Chapter 289 Newspaper
In the Prime Minister's Office of the Executive Yuan, a piece of paper was placed in front of Xu Chen's desk. This thing might be a new thing in this era, but to Xu Chen, it was very familiar.

Xuanxia Monthly

These four big words are printed at the top of the front page, and it is easy to understand from the name that this is a newspaper published on a monthly basis.

In fact, it is more of an information journal than a newspaper.

This was also a helpless move for Xu Chen in the era. Nowadays, information could not be transmitted over long distances in real time, and the only way to ensure the uniformity of newspaper content was to extend the time period.

After roughly flipping through the contents, the first thing on the front page was the news of the Tributary Alliance's victory.

Xu Chen glanced at Lu Ping, who seemed a little nervous, and then picked up the newspaper and read it carefully.

This report is divided into several parts. It first introduces the origin of the tributary alliance in detail and emphasizes the basic concept of peace and win-win upheld by Xuanxia. Then it introduces the current members of the alliance and the results of the current war.

Of course, the article did not forget to mention the hundreds of thousands of Han people at the end. It focused on describing the tragic experiences of these people, sharply criticized the incompetence and guilt of the Han court, and bluntly stated that the Han Dynasty bore primary responsibility for these disasters.

The last part is the description of Xuan Xia rescuing the people in time at the critical moment. Not only did he save the lives of the people directly, but he also relocated all the people here so that they could have a truly long-term and stable place to live.

After reading the article, Xu Chen really couldn't find any faults. Basically, everything that should be written was written, and it can be said to be quite satisfactory.


After reading this article, Xu Chen nodded towards Lu Ping.

Lu Ping also breathed a sigh of relief, but as Xu Chen continued to read the newspaper, he became nervous again.

If you continue to flip forward, the content becomes more extensive, even including some officials recently dealt with by the court. The news directly states the cases without reservation, severely criticizes the relevant officials, and announces the results of the punishment.

Or there could be some anecdotes that happened in Xuanxia recently, including not only positive deeds of bravery, but also some major events that happened recently, such as the two plays performed in Xuanxia Academy that were reported recently.

The news covered a wide variety of topics. In addition to the news about Xuanxia, ​​the situations of the various princes outside Xuanxia were also reported in the newspapers.

Events such as Cao Cao's occupation of Yanzhou, Yuan Shao's defeat and retreat, and the emperor's return to the east are all included.

For example, the government’s recent work achievements and the people’s opinions on these works are also displayed in newspapers.

Even at the back of the book, there are poems and serialized stories published.

After reading it through, I found that it was already a fairly presentable newspaper, covering everything from entertainment to current affairs and politics. Some parts even had patterns printed on them using woodblock prints, making the newspaper look even more refined.

"Very good, the first edition of the monthly report will be printed with this version. The first batch does not need to be too large. Let's distribute a small amount first to see the effect." When Xu Chen saw this, he made the decision immediately.

Hearing this, Lu Ping also relaxed a lot: "I will do it right away."

Xu Chen looked at him with satisfaction.

The fact that this sample report was approved in one try shows that Lu Ping must have put in a lot of effort. This attitude towards work is worthy of praise.

After all, newspapers are nothing in my eyes, but in the eyes of others they are a completely new thing and I can only act based on my feelings.

Now that the newspaper has been established, something else that goes with it should also be put on the charter.

"The newspaper can be tried out in Ji County in the early stages, but it will be distributed throughout Xuanxia in the future, so we must set up corresponding post stations. We will also try it out in Ji County first. You draw up a plan, and I will ask the court to approve the money and grain for you to prepare."

"My subordinate understands."

"In addition, the content of our newspaper does not have to be provided by the government. We can print a line on the front page of the newspaper to publicly solicit content from the people of Xuanxia. Whether it is articles or poems, excellent ones can be selected. The newspaper will also need to set up a corresponding editorial department to review them."


The two of them talked and answered each other, and soon they determined a lot of related things.

Xu Chen had been planning the newspaper issue for a long time, but the literacy rate among Xuan Xia people was too low before.

The advocacy of literacy campaigns was not enough to achieve widespread literacy, but schools and the previous Yellow Turban army's large-scale learning had cultivated a group of people with intellectual cultivation, which met certain conditions.

If the literacy rate is not high, then there is no need to target the entire population. Just target as many people as there are literate people.

No matter what era or country it is, the literate people are always the ones who control the mainstream thought and the right to speak, and newspapers can cover exactly this group of people, so this important ideological propaganda machine can be put to use.

Of course, Xu Chen didn't mind if the newspaper leaked out of Xuanxia and was obtained by scholars from outside.

Newspapers are naturally ideological weapons. It is a good thing if others are willing to read them. Although the scholar class is inherently unjust, there are also many noble people among them. The line of natural religion may not be unable to influence them.

After this was said, Lu Ping took his leave and the office became quiet.

Xu Chen had also finished his work at this time, so he leaned back in his chair and relaxed. The previous attack on Yuan Shao was a victory, and now the grassland was also stable. The external princes were busy with their own little piece of land, and the emperor's return to the east made them even more embarrassed.

Under such a situation, Xuanxia will be able to enjoy a relatively stable environment for quite some time to come.

Of course, Yuan Shao of Jizhou would certainly not accept the humiliation of his past. Even if he did not fight a large-scale war, there would be many small battles. However, Wang Dang is now in charge of the northern part of Jizhou and can fully handle the minor conflicts.

During this period of time, Xu Chen couldn't help but have some free time, but the free time was only for a short time.

The expansion of the tributary alliance has achieved the expected results. The allied forces no longer need to maintain a standing position. Based on the interest ties of the tributary system, a relatively peaceful situation can be achieved on the grassland.

The mission was successful, and it was time for Wuli to return with more than 10,000 soldiers of Xuanxia. Of course, they were also accompanied by hundreds of thousands of Han troops.

After returning all the way, Wuli, Taishi Ci, Zhao Yun, Ma Yan and others returned to Ji County, feeling a little dazed.

It had been almost two years since the previous expedition, but fortunately, we had finally achieved good results.

Less than two years is actually not a long time. In this way, they almost wiped out all the grassland forces near Youbing and created an unprecedentedly stable situation outside the Great Wall.

The ability to achieve this is largely determined by the attributes of the tributary alliance.

Xuan Xia adhered to the concept of limited liability at the beginning of the alliance design, which greatly reduced Xuan Xia's burden and formed an economic system that was beneficial to itself, but limited liability also corresponds to limited power.

Although the tributary alliance is centered on Xuanxia, ​​it is more reflected in the economic level and as a suzerain state in name. In essence, everyone is just doing things within the framework rules of the alliance. It is also a model similar to co-governance, which is the significance of the existence of the Alliance Committee.

It is precisely because such an alliance framework gives each member sufficient autonomy and interests that it was able to enable many grassland tribes to make more favorable choices for themselves so quickly, thus breaking away from the Xiongnu and Xianbei and defecting.

This also means that Xu Chen, the leader of the alliance, actually has no way of asking his many allies to fight for Xuanxia, ​​because all the tribes are only allies and not subjects.

Wu Li and his men also understood that the biggest factor in sweeping across the grassland in less than two years was that "inviting" others to become allies was much easier than conquering them.

But this still cannot deny the contributions of these people. The benefits of the alliance to Xuanxia are self-evident. Their efforts to ensure the development of the alliance are real and fruitful contributions.

"Compared to the emptiness and loneliness of the grassland, the bustle of the Han area makes me feel more at ease."

Taishi Ci looked at the hustle and bustle of Ji County and couldn't help but sigh.

Zhao Yun and Ma Yan nodded in agreement. It had only been two years since they last saw each other, but now Ji County felt a little unfamiliar to them.

I don't know when, the main road of Ji County has been replaced with a hardened road surface. The road mixed with sand, gravel and cement is extremely solid and flat to walk on. The wide road extends all the way to the Council of Government in the distance, giving an inexplicable feeling of grandeur and magnificence.

The tall building outline of the Council of State gives off a majestic aura that can be felt even from a distance.

There are more shops on both sides, groups of students coming and going, and carriages on the road going in order. Everything is better than before.

Such a scene was indeed reassuring, and even Wuli, a Wuhuan man, showed a sincere smile.

"It's time to meet the leader. You have made countless contributions in this battle and will definitely be favored by the leader!" Wu Li looked at Taishi Ci, Zhao Yun and Ma Yan, patted them on the shoulders, and walked forward.

This comment is not just a polite remark. In the grassland battle, these three people indeed performed amazingly.

Especially the bravery of Zhao Yun and Taishi Ci in battle, which made Wulidu feel inferior to them. The accumulation of their merits was enough to make them rise to the top.

They walked all the way like this until they arrived at the gate of the Council of State Affairs, where several sentries were on duty with their eyes fixed straight ahead. When they saw them coming, they showed no intention of letting them pass.

Fortunately, Tian Shitou, who had been waiting for a long time, gave instructions to the sentry and led them in with a smile.

"All the rules of the court have become stricter now. Generals don't have to worry about it. After you meet the leader, you will be issued a pass."

Upon hearing this, Wu Li and the others nodded and thanked Tian Shitou.

Tian Shitou led the way and chatted with them. Just when they were about to reach the main building, they all stopped in their tracks.

But Xu Chen was already waiting at the door to greet him.

Wuli, Zhao Yun, Taishi Ci and Ma Yan were all shocked and each performed a very standard military salute.

"We report to the leader. Fortunately, we have accomplished our mission. The tribes on the grassland have surrendered. The situation outside the Great Wall has been settled. We, Xuanxia, ​​have no more worries about the outside world!"

Xu Chen walked over with a smile, looked at this, patted that, and said yes repeatedly.

Finally, he held Zhao Yun's hand and said to everyone with a smile: "It's good to be back. You haven't had a good rest yet, but don't worry, come and have a few drinks with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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