Chapter 315 Guess
The early winter sunshine shines down, covering the earth with a layer of gold, but this cannot bring the slightest warmth to the battlefield. The sunshine cannot dispel the cold and murderous atmosphere of the battlefield. Death and blood can cover up all positive things.

The decisive battle in northern Shenzhou has begun. Xu Chen and Yuan Shao, who are on the main battlefield, have been fighting for seven days now.

During these seven days, the two sides fought dozens of battles of varying sizes, and the exchanges were extremely intense. Relying on the advantage of the dangerous terrain, Yuan Shao was able to withstand the powerful offensive of the Yellow Turbans despite the overall disadvantageous quality of his army.

If the Yellow Turbans cannot defeat or repel the enemy, they will be trapped here and unable to advance, and the idea of ​​occupying the four northern states will certainly become nothing more than a luxury.

After this battle, both sides have become very clear about each other's strength through constant fighting, and are also looking for a better opportunity for a decisive battle.

By the eighth day, the rising sun brought not hope and joy to the battlefield, but a new day of war.

Yuan Shao was accompanied by Shen Pei, Tian Feng, Zhang He, Liu Bei, Gao Lan, Guo Tu, Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Xu You and others who climbed up to the high platform to observe the battlefield. Sure enough, soon after it got light, the Yellow Turbans had already deployed their battle formation and were ready to go.

For so many days, the Yellow Turbans have maintained a sufficient intensity of attack, unwilling to give Yuan's army any chance to catch their breath and rest.

The Yellow Turbans certainly understood their own advantages. The fighting spirit of the two sides was completely at two different levels. Long-term combat would definitely highlight this gap. As long as the enemy's mental strength was completely exhausted, victory would not be far away.

However, Yuan Shao and others did not seem to be worried about this issue.

"The Yellow Turbans are fighting our army for a long time in order to tire us out. However, if this is their only plan, I am afraid they will be disappointed. Our army can defend the dangerous area easily, but they are the ones who are really struggling. If they continue to fight like this, I am afraid the Yellow Turbans will suffer the consequences."

When Shen Pei saw the Yellow Turbans taking action and combined it with the fighting situation of several consecutive days, he gradually became more confident. It was obvious that Yuan’s army was willing to accept fighting like this.

Everyone nodded in agreement, and Yuan Shao also chuckled. Being able to withstand the pressure of the Yellow Turbans' attack and stabilize the situation was already a very ideal result.

"The Yellow Turbans are determined to take on tough tasks, so they can't blame anyone else." Yuan Shao looked into the distance and then gave an order in a deep voice: "Zhang He and Gao Lan, each of you will lead an army of 10,000 to meet the enemy. We don't need to annihilate the enemy, we just need to defend the camp!"

Zhang He and Gao Lan each obeyed the order and then turned and left.

Before long, the defenses in front of the camp began to be arranged, soldiers were moved everywhere, and civilians in the rear were assisting in defense and transporting supplies. The entire Yuan army camp operated in an orderly manner.

In fact, if we don’t compare them with the Xuanxia Yellow Turbans, the armies of the various princes this time all have considerable qualities, at least above the average of the times, and can be considered qualified armies.

Whether it is the command ability of generals or the tactical qualities of soldiers, they can meet all kinds of combat needs well.

However, the fighting power of the Xuanxia Yellow Turbans, which was far beyond their time, was so amazing that it seemed that the coalition forces of the princes were not strong enough to defeat them.

In order to deal with this battle, Yuan Shao had made sufficient preparations. The camp here was built early and the layout was very solid.

All kinds of internal and external camp defense facilities are available, the internal camp is clearly divided, the soldiers can move around very smoothly, and various corner towers and watchtowers are also set up.

An earthen wall was built outside the camp, and trenches were dug at the base of the outer wall, forming a relative height difference of three meters.

And that alone is not enough. There is an inner wall after the outer wall. If the Yellow Turbans want to enter it, they can only go around a complete circle in the narrow wall passage to truly enter the camp. However, during this process, the soldiers need to constantly withstand the enemy's wanton attacks from high altitudes.

This solid camp is actually a small city, and its location in a dangerous place is enough to make the attackers shake their heads in fear.

One of the great uses of the army being dispatched with a large number of civilian laborers is that as long as the generals are good enough, sufficient civilian laborers in the tens of thousands can build a camp very quickly.

However, this was quite a headache for the attacking Yellow Turbans. After several days of attacks, they always ended hastily without any progress. It seemed that they were really blocked by the camp in front of them.

If he had not made thorough preparations, Yuan Shao would not have had much confidence to face the Yellow Turbans.

Soon, a new war began. The Yellow Turban army rushed forward and quickly reached the camp to launch an attack. It was difficult for the Yellow Turbans to form a formation in the narrow space, which greatly limited their combat capabilities.

Moreover, during the battle, most of the enemies are in a high position to attack, which makes it even more difficult.

But even so, the offensive and defensive battles between the two sides were still very fierce, with shouts of killing and blood splattering on the front line, and the intensity of the battle was enough to make people hold their breath from afar.

Although the quality of Yuan army's soldiers was far inferior to that of the Yellow Turbans, they were still qualified after all. With such a huge terrain advantage for defense, they were able to barely hold on.

The command of Zhang He and Gao Lan was also excellent enough. Under their command, the soldiers of Yuan army were always able to bring considerable pressure to the Yellow Turbans' attack. No matter how fierce and thrilling the battle on the front line was, there was no wavering in the end.

"Benchu, look, although the Yellow Turbans are strong, they are by no means invincible. As long as we create favorable conditions, our army can still deal with them. If we continue to confront them for such a long time, the longer the time, the more difficult it will be for the attacking side. Once the opportunity comes, our army will take the initiative to attack and win!"

Xu You watched the battlefield from afar, and a smile slowly appeared on his face, as if he had already felt that he had won. The others also laughed. They had to say that the current battle situation was quite ideal. If they continued to fight like this, there would be great potential for this battle. Even if they did not make an optimistic estimate, at least they would not be defeated.

The natural advantages of the defenders, coupled with the local terrain, did help Yuan's army to make up for a lot of the strength gap.

Yuan Shao smiled and said, "As long as our main battlefield can be stabilized, the overall situation of this battle will not collapse. As for the other two places, Cao Cao is also a great man of the time. He has an advantage in military strength and should not lose to the other side. Zang Hong is also a hero, so I don't think he will suffer a big loss."

Guo Tu laughed loudly, "What the governor said is very true. In the last battle, Cao Cao performed very well and defeated the Yellow Turbans in Changshan in one fell swoop. This time, his forces are even stronger, so it will be easy to repel the enemy. As long as our main force gains the upper hand, even if Zang Hong is at a disadvantage, the coalition forces will have the upper hand overall!"

As everyone was chatting and laughing, the noise on the front battlefield had gradually died down, but the Yellow Turbans were exhausted after fighting for so long that they withdrew their troops and returned to the camp.

As a result, everyone was even more excited. The Yellow Turbans, which had always been a headache for people, didn't seem to be so scary this time.

Maybe it is true as Xu You said, the Yellow Turbans are strong, but far from being invincible.
Everyone thought so in their hearts.

It cannot be said that they were blindly optimistic, but the battle had lasted long enough, and each time the Yellow Turbans retreated hastily, which undoubtedly increased their confidence in this battle.

But there are also some sober people among them.

Tian Feng frowned and said nothing, focusing all his attention on the battlefield. He did not regain his composure until the Yellow Turbans had completely retreated.

But at this time, his brows were locked even tighter. Without hesitation, he immediately turned his head and looked at Yuan Shao: "I think it may not be that simple."

As soon as Tian Feng spoke, everyone looked over and their hearts skipped a beat.

Whether it was Yuan Shao or other people, they were actually very familiar with Tian Feng's temperament. This guy would keep silent, but once he spoke, it was always something bad, and it often came true.

As a typical defeatist strategist, Tian Feng is obviously unpopular.

Yuan Shao's heart skipped a beat, but his expression slowly calmed down: "Yuan Hao, feel free to speak frankly about what you think."

Tian Feng bowed to Yuan Shao and frowned, saying, "In the past few days, the Yellow Turbans seem to have been defeated every time. But if you observe carefully, you will find that there are few Yellow Turban casualties every time. Perhaps the enemy's strong offensive is just an appearance. They have never really attacked with all their strength."

After hearing what Tian Feng said, everyone fell silent. As they thought about it, their expressions gradually became solemn.

If you think about it carefully, it seems to be true. For so many days they have been confused by the Yellow Turbans' weak offensive appearance, so much so that they actually ignored this point.

If the Yellow Turbans were truly unable to attack, would the casualties be like this?

Yuan Shao suddenly realized and was shocked. After hearing what Tian Feng said, he realized that something was wrong: "Attack with all their might but without exerting any strength. What are they trying to do?"

The most terrifying thing is not that the enemy is powerful, but that you feel something is wrong with the enemy but don't know the details. That kind of unknown is the most disturbing.

Everyone was silent for a while, all trying to guess the Yellow Turbans' intentions.

Soon after, Shen Pei said, "As long as they can't capture our camp, it doesn't matter how much they try to cover up. Unless they have other plans, they are just maintaining a basic offensive to attract attention and wait for the opportunity."

When this statement was made, everyone felt that it made sense. However, this made it difficult for everyone to guess what the Yellow Turbans were planning.

For a moment, everyone spoke one after another, each expressing their guess, but then shook their heads, thinking it was wrong.

Until Tian Feng walked to the front, stared at the map for a long time, and his eyes slowly fell on his rear.

The strength of both sides on the front battlefield is clearly displayed, and there is actually no room for any clever strategies. If you want to do anything, you can only work hard in the rear.

"Perhaps, the Yellow Turbans' plan lies here." Tian Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, then pointed to a place on the map.

Upon hearing this, everyone gathered around to look at the map, and soon found the place where Tian Feng pointed. It turned out to be a village a hundred miles behind their position.

There was no need to say more. Soon they gradually realized what Tian Feng was thinking. If the Yellow Turbans really had a plan, they could probably only plan here.

Yuan Shao's expression was solemn at first, then calm, and finally he sneered: "The most important thing to avoid when planning a brilliant plan is seeing through, otherwise you will be restrained. If the Yellow Turbans really plan to do this, I can prepare a great gift for them!"

(End of this chapter)

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