Chapter 340 Headache
In the new issue of "Xuanxia Monthly", the front-page article is no longer about discussing major events in the world, nor is it promoting the doctrines of naturalism. Instead, it is an article introducing medicine.

In a thatched cottage in the countryside of Yanzhou, a man in his forties or fifties was reading a newspaper. Judging from the expression on his face, he seemed quite surprised by the article.

This is because what this article talks about is very attractive to him who is also good at medicine.

Human anatomy!

As one of the most famous doctors of the time, how could Hua Tuo not understand the great significance of the human body to medicine? The more advanced his medical skills were, the more he wanted to figure out the specific structure of the human body. However, no one dared to do such a thing as dissection.

During the Han Dynasty, Wang Mang did do this, but it was live dissection of people using torture and should not be confused with this.

During the Xin Dynasty, a rebel named Wang Sunqing was captured by Wang Mang. Wang Mang then asked the imperial physician and alchemist butcher to perform a live dissection on Wang Sunqing, and then measured his five internal organs and traced his meridians.

This behavior is more like satisfying Wang Mang's perverted desire for torture than studying the human body.

Moreover, even without talking about the motivation, the fact is that no results were left from this autopsy, and it is not known to future generations, so it is meaningless.

Ancient medical techniques do have descriptions of the locations of internal organs in the human body, but they are not detailed. Moreover, the location descriptions cannot be used as a reference because of frequent changes in measurements. Instead, they are not as useful as the doctor's own experience.

But relying on experience alone is certainly not as intuitive and clear as directly figuring out the internal structure of the human body.

Unfortunately, Hua Tuo did not dare to do such a thing. Firstly, no one would want others to mess with their body. Secondly, for a doctor, such a thing would bring too much moral pressure.

And now, someone is finally going to be the first in the world!
Zhang Zhongjing.
Hua Tuo was not unfamiliar with this name. It can be said that the medical knowledge of the current era cannot avoid this name. In the past ten years, Zhang Zhongjing published countless medical achievements, and each one of them made Hua Tuo astonished.

It is also because of this that Hua Tuo paid attention to "Nature Classic" and the later "Nature" journal, as well as the current newspapers.

Of course, he also paid attention to the names of Xuan Xia and Xu Chen.

The article in front of him was written by Xu Chen, the prime minister of Xuanxia State. What surprised Hua Tuo was that this article not only introduced anatomy, but also vindicated it and greatly praised the profession of doctor.

In fact, at that time, doctors were just regarded as a lowly profession with "medical skills" and had a very low status. Only doctors like Hua Tuo knew the ups and downs of this. Now that a figure of Xu Chen's importance had personally come to vindicate doctors, Hua Tuo could not help but be moved.

Hua Tuo read until the end of the article, and saw that Zhang Zhongjing made a will to donate his body for medical use after his death. He was even more shocked and stood up. In an instant, he was filled with great admiration for Zhang Zhongjing.

He could actually do this!

If you ask yourself honestly, although Hua Tuo was very eager to understand the mysteries of the human body, he might not be willing to do what Zhang Zhongjing did.

After all, the ancients were not people of later generations, and their views on things were completely different. Donating bodies for dissection actually requires tremendous courage.

Hua Tuo stood there in silence for a long time. After a while, he finally saw a line of announcement at the bottom of the front page.

This announcement was made by Zhang Zhongjing to all doctors in the world, hoping that all doctors in the world would enter Xuanxia to jointly study all medical knowledge including the results of this dissection, and truly lay the foundation for the advancement of medicine.

Suddenly, Hua Tuo clutched the newspaper in his hand, and his heart began to beat uncontrollably.

Hua Tuo, who has entered middle age, has not felt so excited for a long time.

He clearly realized that this might be an opportunity for doctors all over the world to enter the mainstream. In the future, maybe doctors will be able to get rid of their status as a lowly profession. This is something that will have real benefits for every doctor.

Moreover, for those who purely pursue medicine, this opportunity cannot be missed.

Without any hesitation, Hua Tuo called his medicine boy and said, "Pack your bags immediately and prepare to travel with me."

The medicine boy quickly agreed and asked, "Master, are you going to see patients again?" Hua Tuo smiled and then shook his head, "No, we are going to a holy place for all of us doctors. We won't be back for a long time, so you should be prepared."

Hua Tuo left without any hesitation, as if he had been impatient for a long time. As soon as he had some ideas in his mind, the balance suddenly tipped towards this side.

He really couldn't wait.

I, Hua Tuo, also want to see with my own eyes what the so-called microscopic world looks like. I, Hua Tuo, also want to see the most cutting-edge medical theories and achievements there.

However, perhaps it was a coincidence, but just a few days after Hua Tuo passed away, a group of people came to his residence.

These people were none other than Cao Cao, who had come here on the orders of the emperor to invite Hua Tuo to treat his illness.

However, they arrived several days late, and now it was too late to catch up.

In this case, they had no choice but to give up. After asking people nearby about Hua Tuo's whereabouts, they returned to Xuchang to report to Cao Cao.


With a slam, Cao Cao angrily dropped the food in his hand onto the table.

This reaction scared the people below so much that their faces turned pale. They were afraid that the guy above would vent his anger on them. After all, everyone who worked here knew that the guy above was very moody.

Fortunately, this time Cao Cao did not vent his anger on others for no reason, because most of his anger was directed at Xuan Xia.

"It's Xuan Xia again, and it's Xu Chen again. Why is it that every time I look for a healer, Xuan Xia always gets the better of me!"

When talking about Xuan Xia and Xu Chen, Cao Cao's brows furrowed tightly, and negative emotions instantly filled his heart. All of a sudden, a strong pain appeared in his mind.

The pain was throbbing, as if someone was hitting his head with a hammer. It continued in such a rhythmic manner that Cao Cao felt as if his brain was about to explode.

He was already tormented by the headache and had consulted many doctors without any effect. So he sent someone to ask for help from the famous Hua Tuo, but he was too late.

This made Cao Cao feel tormented. Was he going to have to endure this kind of pain for a long time?

Xuan Xia and Xu Chen are truly his nemesis. He will be in trouble if he has anything to do with them. Who could have thought that at this juncture, Hua Tuo could be attracted away by Xuan Xia?

Of course Cao Cao knew why Hua Tuo ran to Xuan Xia at this time, because in front of him was also a new issue of Xuan Xia newspaper.

After a long while, Cao Cao endured the pain with a red face, and finally sweat broke out on his forehead. Slowly, the pain subsided.

"Since we can't catch up, forget it. Go and invite Xun Yu. Soon Liu Bei, Sun Quan and Liu Zhang will all send envoys to meet with the emperor to discuss important matters. Xun Yu will need to prepare and plan for this matter."

Cao Cao's face was gloomy. Although he was in a very bad mood, he would not let anything go wrong.

Compared to his own illness, the situation in the world is more important. Now that the situation in the south has stabilized, people from all sides cannot be said to be selfless, but at least they are not short-sighted. The trend of everyone sticking together for warmth has begun to emerge.

It's time for the alliance to fight against Xu, but before that, we must first deal with a force that has been causing headaches for everyone for a long time.

As he spoke, Cao Cao's gaze fell on Runan. In this place, a force of natural religion was causing trouble.

That guy named Lu Meng has caused me a lot of trouble in managing Yuzhou over the years.

(End of this chapter)

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