Chapter 338 Father
"The so-called emperor is the one who holds himself supreme, but the current Han emperor has no authority, does not show his will, has been held hostage by others, and has not been able to exercise his freedom to this day. He is truly unworthy of the name.

The power of the country is granted by the people, which means the emperor receives the mandate from the people. However, he usurps the mandate of heaven and claims to be the son of heaven. This is a great evil of usurping the country and he should be punished.

Emperor Liu Xie of the Han Dynasty ascended the throne involuntarily since he was young. If he could follow the will of the people, reform the imperial system, restore justice, and avoid unnecessary bloodshed and resistance, he would have made great contributions and should be forgiven."

Sitting in the hall holding a newspaper, after reading a long and eloquent "Letter to the Emperor of Han", Cai Wenji could not help but look to the side, where there was a mature man in his thirties.

At this time, the man was pacing back and forth in the hall with a one-year-old baby in his arms, teasing the baby as he walked, making the baby giggle.

Seeing the scene of the father and son teasing their son and enjoying the family happiness, Cai Wenji couldn't help but smile, and felt a great sense of peace and happiness in her heart.

The man with a mustache was naturally her husband Xu Chen, and the baby in Xu Chen's hands was the baby boy they had born in the past three years.

The name Xu Chen chose for his son was taken from the Xuan character in Xuan Xia, and named him Xu Xuan.

And now Cai Wenji is three months pregnant with a baby. Whether it is a son or a daughter, Xu Chen has already decided to name her Xu Xia.

Although the names of his children are simple, they are also the best hope. After all, Xuan Xia is the result of Xu Chen's life's hard work.

Looking at Xu Chen's face, Cai Wenji recalled many years ago when Xu Chen was full of vigor and youthful spirit.

But since she gave birth to Xu Xuan more than a year ago, Xu Chen has visibly begun to mature.

Xu Xuan is now over one year old, and Xu Chen has completely shed his youthfulness and truly transformed into the role of a husband and father.

But soon, Cai Wenji withdrew her thoughts and looked back at the newspaper in her hand.

Perhaps because she had experienced the tragic loss of her country and her family, Cai Wenji, a talented woman, cared more about the affairs of her country and her family than about the sorrow of the passing of time. The article in today's newspaper made her very concerned.

"I still don't understand the purpose of your husband's article. Let's not talk about whether Liu Xie, as the emperor of Han, is willing to reform the imperial system. Even if he is willing, this matter is not up to him to decide. So what's the point of saying this?"

After teasing for a while, Xu Xuan fell asleep. Seeing Xu Chen put Xu Xuan in the cradle beside him, Cai Wenji asked in a low voice.

Xu Chen shook his arms to relieve his fatigue, then smiled and sat down to answer: "It doesn't matter what Liu Xie can do, because this article is not written for him, but for the people of the world."

After hearing this, Cai Wenji gradually came to her senses: "My husband is trying to win the hearts of the people and justice?"

Xu Chen nodded: "Wen Ji is indeed smart. This article is sent to the world. Now the situation in the south is gradually stabilizing. Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Quan and Liu Zhang have gradually joined forces. They are serving the emperor in the name of the emperor, so I will fight against the emperor in the name of the emperor to see who is more legitimate."

Cai Wenji nodded slightly, then said helplessly: "But the southern scholars must be on Liu Han's side. Unless there is a sword, even if they read your husband's article, I'm afraid they won't be able to accept it. And if they don't speak, how can the people know the meaning of the article?"

It has to be said that Cai Wenji was indeed smart. Coming from an aristocratic family, she understood very well how the aristocratic and powerful people controlled the people below.

Land and resources are hard conditions, with which they can firmly bind the bodies of countless people. Knowledge is the soft condition of the nobles and powerful families. They control all the discourse power by controlling knowledge. What is right and what is wrong, what should be done and what should not be done, are all defined and decided by them, so the people's thoughts and ideas are firmly controlled by them.

In this way, a local powerful person can control the fate of the people in a town or a village, and a local gentry can even control the fate of the people in a county or a prefecture.

No matter how reasonable Xu Chen's articles are, it will be useless if the common people cannot understand them. Scholars will not take their articles to debate with Xu Chen.

"There will always be some knowledgeable people who will make the right choice. Once the article is circulated, it will always have an impact. Even if the impact is very small, it will create value. For us, it is just a matter of publishing an article. There is nothing we can't do. Not only that, we will publish more of these articles in the future."

Xu Chen smiled. Of course he understood what Cai Wenji understood, but it didn’t matter. Things have to be done bit by bit, and there is no such thing as achieving success overnight.

"Moreover, the sudden emergence of an advanced force in Runan in the past two years is the best proof that the spread of the Natural Classic can generate a reaction, indicating that the correct truth can completely lead a considerable number of people to awaken, so these articles can be published."

When Cai Wenji heard Xu Chen mention Runan’s “advanced forces”, she quickly realized what he was talking about.

That advanced force was actually a branch of naturalism that developed independently in Runan.

A man named Lu Meng, holding a book called "Natural Classic" as a theoretical weapon, started an uprising three years ago, and only one year later, it had become quite powerful.

Today, this spontaneously emerging branch of natural education has gathered tens of thousands of people, making a huge fuss in Runan, and has even begun to spread to the surrounding Jingzhou and Yangzhou.

However, Lu Meng was also a very capable person. Although he was clearly in the heart of the enemy, he took advantage of the geographical features of the three states of Runan being adjacent to each other. He often fled back and forth among the three states, and took advantage of the mentality of each state in the three states to mind its own business, and he managed to maneuver his way out of the situation.

Speaking of this, Cai Wenji couldn't help but nodded. Taking the events of the Ru'nan Natural Education Branch as an example, it can indeed be shown that Xu Chen's approach is still useful.

But having said that, Cai Wenji couldn't help but feel worried about this self-developed branch.

"Just as my husband said, the south has gradually gathered strength in the past three years. I am afraid that soon all the princes will form an alliance, and the situation of the Runan branch will become even more difficult."

"What Wen Ji said is very true. Although the Ru'nan branch is a force that developed on its own, our natural sect was brought together because of ideals. They are undoubtedly Xuan Xia's own people. Xuan Xia must not ignore this force."

"My husband, how do you plan to deal with this?" Cai Wenji asked.

Xu Chen said in a deep voice: "I have already made arrangements for this matter. The court will send a special envoy to Runan soon. We must first let the Runan branch join the organization to form a connection, so that we can coordinate the overall situation."

Upon hearing this, Cai Wenji sighed slightly.

Runan is located in the enemy's hinterland. Even if Xuan Xia wanted to, he couldn't provide any direct help. This is all he could do.

(End of this chapter)

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