People in the Three Kingdoms: Starting from Preaching

Chapter 310: Loyal Minister of the Han Dynasty

Chapter 310: Loyal Minister of the Han Dynasty
As soon as "The Manifesto to Attack the Han Dynasty" was published, it shocked the world. The princes from all over the country felt Xuan Xia's ambition, and they were also watching the man who was determined to replace the Han Dynasty to march south.

However, although the manifesto was issued for a long time, the Xuanxia army still did not send out troops. However, this did not reassure the princes, because although the Xuanxia army did not send out troops, it did not mean that there would be no corresponding movement.

Each prince has its own intelligence information. From the news sent back by the spies, it can be clearly known that Xuanxia is carrying out the most massive and astonishing preparation for war since the founding of the country.

Xuanxia's military households were conscripted, and every day countless teams of all sizes set out from all over the country for the capital.

The food and supplies raised by the Xuanxia court were endless, and they were continuously gathered from all over the place. The speed of building granaries and treasuries in the capital could not keep up with the speed of replenishment.

In the training grounds outside the capital, tens of thousands of troops are training day and night. The roars and growls from their training every day can scare away the ferocious beasts in the nearby mountains and forests. It is not difficult to imagine what kind of high-intensity training is going on.

In fact, at this point, Xuan Xia was fully capable of sending out troops to attack, but they still seemed to feel that the preparations were not sufficient, so that after a long time, Xuan Xia still remained on the sidelines.

But the longer the preparations took, the more frightened the princes from all over the country became.

If the bow and arrow want to have greater power and range, the string needs to be pulled as fully as possible. The more power that can be accumulated in the end, the greater the distance and power of the shot. Now Xuan Xia seems to have become such a strong bow that is constantly accumulating power.

The scary thing is that the princes already felt that Xuan Xia was about to pull the bow to a full circle, but Xuan Xia showed no signs of stopping and continued to pull the bowstring.

At this point, even though Xuan Xia hadn't formally launched an attack, the invisible pressure was already suffocating enough.

At this time, the coalition forces of the princes on Yuan Shao's side were also preparing for war.

This time, not only did Cao Cao, Zang Hong, Zhang Yang, Zhang Yan and other allies who were relatively close to Yuan Shao appear, but even Yuan Shu and Tao Qian, who had tripped Yuan Shao up last time, changed their attitude and sent troops to support him.

Of course, Yuan Shu did not have much enthusiasm and only sent a few thousand troops to show his attitude, but this was enough for Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao had never counted on Yuan Shu's military strength. As long as the other party could show his attitude and not hold him back, this would be the greatest help. Without any worries, there would be no need to worry about the situation of being constrained on both ends as in the last war.

This is the benefit of welcoming the emperor. Calling on the princes to rise up in the name of the emperor, as long as the momentum is formed, it will be difficult for Yuan Shu to directly hinder him, whether he is willing or not.

No matter how useless Emperor Liu Han was, his status in the hearts of scholars all over the world was unquestionable. Yuan Shu now did not dare to go against the momentum of the coalition forces and risk the disapproval of the world.

What’s different is that this time, Yuan Shu was not so difficult to accept in the coalition war.

The last time, the coalition was absolutely centered around Yuan Shao. Once Xuan Xia was defeated, Yuan Shao would reap almost all the benefits, which was not something Yuan Shu was happy to see.

This time, the princes rose up in arms at the call of the emperor. If Xuanxia was really destroyed, Yuan Shao could only share the fruits of war with the princes.

As long as one of the parties does not become the dominant one, Yuan Shu will certainly not look for trouble to disrupt the situation.

The huge benefits that Yuan Shao had gained from welcoming the emperor had begun to show. Once the emperor's righteousness was put forward, the princes hesitated, but when they saw the scary monster in the north, they gradually obeyed and cooperated.

Yuan Shao had suffered a great defeat and fell to the bottom, but by means of pleasing the emperor, he pulled himself back from the bottom.

According to Yuan Shao's expectation, as long as he could use the power of the princes to pacify Youzhou and exterminate Xuanxia, ​​then even if he could not dominate alone, he would at least have a relative advantage and still have a place in the future. Moreover, the more urgent reality was that if he did not react as the first to face the pressure from Xuanxia, ​​he would eventually die. This time, calling on the princes to attack Xu in the name of the fake emperor was not a self-rescue action.

If I don't fight Xu Guangtou, he will chop off my head sooner or later.
Although this time the princes' attack on Xu was not as grand as the previous attack on Dong, it was not much different.

In this battle, in addition to Yuan Shu, Tao Qian and some of Yuan Shao's close allies, even Liu Biao in Jingzhou and Liu Zhang in Yizhou also dispatched troops to support Yuan Shao. Although the number of troops was small, they were still a help.

The armies of various princes gathered in Yecheng, and there were actually more than 400,000 soldiers. Of course, in the era of cold weapons, the military strength was very high. At least 100,000 of the 400,000 soldiers were civilians and auxiliary soldiers, which could not be regarded as real combat power.

But even so, a battle of this scale is still terrifying.

The armies of all sides set up camps and garrisons, and the vast and flat wasteland was almost completely filled with them. Even if they were just ordinary garrisons, the wasteland was filled with dust and noise every day. Before they set out on the expedition, the breath of a great war had already filled every inch of the air.

When the princes met, the first thing to do was to meet the emperor. Yuan Shao set up an imperial platform in the camp. The princes who were unable to come in person all sent envoys to present tribute as a token of respect. Those who came in person with their troops, like Cao Cao Zang Hong, were able to meet the emperor in person.

The imperial platform was set up in a camp in the wilderness. Although it was not as magnificent as a palace, the solemn military atmosphere in the camp made Liu Xie inexplicably excited.

The weaker one is, the more he desires something powerful. Liu Xie looked at the endless military camps covering the land, and he couldn't suppress his sadness. How great it would be if all these armies belonged to him!
However, Liu Xie was displaced and held hostage by various powerful men along the way. He received enough beatings and his youthful innocence was becoming less and less.

He knew that although the princes were nominally submitting to him, in reality they were only worshipping the title of the emperor. He, the emperor, could not command these armies at all. In fact, they were all private soldiers of the princes.

For no reason, Liu Xie thought of Xuan Xia's "Manifesto to Attack Han".

All the governors and county magistrates in the world are ministers of Liu Han. They would indeed kneel before him and call him "Your Majesty", but why are they never willing to offer their things to the emperor?

Apart from calling him Your Majesty, are they really still the subjects of the Han Dynasty?
Perhaps it is true as the manifesto says, that the Han Dynasty has really lost the Mandate of Heaven, otherwise why would the various princes respect the emperor in public but secretly leave him?
Just as he was muttering pessimistically in his heart, he heard a burst of brisk footsteps in front of the imperial platform, which immediately interrupted Liu Xie's thoughts.

He couldn't help but cheer up and prepare to meet the next minister, who was Cao Cao who now occupied Yanzhou.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, you have suffered!"

Before he could come to his senses, Liu Xie saw a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes stumbling onto the stage.

This guy had tears in his eyes and spoke in a crying voice. As soon as he saw Liu Xie, he rushed over, grabbed Liu Xie's hand, knelt on the ground and started crying bitterly.

It must be said that although this guy's movements were a bit exaggerated, his expression did not seem fake at all, which made Liu Xie feel somewhat moved.

"Cao Cao is so sincere and genuine, he really understands my difficulties. From this point of view, maybe he is really a loyal minister of our Han Dynasty."

Liu Xie thought so in his heart, but then he could only sigh secretly.

It's a pity that he was not taken away by Cao Cao, a loyal minister. Perhaps this would have been a better choice.

(End of this chapter)

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