Chapter 298 Collision
After dawn, the students who had not slept all night were still in high spirits. They brought the topics that they had not finished discussing all night to a bigger stage and began to debate and argue. This time, the discussion was no longer separated by gender, but male and female students competed against each other.

This kind of debate is not a clear-cut quarrel between men and women. Both sides have their own positions and viewpoints, and their positions overlap.

Some male students are more open-minded and are willing to stand with female students.

Some female students are traditional and conservative and will stand on the opposing side.

Before long, the whole dormitory became lively, their various opinions collided with each other, and they could argue until their faces turned red and their necks became thick in order to defend their own ideas.

“Are women human beings? If they are human beings, why can’t they have the right to autonomy? Why can’t they receive education? Why can’t they participate in the work? Everyone is equal. Women can do anything that men can do!”

A female student jumped onto the school platform and cheered. Behind her was a tall flagpole with the Xuan Xia flag hanging on it.

This action immediately attracted the attention of all the students. Some of them cheered for it, but others disagreed.

But a male student also jumped up and expressed his opinion loudly: "Nowadays, both men and women can study and work in Xuanxia, ​​so why don't they pay attention to women's rights?"

There was another round of noise from below, and other students also started discussing with each other.

The female student shook her head and said calmly, "Although the law has been implemented, the people's thinking has not changed. After compulsory education, parents are happy when their sons want to continue their studies, but unhappy when their daughters want to continue their studies. Do they really value women's rights?"

The male student was speechless for a moment, and had to admit that this was indeed the current situation.

In fact, although the teachings of naturalism are advanced enough, the thinking of the general public has not changed at present.

Even with the mandatory regulations on compulsory education for both boys and girls, no one knows how many people secretly curse the government for being too lenient.

If women want to work in factories, many families are unwilling to agree. They still think that women only need to get married and are unwilling to value women's right to work independently.

The male student also had to admit that the public still has a long way to go in terms of understanding women's rights.

He sighed, "It takes time for people to change their minds. I am willing to join you in your call for women's liberation, but why do we need to involve our parents? We Han people consider filial piety a virtue. If we don't obey our parents' orders, then we have lost even basic humanity."

The female student shook her head upon hearing this: "This classmate is wrong. We should follow the right things. We should fight and correct the wrong things even if it is our parents. Reason is more important than law. That was in the Han Dynasty. I, Xuan Xia, pursue the liberation of human nature. Do I have to go back in history?"

At this time, another student jumped up. Although he was also a male student, his point of view was on the side of the female student: "Yes, parental authority is not acceptable. Marriage should be decided by oneself. This is not only to help women to be liberated, but also to help men all over the world pursue freedom!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the whole school responded with a roar. Most people clapped their hands in agreement, but a few people frowned and remained silent.

This was only a brief moment of excitement in the academy. In fact, the students continued to argue with each other without stopping at all. The huge venue seemed to have turned into a debate arena, with every student expressing his or her own views.

Hu Tao, who was watching all this from afar, was stunned. He couldn't understand why the students would argue so fiercely over such an issue.

He was just worried about the overly intense atmosphere among the students. If the situation got out of control, it would be a lot of fun.

"Principal, are we really just going to ignore it?" Hu Tao asked Zhang Zhongjing worriedly.

Zhang Zhongjing just raised his eyebrows, sat in his chair, and continued to read his newspaper quietly. He didn't take the students' noise seriously at all, and just responded lightly: "How can you control it? Can you control the students' mouths and what they think?"

Hu Tao groaned and said helplessly, "That really won't work."

Zhang Zhongjing said, "If that's the case, let them argue. The pre-Qin philosophers created the glory of the Hundred Schools of Thought because of their arguments. According to the prime minister, this is called not being able to distinguish the truth clearly."

Hu Tao fell silent upon hearing this. Seeing Zhang Zhongjing's calm look, he could only suppress his worry.

At this time Zhang Zhongjing put down the newspaper, looked at him, and added: "Just relax, even if they quarreled to pieces the sky, there is still a saint up there. Naturally, the right to interpret the doctrine lies in the hands of the saint. With him around, no matter how fierce the quarrel is, this matter will not be messed up." At this time, Hu Tao nodded thoughtfully and slowly figured it out.

Yes, how to explain these things is just a matter of a word from the Prime Minister, so there is really nothing to worry about.

Zhang Zhongjing looked at the active and enthusiastic students below and felt neither disgusted nor annoyed. Instead, he was filled with joy. This scene of the collision and integration of ideas was exactly the effect that the academy was looking for.

Conservatism and old-fashionedness will gradually become decadent, and only by seeking reform and innovation can vitality continue to emerge.

In fact, Xuanxia Academy, as the forefront of Xuanxia thought, was only the place where this ideological impact was the most intense. When Cai Yan's article spread to every corner of Xuanxia through newspapers, it directly caused a great ideological shock in the entire Xuanxia.

That clear-cut slogan was a fierce challenge to the old order that people were accustomed to, and it also triggered many people's thinking.

The largest intellectual group in Xuanxia now is the large number of soldiers who have left the army. They are the backbone of society. Once their ideas are impacted and influenced, it will directly affect the overall social outlook of Xuanxia.

However, although this article has some power, it is only some power.

For the majority of Xuanxia people, Cai Yan is an unfamiliar name and it has no weight in their hearts, unless the person who wrote this article is Xu Chen, which would be a real earthquake in the eyes of the Xuanxia people.

Cai Yan's article brought new ideas to the Xuanxia people and stirred up a storm, but it only started a change in thought. It was not enough to achieve a reshaping of the entire nation's cognition.

Even so, being able to achieve this is of enormous value.

But Cai Yan was not satisfied with this. Xuanxia was a unique place. Everything was so prosperous and flourishing, and the flying of ideas was even more exciting. But she also felt that the majority of people had not actually kept up with the progress of naturalism.

She felt that she could perhaps do more to help everyone progress faster.

At least, she was not satisfied with just posting a message and shouting, she wanted to at least actually help the poor girl out of her suffering.

When the piano piece ended, everyone at the wedding banquet slowly came back to their senses and breathed a sigh of relief. This long piano music really left them wanting more. Both the graceful melody and the exquisite piano skills were perfect.

In the past, only scholars could listen to such wonderful music, but now these country folk can hear it, and they are all flattered.

The male host of the wedding banquet was especially surprised: "Ms. Cai's song is so beautiful. It is such a great honor for my daughter to hear such wonderful music when she gets married!"

Cai Wenji took a look at the man, and found that it was none other than the father named Wang who had kidnapped her to marry.

She bowed slightly and said, "This song was composed by the bride. I can give the score to her personally. Would you allow me to come in and see it?"

Wang's father was stunned for a moment, a little wary, but when he thought about the other person's true feelings and that she was just a weak woman, his expression softened: "Yes, yes, Miss Cai, please do as you please."

Cai Wenji smiled and thanked him, then went into the inner room and saw a beautiful bride tied up sitting on the edge of the bed.

The woman seemed to be in a daze. When she saw Cai Wenji coming in, she asked, "What song is that? It's so beautiful."

Cai Wenji sat down beside him and said, "This song is called Liang Zhu."

"Liang Zhu?" The woman was a little confused.

Cai Wenji smiled and said, "You haven't read this story yet, I'll tell you."

(End of this chapter)

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