Chapter 301 Pressure
Vocal music played. Although the common people's wedding could not be luxurious, it was festive enough. After the groom's wedding party arrived, Wang Zhen was finally untied by her father, and then she sat on the bride's carriage in silence.

After completing the whole process, Wang's father finally breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter how unwilling the daughter is, she will have to accept her fate after today.

After picking up the bride, the groom bid farewell to the king's father, then contentedly mounted his horse and walked in front of the team.

Today was the day when he was feeling very proud and satisfied with his life. As long as he took a look at the carriage behind him and thought of a young and delicate woman sitting inside, his fat face could not help but tremble with excitement.

In fact, as a businessman, if you have enough financial resources, it is not difficult to find a young wife.

What really fascinated him was Wang Zhen’s identity as a female student!
In the past, every literate woman was from a wealthy and powerful family. A talented and educated woman was almost synonymous with a noble status, which was something lowly merchants could not even dream of.

But things are different now. There are a large number of women in Xuanxia who have received compulsory education. Although these women come from poor backgrounds and are not the kind of noble ladies who used to be, they are still attractive enough, at least they can satisfy the different psychological needs of many people, such as the businessmen at this time.

Xuan Xia is still better. During the Han Dynasty, although merchants were rich, they had a low status.

The merchants in Xuanxia will not only receive support from the government, but their status will no longer be despised. At least in the court, equality for all is emphasized. To some extent, this place is more like a paradise for merchants.

Although Xuanxia imposed heavy commercial taxes and had many laws and regulations to protect workers and regulate their business practices, which made merchants uncomfortable, it also solved many of their problems. At least the business environment here was much more relaxed than that of the Han Dynasty.

Overall, the business community is very satisfied with Xuan Xia, and the current businessmen do feel that they have reached the fulfillment of their lives.

The government's support policies and the vast domestic and foreign markets have brought huge dividends to the businessmen. Now his wealth is constantly increasing, and he can even marry a young and beautiful female student. It can be said that he has no regrets in this life.

He couldn't wait to start imagining how he would enjoy the delicious food after the wedding.

The festive music and the congratulations from the people along the way made him even more excited, but for Wang Zhen who was sitting in the carriage, it was a torture all the way.

With every step the wedding procession took forward, Wang Zhen's heart sank a little. She didn't know when she took off her hairpin and held it tightly in her hand.

Her family watched her closely and didn't allow her any chance to hurt herself. She originally wanted to find a pair of scissors to carry with her so that she could end her life when necessary, but she never found an opportunity.

But it didn't matter, because the family could take away anything that could be used as a weapon, but they missed the hairpin in her hair.

Will she really save me?
The figure of Cai Wenji appeared in Wang Zhen's mind. She remembered Cai Wenji's promise. This was the only reason why she was still waiting. Otherwise, she should have inserted the hairpin into her heart by now.

She didn't know what Cai Wenji would do, she could only wait with anticipation.

But as time passed and the wedding procession moved further and further away, her mood became more and more pessimistic.

It has come to this, how can I save myself?

Parental orders cannot be disobeyed. If one really wants to ruin this marriage now, it will be intolerable in the eyes of the world.

Maybe she was just comforting me.
Having thrown away all the luck in her heart, Wang Zhen took out a sharp hairpin in the closed carriage. Her hair fell down in the swaying carriage, but she did not take any care of it.

She knew that she would soon reach her destination. Once she stepped down from the carriage and completed her marriage, she would be completely locked up for the rest of her life.

Her eyes gradually became determined, and the hand holding the hairpin gradually exerted force, then slowly moved it closer to her chest.

Just when everything was about to end, she suddenly felt a commotion outside, the speed of the car slowed down, and then there was a noisy quarrel and shouting outside.

The sudden change made her heart skip a beat, and her original feeling of despair was instantly dispelled.

Looking outside carefully, he saw that the team was arguing with a group of people, but the argument soon ended, and then he saw the merchant with a grim look on his face being led towards the carriage by these people.

Wang Zhen didn't know what was going on, but she recognized that this was a government official. This not only did not panic her, but made her happy instead. She knew this must be a good thing for her.

Sure enough, not long after, the curtain of the carriage was pulled open, and then a calm voice asked: "Are you Wang Zhen from the Wang family?"

Wang Zhen suppressed his excitement and quickly replied, "It is indeed my daughter."

The clerk took a look and said sternly, "A girl named Cai Yan said she would report you to your parents. Is this true?"

Wang Zhen's eyes widened when she heard this. Only then did she realize what Cai Wenji had done. She was so surprised that she covered her mouth.

The news was so sudden that she was so shocked that she lost consciousness.

She finally understood why Cai Wenji needed great courage to say this. If you don't have the courage, you can't even think about reporting your parents, which is almost like making the world hostile. The merchant groom on the side looked unhappy, but still managed a smile: "Sir, you are joking. How can you report your parents? This must be nonsense from Cai Yan!"

The clerk frowned and ignored the groom, but continued to urge Wang Zhen to give a response: "Is this true?"

Wang Zhen came to his senses and understood completely in his heart that Miss Cai had given him the right to choose. If he had the courage to face the storm, he could leave with the yamen official today. If he did not have the courage, he would have to bear the fate he had chosen.

Daughter suing father?
Wang Zhen suddenly smiled, then nodded calmly: "It is true. I will sue my father for imprisoning me and forcing me to marry you!"

The businessman groom's face suddenly changed, and he pointed at Wang Zhen: "How dare you, how dare you, that's your father!"

Wang Zhen remained silent and completely ignored him.

The clerk nodded and said, "In that case, you should come with us now. The case will be tried in the county court soon, and your father will also be tried."

Wang Zhen felt relieved, smiled and threw away all the small ornaments on her body, then said to the officials with gratitude: "Thank you for your trouble."

On the way to the capital, Wang Zhen felt more relaxed than ever before, just like a bird that had escaped from a cage, enjoying the taste of freedom to the fullest.

Originally, I thought that my fate was already determined and no one could change it, but there was a force that could change the powerful secular rules. The practice of informing relatives of the truth, which was highly respected in the Han Dynasty, might not work in Xuan Xia.

It is difficult for an honest official to judge family affairs, that is the business of the Han Dynasty, but now is the new era of Xuan Xia, there is nothing that the government cannot handle.

But Wang Zhen also knew that things were not over yet and the real test had not yet come. The resistance to parental authority, the contradiction between legal principles and common sense, and how equality for all should be interpreted all needed answers in the next court session.

Along the way, the two superfluous words "yamen official" only served to hurry her on her way. There were no extra words, but the atmosphere was extremely solemn.

Wang Zhen knew that the pressure she would face next would be enormous. Her premonition was very accurate. This pressure came very quickly and intensely.

The yamen official took her into the capital and walked all the way to the county government office. She found that the crowds on both sides of the street began to increase, and the looks they gave her were mostly filled with disgust and hatred, as if they were looking at an unforgivable evildoer.

"She is the one who wants to sue her own father!"

"What a waste of such a pretty face! He actually did something worse than a pig or a dog. I have never heard of it before!"

"She is suing her own father just because she is not satisfied with her marriage. I have never heard of such a thing in my life. If it were my daughter, I would beat her to death."

"We can't keep this daughter anymore. She gave birth to me and raised me, but this is how I repay her. You are such an ungrateful person."

"I don't understand how the government can accept such a case. Do they still need to judge it? This is ridiculous!"

"Alas, our Xuanxia is good in everything except this kind of mess. The kids are getting more and more unruly. They always make trouble with their parents. They don't pay attention to the rules at home and don't follow the proper etiquette. What's going on?"

Wang Zhen could clearly feel the crowd's discussions and cold looks. The further she walked, the more heartbroken she felt.

Although she had long anticipated that she would have to face these things once she agreed to sue her parents, she still felt a bit breathless when she actually heard these words.

What's even more frightening is that as they continue to move forward, these cold words seem to have a tendency to evolve into physical actions.

Soon, rotten vegetable leaves were thrown over continuously, mixed with rotten eggs from time to time. The scene suddenly became a mess. Although the yamen officials tried their best to stop it, they still could not stop this situation.

Soon, the voices became more and more chaotic and louder, and overwhelming accusations and insults came towards Wang Zhen. Every word seemed to become accumulated bricks and stones, pressing Wang Zhen's head lower and lower.

Until a young and loud voice suddenly sounded: "She is not wrong!"

This voice was so loud that it immediately suppressed the noisy voices of the people around. Everyone looked over at the same time and were immediately shocked by the scene in front of them.

The person who spoke was actually a student of Xuanxia Academy. One student might not be enough to shock the surrounding people, but groups of hundreds of students were shocking enough.

The students were wearing the same school uniform and holding up banners with many words written on them.

Most people couldn't understand the words, but it didn't matter, because the students' shouts later made them understand what they were all about.

"Women's liberation, freedom of marriage, equality for all!"

The students' shouting in unison immediately suppressed the voices of many ordinary people, and these voices were full of the vigorous vitality of new ideas.

(End of this chapter)

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