Chapter 307: Son of Heaven!

"Hurray for the win, hurray for the win!"

Several soldiers came to the front of the team excitedly, holding a blood-stained golden arrow, and shouted happily to the group of people. However, Liu Xie in front of them had a pale face.

Liu Xie was furious, but also very frightened, and could not help but look at Yuan Shao who was riding a horse beside him.

A few dozen steps away, there was indeed a dead mountain deer, but this deer was not shot by Liu Xie. Instead, after Liu Xie missed three shots, Yuan Shao asked him for the imperial bow to shoot it on his behalf, and then killed it with one shot.

But when the soldiers at a distance examined the prey, they saw that the arrow that had pierced the deer's body was the emperor's golden arrow. They all thought that the emperor had hit the prey and came forward to congratulate him.

This made Liu Xie embarrassed, and the officials accompanying him were even more embarrassed.

It was clearly Yuan Shao who shot the prey, but the soldiers said that it was the emperor who hit the prey. Doesn't that mean Yuan Shao is the emperor!

The atmosphere was tense for a moment. Dong Cheng and Fu Wan, the important officials of the Han court who had followed the emperor back to the east, all frowned and looked coldly at Yuan Shao. Fu Xie, who was guarding Liu Xie on both sides, narrowed his eyes slightly, and his right hand had unconsciously touched the hilt of the sword.

Not to mention the reactions of the important officials of the Han court who assisted Liu Xie, even many people in Yuan Shao's camp had cold expressions.

For example, Liu Bei, who was committed to supporting the Han Dynasty, and Guan Yu, who was beside Liu Bei, were both nervous at this moment. They both reached for the swords at their waists. As long as Yuan Shao made any usurpatory moves, they would not hesitate to safeguard the emperor's dignity!

At this moment, everyone was waiting for Yuan Shao's reaction. They wanted to see if this guy really dared to usurp the throne of the emperor.

It must be said that when Yuan Shao heard the soldier's congratulations, his heart skipped a beat. Just now, he really had an urge to ride his horse forward to take the arrow. It seemed that the soldier's words had brought out what he desired most in his heart.

However, he calmed down very quickly. After he came to his senses, he immediately felt the strange atmosphere around him.

In the end, he could only sigh in his heart, then forced a smile and saluted Liu Xie: "This arrow was shot by me on your behalf. I congratulate your majesty for hunting the deer."

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone present relaxed, and even Liu Xie's expression changed from nervous to smiling.

He nodded slightly, then rode forward and took the golden arrow from the soldier.

The people around him all shouted loudly, "Your Majesty is brave."

At this moment, Liu Xie felt unprecedentedly refreshed. It seemed that this was the first time since he became emperor that he was admired by so many people. He finally had some of the feelings of being an emperor.

What can you, Yuan Shao, do even though you have a strong army? You still have to bow your head before me.

After all, he was young and frivolous, and when he finally had a chance to be proud, Liu Xie immediately lost himself in pleasure. When he drove his horse back and passed by Yuan Shao, he couldn't help but look at him with a hint of pride and mockery in his eyes.

Although the look was fleeting, Yuan Shao still sensed it keenly, which made Yuan Shao's face suddenly gloomy.

Damn it! If it weren’t for Guangtou Xu who seriously injured my vitality, why would I need to care about the emperor’s face today!

Yuan Shao felt resentful and aggrieved. Although this was his territory and he could still easily control Liu Xie, he was still very angry about having to bow to Liu Xie in public. He could have been more unscrupulous.

If there was no Xuan Xia, he would control Bingzhou and Jizhou, and have the support of Qingzhou, Zanghong, Yanzhou and Cao Cao. He would be able to look the emperor in the eye, and he could take the arrow openly.

If anyone dared to disobey, Yuan Shao would have enough confidence to suppress him. That would be truly using the emperor to control the other princes.

But now, his situation is no longer the same as before. Not only has his territory shrunk dramatically, even Zang Hong and Cao Cao, who once depended on him, have broken away from his control and sought to develop on their own. His strength is declining.

It was already Yuan Shao's extravagant hope to use the emperor to control the princes. The best he could do was to obey the emperor and punish the disobedient ones.

Yuan Shao had to suppress his ambitions and bow his head to Liu Xie.

At least on the surface, one must give the emperor enough respect, otherwise one will not even be serving the emperor in name only.

When Yuan Shao bowed his head, everyone was naturally happy and the atmosphere became relaxed.

All the ministers came forward to congratulate Liu Xie, and the scene was filled with joy.

Yuan Shao was also pretending to be submissive, but he couldn't help feeling sad in his heart. No matter how decadent the Han Dynasty was, the emperor with the surname Liu was still the faith of many scholars, which was why he had to consider the emperor's majesty.

If his strength was strong enough to ignore all resistance, then let alone disrespecting the emperor, Yuan Shao would not even bother to welcome the emperor, which would only bring trouble to himself.

Only now that his strength has been greatly weakened, Yuan Shao has no choice but to welcome the emperor so that he can use the emperor's name to control the princes.

To achieve this, at least on the surface, one must really make a gesture, otherwise the reputation of disrespecting the emperor will spread, which will easily give the princes of the world an excuse to attack him. Of course, it is precisely because the Liu family emperor still has these uses that he will welcome the emperor.

And this move did show its effect. After welcoming the emperor, Yuan Shao requested the emperor to dispatch the governors and county magistrates of the northern states to jointly send troops to attack Xuan Xia. Now the emperor's envoys have been sent to various places, waiting for the reactions of the princes from all sides.

Yuan Shao was very confident about this matter. Although Cao Cao and Zang Hong were out of his control, they still maintained a relatively good relationship with each other. Moreover, this matter was to attack Xuan Xia, the common enemy, in the name of the emperor. As long as there were no accidents, these two people would definitely agree.

After Cao Cao and Zang Hong agreed one after another, the other princes would follow suit and most of them would not refuse.

People were coming and going, and most of the officials were trying to please the emperor. Yuan Shao watched all this coldly. As long as it could bring him tangible benefits, it would not be difficult for him to accept serving the emperor with all his might.

When he defeats Xuan Xia and seizes Youzhou, he will make a comeback. By then, the value of the so-called emperor will have been exhausted, and there will be no need to pretend to be nice.

In the hunting garden, everyone from the young emperor to the officials of the court and Yuan Shao had different thoughts. It was not until Shen Pei's hurried arrival that the happy atmosphere was interrupted.

"Your Majesty, and Governor Yuanzhou, Xuanxia is preparing for war and will be attacking us soon!"

Upon hearing this, everyone present changed their expressions. Although the imperial court was already planning to attack Xuanxia, ​​they were still frightened when they heard that the enemy had taken the initiative to attack.

It was fine as Liu Xie and the court officials had not yet been severely beaten by Xuan Xia, but Yuan Shao's group of officials all looked worried.

Yuan Shao's heart sank, but he quickly came to his senses. He had to fight after all. It made no difference whether others attacked him or he attacked. He had already prepared for a big battle, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

Tian Feng, who was standing by, stepped forward and asked, "Where did this news come from? Do you have any details?"

Upon hearing this, Shen Pei took out some paper objects. These strange objects made everyone puzzled. They could see a lot of words on them, but they didn't know what they were.

Fortunately, Shen Pei then explained, immediately clearing everyone's confusion: "This thing is called a newspaper, it is issued by Xuan Xia, and it summarizes various current affairs information. The news of Xuan Xia's preparations for war was actually published on it. As for the detailed intelligence, we need to spy on it separately."

Yuan Shao took a few newspapers and took a look at them. Although he was still a little confused, he did not dare to neglect it.

Then he bowed to Liu Xie and said, "The war is urgent. I need to discuss and plan immediately. I will take my leave now. I hope Your Majesty will forgive me!"

Liu Xie also knew the seriousness of the matter, and nodded solemnly: "Yuan Qing, please go and do your work. I don't need you to accompany me here."

Yuan Shao then nodded in agreement and turned to leave, followed by a group of Jizhou officials.

With this little episode, the hunting ground, which had been full of joy just now, suddenly lost its atmosphere, and the few remaining court officials also seemed a little deserted. Liu Xie certainly had no interest in continuing hunting, so he led the crowd back to the palace.

Just as he turned around, he also instructed the people around him: "I am quite curious about the newspaper you just mentioned. If there is any extra, please go and get one for me."

Upon hearing this, the eunuch on the side hurriedly agreed and hurriedly followed Yuan Shao and his party.

Liu Xie returned to the palace surrounded by the crowd. The ministers took their leave one after another. However, they were also worried about the upcoming war, so they had to inquire about the situation with Yuan Shao and come up with some ideas.

Only Fu Xie was left guarding the palace gate, faithfully protecting the safety of the emperor.

But he hadn't been on duty for long before a eunuch from the palace came and summoned him in.

Fu Xie was familiar with the situation. The young emperor was very insecure and often liked to talk to him. He probably had something to say this time.

Sure enough, as soon as he stepped into the hall, he saw Liu Xie holding something and reading it attentively, and it was obvious that he had been reading for quite some time.

This is the newspaper that the judge mentioned.
As Fu Xie was muttering in his heart, before he could salute Liu Xie, he heard Liu Xie's angry voice, followed by something being thrown heavily to the ground.

"How can they dare to make such slanderous remarks against the emperor so openly? What do they think of me?"

Hearing Liu Xie's angry rebuke, Fu Xie was unable to react for a while. Fortunately, the eunuch on the side was tactful enough to pick up the newspaper and then handed it to Fu Xie.

Fu Xie picked up the newspaper and took a look at it. After such a cursory glance, he roughly understood the use of the newspaper. While admiring the wonders of this thing, he also focused on the part that made Liu Xie angry. This was an article written by a guy named Xun Chen.

After a careful look, Fu Xie knew why Liu Xie was angry.

This article is about the news that the emperor returned eastward and moved his capital to Yecheng. It would be fine if it was just a report of the event, but the key point is that this article also made a serious analysis of the situation, revealing a reality that Liu Xie was unwilling to face.

Just one comment that the emperor is unimportant while the princes are more important was enough to make Liu Xie furious.

(End of this chapter)

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