Chapter 335 Graduation
"In half a year, the first batch of college students will graduate."

On the windowsill of the house, Emiya stood quietly, looking into the distance, no one knew what he was thinking about, but suddenly he spoke out loud.

Zhou Liang was studying hard at the table with a book in his arms. When he heard these words, he couldn't help but look back at Shirou.

There seemed to be something wrong with Emiya today. He was always a free and easy-going young man, but today he was silent and taciturn, and it was obvious that he had something on his mind.

As a good friend, Zhou Liang wanted to ask, but in the end he shook his head and just answered the question.

If there is really something, the other party will tell you what they want to say, so there is no need to ask more questions.

"Yes, everyone will pursue their own careers in the future. I heard that after graduation, the court will open up teaching and imperial examinations, and most of the students will choose this path."

Speaking of this, Zhou Liang couldn't help but put down his pen and began to make plans for the future.

All the officials of Xuanxia have always been derived from the military system. This is the most effective way to ensure the ideological unity and knowledge literacy of the official group, but this is definitely not a long-term solution.

Now the talent selection system should gradually become formalized.

From then on, if people wanted to enter the officialdom, making achievements in the army was no longer the only way. Instead, they could choose to study all the way, and after reaching the corresponding academic qualifications, they could work towards a career in officialdom.

Of course, the ideological unity and purity of the official system must be guaranteed. Therefore, before the imperial examination, they must first pass the natural religion examination to ensure that every official must accept the doctrine.

Only those who convert to Christianity and pass the religious examination to become a true naturalist are qualified to become officials.

The imperial court opened up teaching and imperial examinations at this time, obviously to prepare for the first batch of college students. These college students will be the first batch of talents selected from the public outside the military.

For most people in the academy, this path is obviously the direction they most prefer.

Shirou sighed in his heart and had to admit that Xuan Xia was indeed different from others.

In the current era, whether in the Central Plains or outside the territory, the aristocratic system is the norm, and ordinary people have no channels for upward mobility at all. However, Xuan Xia broke this convention.

Today, the vast majority of students at Xuanxia Academy come from families of peasant workers. This kind of background would be considered the most humble in other places, but in Xuanxia, ​​they can study, receive education, and pursue official careers. They may have the opportunity to become generals or prime ministers in the future.

This kind of thing is actually hard to imagine in front of Emiya, the Goguryeo prince.

Of course, all the original noble families and powerful people in the land ruled by Xuanxia were purged and rebuilt.

This class has been completely destroyed by that man, so naturally there is no chance for them to continue to control public property.

In the eyes of the common people, that man was a sage and a prophet, but in the eyes of the gentry, he was undoubtedly a scourge and a monster.

"What about you? Will you also take the teaching and scientific examinations in the future?"

Emiya turned around and sat down, leaning back in his chair while crossing his legs and fanning himself, seemingly turning into that bohemian foreign prince again.

Zhou Liang shook his head and said, "I am a dull person by nature, so I am not suitable for this path. In comparison, I prefer to continue to study. After graduation, I will continue to stay in school to study as a researcher."

Emiya paused fanning himself, then frowned, "Are you stupid? Future is important in life. What could be more promising than entering the government? It's foolish to spend your precious time taking care of your crops!"

At this point, Emiya suddenly remembered something and snorted again, "Oh, I forgot that besides taking care of the crops, you are also researching sea and river ships. But it's all the same, it's just a craftsman's work. Can this be put on the table and compared to a career in politics?"

The two have been roommates for two years. Although there is a huge difference in their class backgrounds, the school itself is a relatively pure place, and the class differences are actually quite weak.

After a few years, their friendship as classmates was indeed good, so much so that Emiya even felt a little disappointed with Zhou Liang.

Zhou Liang shook his head and sighed in his heart. Although this guy in front of him studied and lived with him and accepted Xuan Xia's new ideas and knowledge, in fact, the old concepts in his thoughts and cognition were still strong.

If you don't truly study science, it's hard to understand the mystery behind it. This is definitely not something that can be created by craftsmen.

"You know, my ideal has always been to emulate the story of Marquis Bowang. The things I am studying now are also the process of practicing my ideals. There is nothing wrong with this."

Zhou Liang did not insist on arguing with the other party, but just explained with a smile.

Emiya wanted to say something, but seeing Zhou Liang's stubborn eyes, he gave up. He leaned back in his chair, his expression seemed a little melancholy: "I probably won't be able to graduate successfully. The envoy from the country came this time and brought bad news. My father is seriously ill, so I'm afraid I have to prepare to go back and inherit the family business."

When Zhou Liang heard this, he was stunned for a moment. Only then did he understand why Wei Gong looked so abnormal today. So this was what was going on.

But for something like this, he could only express his regret.

The classmates who have been together for a long time are now about to part ways, and they are really reluctant to part.

At least at school, Emiya gradually no longer has such a strong sense of background, and he still really regards Zhou Liang as a good friend.

Of course, in addition to the reluctance to part with his classmates, Emiya was also reluctant to leave the academy and Genka.

Although life in the academy is relatively hard compared to the original life of a prince, after getting used to it, one can appreciate the fun in it.

Discussing issues and writing inspiring articles with a group of high-spirited young people is an experience I would never have had otherwise.

Only in Xuanxia Academy are there so many brilliant ideas and so many young people full of vitality and fighting spirit.

As a part of it, Emiya was reluctant to give up this open and enjoyable student life.

Xuanxia itself is also a place that makes people reluctant to leave, as it is changing with each passing day.

New plays, new comic strips, new novels, new newspapers, new streets, new buildings, new commodities.

Everything here is so fascinating that even a nobleman like Emiya would feel too happy to stay here.

After all, Goguryeo was a bitter and cold place, which was completely different from Xuanxia.

There are no flying and colliding ideas, nor endless new things, but only backwardness, ignorance and dullness.

Logically speaking, he should be happy about returning home to inherit the family business and become the new king. After all, this was what he had longed for the most. But when the time came, Emiya found that he really couldn't be happy.

During these two years, although I cannot say that I have been completely transformed by the academy, I have indeed absorbed enough from Xuan Xia.

However, the more he learned, the more pathetic he became. What use were these things he had learned in such a shabby place as Goguryeo?

Emiya had no idea what kind of fruit the naturalistic thought would bear in Goguryeo.

After returning to Goguryeo, he would not reveal any of the teachings of the Naturalism Church, as that would only become a taboo in Goguryeo. After all, as the one who would become the king of Goguryeo in the future, Emiya could not overthrow himself.

The more he learned and read, the more he felt the huge gap between Goguryeo and Xuanxia was like a chasm.

He knew the source of Xuan Xia's growing strength, but the most painful thing was that he knew it was impossible for him to learn Xuan Xia's methods, even if they were correct.

If the power of Goguryeo and the well-being of its people require the abolition of the royal family and the nobility, then Emiya would rather not have such power and wealth. There is no point in having Goguryeo without my royal family.

Emiya stood up and patted Zhou Liang on the shoulder: "You are lucky. This is the country of the future. Cherish this opportunity. No matter what path you take after graduation, you must walk it well."

After saying that, Emiya left his white jade fan on Zhou Liang's desk, then walked out of the house with his hands behind his back.

Finally, the time of separation came. Zhou Liang couldn't help feeling sad. He also stood up and followed, but he wanted to send off his good friend who had taken great care of him in the past two years.

Both of them knew that after this separation, they might never have the chance to see each other again in this life.

As I walked along the academy campus, all I saw were the laughter and joy of my classmates, but soon, these things had nothing to do with me anymore.

This is the future, but I am not here, and neither is Goguryeo.

What will Xuan Xia's sudden rise in power turn the world into?

This was Emiya's last thought as he walked out of the academy.

(End of this chapter)

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