Chapter 360 Manor Owner

There was chaos in the manor. Before today, no one in the manor had expected that the Yellow Turbans, who had been quiet for many years, would appear before their eyes again. If there was anything different, it was that the style of this group of Yellow Turbans was very special.

The Yellow Turbans in the past were actually just ordinary bandits. Although they killed government soldiers, they definitely didn't mind robbing civilians. Burning, killing, looting and holding people hostage were common things to them. They were definitely not good people.

But the Yellow Turbans that appeared today are completely different.

They were obviously more powerful than the usual Yellow Turbans. In the past, when the Yellow Turbans were causing trouble, they only had more than 10,000 troops when they encountered such manors and fortresses. It would be impossible to take them down in a day or two.

As local rulers, the nobles and powerful families controlled all resources. They had equipment, people, food, and armed private soldiers. The Yellow Turbans could only commit atrocities by relying on their large numbers.

But today, when the Yellow Turbans attacked, the master of the manor fought with all his might, and in less than a quarter of an hour, everything was over.

This result stunned both the lords and the villagers. Even the officers and soldiers of the Han Dynasty had never been so powerful.

However, the sheer force of force was not enough to surprise them. What really made them unbelievable was what these Yellow Turbans did after they seized the manor.

The villagers dared to swear that even the Han officials and soldiers were not as polite and righteous as these Yellow Turbans, who were even unwilling to accept a sip of water from the villagers' homes.

Of course, the owner of the manor did not receive such good treatment. In fact, the only one who suffered was the owner of the manor.

These Yellow Turbans were as warm as spring breeze to ordinary people, but as cold as winter to the manor owners. Countless people in the entire manor were arrested and liquidated one by one, and all the food and property of the manor were seized by the Yellow Turbans as ill-gotten gains.

Now everything is over. All the guilty people in the master's family have been beheaded in public.

The entire process, from the time the Yellow Turbans attacked the manor to the time the crimes were tried and the illegal assets were investigated, took only one day, and everything went smoothly and neatly.

Judging from the Yellow Turbans' proficiency in this kind of thing, it can be seen that they do this kind of thing frequently.

The Yellow Turbans were indeed very familiar with this kind of thing, and what to do had almost become their instinctive reaction. As one of their members, the same was true for Zhao Yun.

When the Yellow Turbans reported the inventory of their property, Zhao Yun knew that the army, which had been marching deep behind enemy lines for more than half a month, had to move forward again.

"Tonight we will slaughter pigs and chickens to feed the brothers, and then we will fry the dry food we need. All the remaining money and property will be distributed to the local villagers. At five o'clock tomorrow morning, the whole army will be ready to set out."

While eating a piece of bread, Zhao Yun issued an order: "This place is less than a hundred miles away from Xuchang. We must arrive before nightfall at the latest!"

Upon hearing this, Xiahou Lan, who was standing by, rubbed his hands and looked forward to the dinner in the evening. Although dry food was okay, it was definitely not as comfortable as a proper meal.

When they were deep behind enemy lines, Zhao Yun and his men would not care about saving. They would eat the best food if they had it, because only by eating well could they run faster and fight harder.

"It's less than a hundred miles away. Our army can arrive before nightfall tomorrow. But how should we proceed after we arrive? If we attack the city directly, we are short of manpower and armor, so I'm afraid it won't work."

Xiahou Lan also started to eat some dry food, looking forward to the dinner in the evening, and then whispered with Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun smiled and said, "We will attack them by surprise. If they can arrive before nightfall, we will launch the attack after nightfall. Our army is marching very fast, and Xuchang may not be aware of the danger. As long as we move fast enough, it may not be impossible to capture Xuchang in one go."

Xiahou Lan blinked his eyes, a little surprised: "You really want to attack the city, can you do it?" Zhao Yun patted his shoulder: "Don't underestimate ourselves, and don't overestimate the enemy's ability. We are only separated from success by a city gate, but the city gate is not a natural barrier for us."

Xiahou Lan swallowed his food fiercely, and his expression became a little excited: "You are really brave and daring, but if it really works, then..."

The surprise attack on Xu Du and the capture of the Han emperor, just thinking about it makes one's blood boil.

At least for Xia Houlan, if it really succeeded, the excitement brought by the victory would be enough to surpass the most powerful aphrodisiac.

At nightfall, the Yellow Turbans started a fire, slaughtered pigs and chickens, and finally enjoyed a sumptuous dinner with the villagers. After the soldiers were full, they all went to sleep and rest.

Although the people were full of curiosity and awe about the strange Yellow Turbans before them, after just one day of getting along with them, they gradually fell in love with this team.

At least this team gave them a feeling of closeness, rather than fear like the Han army.

However, this team came and left quickly. After a night of rest and recuperation, before daybreak the next day, they saw the Yellow Turbans already preparing to set out again.

Most villagers felt sorry for the Yellow Turbans' departure.

If such a good army could stay, it doesn't seem to be unacceptable. After all, they really give them money and food. They are much better than the Han army that only knows how to requisition civilians and forcibly collect food.

Unfortunately, this was just the villagers' extravagant hope. They could only watch the yellow scarf disappear from their sight and then completely disappear without a trace.

They didn't know where the army was going next. They just thought that the army was going to the next manor and doing the same thing as here. To some extent, their idea might not be wrong.

Because this time, the Yellow Turbans were going to look for the largest manor owner in the world, and this manor owner was called the Emperor of Han!


Liu Xie woke up suddenly, and after a long while, he let out a long sigh of relief.

It turned out that I was having a nightmare.

He dreamed of the Master Dong who frightened him again. The Master Dong in his dream was still chilling. In front of Master Dong, he, the emperor, was like a little chicken without any power to resist.

However, this time in his dream, Master Dong's face kept changing. Sometimes it was the fat and ugly face, and sometimes it turned into Cao Cao's cold face.

It seems that I have been under too much mental pressure during this period. How could I dream about such things?
Liu Xie came back to his senses and gave a bitter smile, then looked out the window. Only then was he secretly shocked that he had only taken a short nap, but he had slept from the afternoon till night.

For some reason, the night was particularly dark tonight, which made Liu Xie feel a little uneasy.

He was about to call the eunuch, but at this moment, a distant explosion suddenly sounded, interrupting his thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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