Chapter 370 City Management
At nightfall, the top of Xuchang city was brightly lit with flames, and the soldiers were eating their food with relish.

There is no limit on the food tonight. They can keep eating as long as they want. They can even turn out minced meat and slices of meat. No matter what, at least there will be oil stars in the bowl.

This kind of food is actually quite good. At least in the past, the soldiers would not even dare to think about it.

The soldiers tonight were all unusually satisfied, because not only were they full, but each of them also had a few copper coins in his arms. These were given to them personally by the emperor who came to the city tonight and distributed them to each soldier.

When they received these coins from the emperor, they felt so moved that they wanted to cry when they recalled it now.

"Brothers, please eat tonight. Only when we are full can we defend the city for the emperor!"

A voice was heard and the soldiers turned their heads to look. The person who spoke was the general named Fu Xie who was beside the emperor. At this time, the general was sitting among the soldiers, eating the same meal as them with a broken bowl.

The original general of the army never appeared again after the emperor arrived, and was replaced by Fu Xie.

However, the soldiers did not seem to have any objection to this. Ordinary soldiers were just conscripted peasants. They only knew to follow orders. To them, there was no difference between listening to Cao Cao's generals and listening to the emperor's generals. To some extent, the emperor was much more important than Cao Cao in their eyes.

Quietly and quietly, the command of the 10,000 elite soldiers guarding the city fell into Liu Xie's hands.

Things that seem difficult are not as difficult as you imagine if you take the right action at the right time.

Fu Xie and Liu Xie also seized the brief opportunity of the vacancy in the upper echelons of Xuchang and successfully accomplished this task.

"Brothers, His Majesty is watching us from the top of the city. The Emperor will always be with us."

Fu Xie was not idle at all while eating. He kept communicating with the soldiers, and he talked about the emperor every three sentences. However, this did not cause any disgust among the soldiers, because every word he said was true.

At this time, the emperor was indeed in the gate tower on the top of the city. The emperor of the Han Dynasty was really guarding the city with the soldiers. Even the queen and the father-in-law were here.

The gate tower was originally used for military purposes and the facilities were very simple, but Liu Xie did not feel uncomfortable at all. Instead, he was full of excitement and joy.

This was the happiest and most relaxed moment for him as an emperor since he ascended the throne. At this moment, he really had a sense of being an emperor, because Xuchang now belonged to him, and these ten thousand soldiers were also his real soldiers!

"I cannot decide the fate of a country, but at least I can decide the fate of this city."

In the dim gatehouse, Liu Xie sat on the couch and muttered to himself: "From now on, I will never live a life controlled by others again."

Empress Fu, who was standing by, grabbed Liu Xie's hand and tightened it for some unknown reason, her expression also becoming a little gloomy.

Empress Fu naturally understood Liu Xie's suffering. After hearing these words, she only felt sorry for her husband.

Fu Wan, on the other hand, was in a state of excitement and fear: "Your Majesty, although we have taken control of Xuchang, this is just the beginning. If... "

Liu Xie came back to his senses and smiled calmly: "It has come to this point, so just keep going. As for the consequences of failure, I will not consider them. No matter how bad the consequences are, they are not as bad as being held hostage."

Seeing Liu Xie's resolute and calm look, Empress Fu was stunned. It was the first time she saw Liu Xie with such courage.

Her husband, the Emperor of the Han Dynasty, now seemed to have really become a qualified monarch and a real man.

It was just that Fu Wan was panicking, not as carefree as Liu Xie. If things failed, Liu Xie could not care less, after all, no matter what the princes did, they would not do anything to Liu Xie, at most they would just control Liu Xie more tightly in the future.

However, ministers like Fu Xie and myself who are good at planning things would probably end up like Dong Cheng.

Fu Wan didn't want to die. Of course he was panicking at this juncture, but Liu Xie's words were right. Having come this far, everyone had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue moving forward.

Now it's a matter of life or death.

Liu Xie shook off the blanket he was wearing, stood up and walked to the window, leaning his hands on the rough stone of the gatehouse and looking out, as if he was looking at something in the distance, but in the night, there was only darkness there.

"No matter how fate treats me, whether it is success or failure, I just want to see it soon."

Fu Wan and Empress Fu looked at it together. They could feel Liu Xie's impatience from his back. This once depressed and feminine emperor was actually looking forward to facing the powerful princes.

Empress Fu's eyes were full of wonder. This kind of Liu Xie was the emperor and husband in her heart.

After a long silence, Fu Wan slowly calmed down. Even Liu Xie was so courageous, so what should he be afraid of? He knew that if this really came true, perhaps the Han Dynasty would really have a hope of revival.

Liu Xie was impatient, but the coalition forces of the princes could not return immediately as he wished. The army was on the move and it would take seven or eight days to return.

As a result, both Yuzhou and Xuchang entered a strange period of calm.

On the battlefield in Yuzhou, both Zhou Yu and Zhang Liao as well as Wuli and Zhao Yun chose to lay down their arms, and the strength of both sides fell into a relative balance. Wuli and Zhao Yun did not dare to act rashly, because they judged that the main force of the coalition forces might come to support before the main force of Xuanxia, ​​so they did not want to take the risk of getting involved in a fight.

Zhou Yu and Zhang Liao understood even more clearly that it was wise not to risk attacking at this time and to wait for reinforcements.

When both sides of the war calm down, the battlefield will naturally quiet down.

At this time, the city of Xuchang fell into a long period of peace, and Liu Xie and Fu Xie completely blocked the entire city.

While waiting, Liu Xie also did a lot of things. Almost every day, he would appear in front of the soldiers, even if it was just to say a few words to them.

With such actions, the soldiers were quickly conquered by the emperor Liu Xie.

Liu Xie was not satisfied with just this. Perhaps it was the first time he experienced the dignity of an emperor. With the assistance of a group of withered court officials, he enthusiastically began to govern Xuchang.

Under the operation of the makeshift court, Liu Xie's first decree to the people was to announce that the money and grain distributed to the people by the Yellow Turbans could be legally retained by the people.

This practical imperial decree put many people in the city at ease, and their hostility towards the Han Dynasty was also eased a lot.

Later, Liu Xie promised that after the war, the land would be equally distributed among the people and taxes would be lightened.
As decrees were issued one after another to benefit the people, many people began to feel unfamiliar with the Han Dynasty, but this seemed to be a good change. As for whether this could be realized in the future, the people did not actually hold out much hope.

In fact, even Liu Xie himself was unsure. Just because the Yellow Turbans could do something didn't mean he could do it too. But right now, he just wanted to make his promise first. He wanted to try his best to turn this place into his ideal place.

However, after a few days, he had to withdraw himself from the game of governing the country, because after a few days, the coalition army appeared in the distant sky.
Liu Xie and Fu Xie stood on the top of the city wall in silence for a long time. They knew that the moment to decide their fate had come.

(End of this chapter)

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