need to be conquered ahead.

"Master, you must hold on..."


Wang Dang was trying hard to advance, but it was unknown when he would be able to reach Chengping and meet up with Xu Chen. On the other side, Ju Su, who was shouldering an important task, was already in the distant Shouchun City.

This is where Yuan Shu, one of the local heroes in the world, is stationed. After Ju Su gave his name, he successfully entered Yuan Shu's door.

On Yuan Shu's left and right stood one civil and one military. One was Yan Xiang, Yuan Shu's trusted strategist, and the other was Ji Ling, a general under Yuan Shu.

On both sides of the hall stood many military generals and civil officials, such as Yang Feng, Zhang Xun and Sun Ce, who defected to Yuan Shu after Sun Jian's death. It looked like the hall was full of talented people and quite impressive.

After Ju Shou stepped into the hall, everyone looked at him sideways, and a huge pressure came over him invisibly.

Before Ju Su could speak, Yuan Shu above him had already spoken, but his tone was a little cold and not very friendly.

"Xuan Xia is in the midst of suffering. Why are you coming to my place, Yuan Shu, instead of staying with Xu Guangtou to resist Yuan Shao? Are you trying to lobby for Xu Guangtou and get me to attack my brothers?"

As soon as Yuan Shu finished speaking, there was a burst of laughter in the hall, and everyone looked at Ju Su with undisguised sarcasm in their eyes.

However, this kind of show of force had no effect on Ju Shou at all. He just smiled faintly in response to the ridicule of everyone.

Ju Su's heart is as clear as a mirror. Although Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu are brothers, their actual relationship is hard to describe.

Even though I introduced myself as the envoy of Xuanxia, ​​Yuan Shu still chose to receive me with such a grand ceremony, which already explains a lot.

This guy is not as hostile to me as he seems, and he is certainly not as friendly and respectful to Yuan Shao as a brother.

"Mr. Yuan has misunderstood. I am not lobbying for Xuan Xia, but for Yuan Shao." Ju Su smiled faintly, saluted towards Yuan Shu, and said so.

As soon as he finished saying this, Yuan Shu was stunned. This unexpected sentence made him not know how to react.

Ju Su continued to talk freely in front of the crowd, showing no fear at all. "Mr. Yuan, you don't know that Xuan Xia is located in the barren land of Youzhou. We are unable to resist the attack of Yuan Shao's army. Defeat is inevitable. Soon Yuan Shao will destroy Xuan Xia and occupy Youzhou.

By then, Yuan Shao would control the three states of You, Ji and Bing, Zang Hong of Qingzhou would follow Yuan Shao's lead, and Cao Cao of Yanzhou would be Yuan Shao's minion. In this way, Yuan Shao could be called the lord of the north and his hegemony could be expected.

Yuan Shao relied on the reputation of the Yuan family and controlled the Central Plains. All heroes in the world dared not look directly at him.

When he said this, everyone present fell silent, and Yuan Shu's expression gradually became ugly.

Ju Su laughed and continued, "I have seen the future situation clearly and came here on behalf of Yuan Shao. Yuan Shao will soon dominate the world, and the heroes of the world should take the initiative to submit to him. Lord Yuan is Yuan Shao's brother, so he should remember the friendship between brothers and submit to him as soon as possible."

"Enough!" After hearing this, Yuan Shu couldn't help but yelled, and then the wine cup flew over and almost hit Ju Su.

After wiping the wine off his face, Ju Su smiled faintly, bowed to Yuan Shu and said no more.

At this point, the time has come and there is no need to add fuel to the fire, otherwise it will be counterproductive.

Seeing Yuan Shu's intense reaction, Ju Su knew in his heart that Xun Chen's strategy of forming an alliance had most likely succeeded.

After Xun Chen surrendered, he brought a lot of information, many of which were related to Yuan Shu.

In recent years, the conflict between the two Yuans, the two leaders of the Yuan family, has become so intense that they have even resorted to violence.

The Yuan family has three officials in four generations. As one of the top aristocratic families in the world, they have unimaginable political assets. However, such assets are destined to be unequally divided. Both brothers want to monopolize them, so the conflict is naturally irreconcilable.

Previously, the Chang'an court and the Black Mountain bandits Zhang Yang and Yu Fuluo attacked Yuan Shao together, so Yuan Shu also began to fight against Yuan Shao. In the past two years, he joined forces with Tao Qian to fight wars of varying sizes with Yuan Shao's camp many times, but he never gained any advantage.

This contradiction is obviously the basis of the Xuanxia alliance plan. To Yuan Shu, perhaps Xuanxia may not be as hateful as Yuan Shao.

Yan Xiang, who was standing next to Yuan Shu, snorted coldly and said, "Your Excellency, there is no need to make shocking statements. Just tell me what you are here for."

Yuan Shu remained silent, obviously agreeing with Yan Xiang's words. He was in no mood to waste time talking to Ju Shou.

Ju Su looked around at everyone and said, "Just as Lord Yuan said before, I was ordered by my master to come here to seek an alliance with Lord Yuan to attack Yuan Shao. This will not only alleviate the danger of Xuanxia, ​​but will also be a great benefit to Lord Yuan."

Upon hearing this, Yuan Shu snorted coldly: "No matter what, Yuan Shao and I are brothers. Do you think I will fight against my own family because of your master?"

Ju Su smiled, cupped his hands and said, "Master Yuan is helping me. Once Yuan Shao takes Youzhou, he will dominate the north and no one can escape his power. He will be the real head of the Yuan family. Could it be that Master Yuan, the legitimate son of the Yuan family, is willing to let Yuan Shao, the son of a lowly maid, climb over his head?"

"Be bold!"

Upon hearing this, Yuan Shu seemed to be greatly stimulated. He stood up suddenly and stared at Ju Su with a look of determination.

Obviously, Ju Su hit the nail on the head.

The thing Yuan Shu hated the most was that he was overshadowed by Yuan Shao, the illegitimate son born to a lowly maid. All the assets of the Yuan family should have belonged to him, but now most of them have gone to Yuan Shao!
Seeing Yuan Shu's reaction, Ji Ling took a step forward tactfully. The three-pointed, double-edged sword in his hand was emitting a cold aura, and a murderous intent rushed straight towards Ju Su.

At this time, Ju Su would lose his head with just one word from Yuan Shu.

However, the more dangerous the situation was, the less likely Ju Su would retreat. He stepped forward again, and his words became earnest.

"Please think twice, Lord Yuan. Your enemy is not Xuan Xia. On the contrary, Xuan Xia's existence is more conducive to your ambition. At this moment, the main force of our army is restraining Yuan Shao. As long as Lord Yuan reacts slightly, the two sides will surely defeat Yuan Shao."

At this point, Ju Su's eyes sparkled: "In this way, Xuan Xia and Yuan Gong can share the benefits, and both can be safe. Isn't it wonderful?"

The hall fell silent for a moment, and all the civil and military officials looked at Yuan Shu in silence, waiting for his response.

Yuan Shu was silent for a while, looked at Ju Shou carefully, then waved his hand to send him away and asked him to wait for a while. Ju Shou naturally accepted it with pleasure and left.

After Ju Su left, Yuan Shu asked, "What do you think of this matter?"

Yan Xiang pondered for a while, but was the first to speak: "Although this person's words are sharp, they may not be without reason. If Lord Yuan wants to compete with Yuan Shao, even if he does not have to unite with Xuan Xia, he cannot sit idly by and watch Yuan Shao become more powerful."

Upon hearing this, Yuan Shu fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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