Chapter 364 Capsized
Zhou Yu in Yuzhou was in dire straits. Things turned out just as he expected. The Yellow Turbans that suddenly emerged in the rear did not lose their minds after taking Xuchang. Just two days later, they led a large army to the battlefield and attacked Zhou Yu's camp from the front and back together with Wuli's Yellow Turbans.

Zhao Yun did make the right choice by going to the battlefield to participate in the battle, which directly affected the situation on the battlefield in Yuzhou. The originally relatively balanced situation began to tilt visibly towards the Yellow Turbans.

However, Zhao Yun did not completely give up Xuchang. Most of the troops were taken away by him, but he still ordered Xiahou Lan to lead more than a thousand troops to guard Xuchang, leaving himself a way out.

After some arrangements, Zhao Yun generally controlled the situation in Xuchang, and was able to safely devote all his forces to the battlefield in Yuzhou.

What he didn't expect was that the enemy on the battlefield in Yuzhou could actually fight back and forth with Wu Li. Zhou Yu's ability was much stronger than he expected. It was not until he personally joined the battlefield that he felt this more deeply.

The place where Zhou Yu camped was strategic enough, the camp was solid enough, the soldiers and battle formations were all qualified, so it was quite difficult to fight against him. With such support coming from both sides, he couldn't gain much advantage for a while.

However, Zhao Yun was not worried. The situation was still favorable for the Yellow Turbans. As long as they continued to attack, victory was still foreseeable.

Of course, the premise is that no other unexpected events occur, and Zhao Yun could not imagine what other unexpected events would occur.

As long as we keep fighting like this, we will definitely win here. There is no need to worry about Wang Dang's main battlefield. Once the main force of the coalition forces can't sit still and goes out of the city to fight, there is no possibility that Wang Dang will lose. As for Lu Ping's Xuzhou battlefield, even if we lose in the worst case scenario, it will not affect the overall situation.

It can be said that Zhao Yun is already 80% confident that Xuan Xia will win this battle, and this victory will win everything.

After defeating the main force of the coalition forces, Xuan Xia could march straight ahead and head south. At that time, no force could stop Xuan Xia.

No matter how you think about it, there can't be any surprises. Xuan Xia is now like a flying dragon riding on your face.

However, God will always teach those who are inflated and arrogant a lesson that is heavy enough. There is no such thing as a sure win in this world. Once you underestimate your opponent, it won't be long before you capsize in the ditch.

Although the battlefield in Yuzhou was tense, everything was generally good and the advantage was still in the hands of Zhao Yun and Wuli.

However, the main battlefield, which made them most relieved and where there should be least accidents, unexpectedly happened, and the accident happened very early on.

The atmosphere in the Yellow Turban camp on the Yanzhou battlefield was gloomy and the morale was visibly low.

This kind of atmosphere rarely appeared in the Yellow Turban army. In the past, no matter how difficult the war was, or even if they were defeated, they would not be so depressed. Excellent soldiers could withstand any difficult situation, but now their morale was unusually low.

However, judging from the barracks, the Yellow Turban Jizhou Army was actually very intact, with no loss of manpower, which means that they did not actually encounter any problems on the battlefield.

The Yellow Turbans were not indeed defeated, they were just tricked by Cao Cao, and this trick directly caused all their food and supplies to be burned. This was the reason why they were so depressed.

This kind of depression was more of regret and unwillingness. If the enemy had not succeeded, the Yellow Turbans could now confidently say that the outcome was decided.

Zhang Rao inspected the camp and saw the soldiers' depressed looks, so he could only sigh.

Not to mention the soldiers, he himself walked out of the tent with a fever on his face. This time, a great man was lost.

This defeat reminded him of the time when he, Guan Hai and Zhang Baiqi were defeated by Cao Cao.

That time, more than 10,000 brothers were killed in the sea of ​​fire. This time, the experience seemed to be the same as the last time. Everything was destroyed by a fire, but this time, it was not people who were burned, but food. Although the damage caused by the burning of food was not as great as that of 10,000 soldiers, the impact on the war situation might be even greater this time. If it were not for this, Xuan Xia might have had the chance to go south and take over the entire Shenzhou land. But now it is hard to say.
Whenever he thought of this, Zhang Rao wanted to slap himself a few times.

What a godsend opportunity, just gone like that!
Shaking his head all the way, Zhang Rao walked towards the main tent of the army. Just as he approached, he heard a sigh from inside, and the sound obviously belonged to the commander-in-chief of this battle, Wang Dang.

"How hateful! How could I be so stupid!"

As soon as Zhang Rao entered, he saw Wang Dang sitting on the side, sighing, beating his chest and stamping his feet, and began to blame himself. The look of regret and remorse on his face was as if the words were engraved on his forehead.

Zhang Rao was already accustomed to this kind of reaction. Ever since the baggage was burned, Wang Dang had been in this state. His own mood was not much better by comparison.

However, the battle still has to be fought, and we must cheer ourselves up and look forward.

Zhang Rao cleared his throat and forced a smile. "General Wang, why do you have to do this? Once the food and grass in the rear are replenished, the army can set out again. After all, the main force of our army is still there. In the end, it's just a delay of some time."

"Bullshit!" Wang Dang was furious when he heard this, and then slammed the table: "It's just a delay of some time? A moment on the battlefield is worth a thousand gold, how can time be wasted? We could have made a big profit, but because of the delay of these few days, we lost everything. Do you understand the difference?"

Zhang Rao's face froze. Of course he understood, but what could he do now?

Fortunately, after Wang Dang finished speaking, he fell silent. After all, when it came to this matter, the person who was most responsible was still him, the head coach, Wang Dang, and he really didn't have the face to get angry with Zhang Rao.

After sitting down unwillingly, he began to curse inwardly.

"Cao Cao is such a treacherous man that he actually coerced tens of thousands of civilians to disguise themselves as an army and evacuate the city to confuse our army. The key point is that I really fell for his trick and was only focused on chasing him, but I didn't expect that he had ambushed tens of thousands of troops in the city behind and burned our army's baggage. I was so stupid, so stupid!"

At this point, Wang Dang actually slapped himself repeatedly: "I remember that when we were fleeing from Zhuo County, the leader also used this trick of using civilians to pretend to be soldiers. It was because we deceived the officers and soldiers in that battle that we were able to fight our way out. Today, I was actually defeated by the same trick!"

In addition to blaming himself these days, the most uncomfortable thing for Wang Dang is that he cannot accept his own stupidity and that he actually fell into the trap of the same trick he once used!

Although the burning of food and fodder was a huge loss, Xuanxia had sufficient supplies, so this was not a big problem.

The problem is that without food and fodder, the army can't move forward and can only be dragged here waiting for supplies. So Wang Dang could only watch the coalition forces withdraw calmly from his sight, which made him almost crazy.

Of course, he knew what the consequences would be if the coalition forces withdrew. He could foresee that Zhao Yun would become useless if he went deep behind enemy lines, and even the battlefield in Yuzhou would suffer a defeat.

Of course, Wang Dang also knew that as long as his main force was intact, he would not suffer any major losses in this battle overall.

But turning a situation that could have been a win-win situation into a small loss is an unacceptable mistake!
Damn it, I'll ask the leader to give me a good beating when I get back.
Wang Dang sighed dejectedly, muttered to himself, and then looked at Zhang Rao: "The primary responsibility for this battle is mine. I will apologize after the battle, but that is a matter for the future. Right now we must gather our baggage as quickly as possible and then rush to the battlefield!"

Then, he said worriedly, "I hope Zilong can protect himself in time when he sees the situation is not good, and I hope nothing will happen to him."

(End of this chapter)

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