Chapter 376 Not a bad thing
Liu Xie intended to control the balance of the war, but his idea proved to be as ridiculous as an ant trying to balance the wrestling between two elephants.

The Yellow Turbans and the coalition forces fought for several days, and Fu Xie obeyed Liu Xie's orders to fight whoever was stronger. In every battle, he led his troops to fight the stronger one, and of course, he could only fight the Yellow Turbans.

Cao Cao of the coalition also realized the intention of Liu Xie's move. Although the relationship between the coalition and Liu Xie is delicate now, every bit of strength is crucial at this juncture. As long as Liu Xie's target is the Yellow Turbans, he is actually helping himself.

In this situation, Cao Cao certainly knew what to do. Not only did he temporarily put aside previous grudges, but he also cooperated with Fu Xie in the battle.

But even so, the role Fu Xie could play was minimal. His participation in the war could not change the situation at all. The Yellow Turbans were still as powerful as before. The most he could do was to allow the coalition forces to hold on for a little longer.

Days of fierce fighting have plunged the entire battlefield into a heavy and bloody atmosphere.

On the battlefield, blood dyed the loess red, and the air was filled with a foul smell. Occasionally, a bird would fly over, startling swarms of flies and insects. The noise that covered the sky and the sun was like the end of the world.

Although the Yellow Turbans would clean up the battlefield after every battle, the side close to Cao's army was a difficult area for them to deal with, which made the effect of cleaning the battlefield almost useless. In just a short time, the battlefield had become horrible.

However, in times of chaos, such a scene of corpses everywhere and the stench of decaying bodies was not something difficult to adapt to. At least Cao Cao ignored the smell in the air.

The excessive pressure of war made Cao Cao unwilling to spend any extra effort on cleaning up the battlefield. Compared with these trivial matters, he was more concerned about how to survive the current difficulties.

In the military tent, Cao Cao was drinking alone. Judging from his furrowed brow, he was in a very depressed mood.

Although the coalition forces could still hold on for now, the situation was becoming more and more embarrassing day by day. Cao Cao spent every day of fighting in fear. With the offensive intensity shown by the Yellow Turbans, it would not be surprising if they were defeated on any day.

Even if it were tomorrow, Cao Cao was not sure he could hold on, but it seemed that he had no way out.

Are we really going to lose like this, lose to the Yellow Turbans?

As Cao Cao was drinking, his forehead suddenly jumped and a tearing pain suddenly exploded in his brain, which made him take a breath with a hiss and the wine cup in his hand was thrown out.

My old headache came back.
Unfortunately, Cao Cao was completely helpless against this old problem. After finally finding out the whereabouts of the famous doctor Hua Tuo, he was intercepted by Xu Chen, which made Cao Cao very angry.

He missed the chance to see Hua Tuo, and other doctors had no way to treat this disease. Now that he was sick, Cao Cao could only endure it.

The severe headache made Cao Cao restless. He stood up, but when he thought of the current situation, his headache became even worse. He couldn't help cursing Xu Chen a few times to vent his anger. He paced back and forth in the tent, and when he thought that Xu Chen even snatched his doctor away, he became even more angry, so he cursed inwardly a few more times.

After scolding like this, Xu Chen couldn't help but be scolded to death, but it must be said that the headache was actually relieved a little in the end.

Cao Cao knew that he couldn't continue to worry like this, as it would only torture himself, so after his headache eased a little, he immediately called out from outside the tent.

"Go and invite Xun Yu over. I want to discuss matters with him!"

At this time, the only person Cao Cao could think of was Xun Yu.

Nothing can distract one's attention more than serious meetings, and Xun Yu is a very qualified counselor who can always use the simplest words to comfort and ease one's worries, which is very useful at times like this.

The soldier outside the tent immediately took the order and left, and Cao Cao calmed down and waited. However, after a while, the soldier came back to report, but he did not bring Xun Yu back, but brought some bad news.

"General, Mr. Xun Yu has a sudden high fever and is now in bed recuperating, so he cannot come!"


When Cao Cao heard this, he was so shocked that he stood up. At this critical moment, Xun Yu actually fell ill.

Without hesitation, he immediately opened the tent door and went all the way to Xun Yu's tent.

As a boss, Cao Cao naturally had to show enough concern for his capable subordinates.

Moreover, the war was tense at the moment and he really couldn't do without Xun Yu. He had to go and see the situation with his own eyes no matter what.

When they came to the tent, Cao Cao lifted the curtain and called out, "Wen Ruo, I'm here to see you!"

However, before he could enter, he heard a cry of alarm from inside the tent: "Master Cao, please don't come in. You may get sick!"

Cao Cao was startled and immediately retracted his foot, and the curtain was even lowered.

Only at this moment did he suddenly wake up.

Yes, having a high fever on the battlefield is no small matter, but I actually ignored it. It seems that my headache is too severe and I am a little unconscious.

"Wenruo, have you contracted the plague?" Cao Cao asked solemnly outside the tent. Xun Yu's dull and weak voice came from inside: "That must be the case. Even if Lord Cao didn't come, I would have sent someone to report the situation. The plague will not only infect one of you, it must have spread in the army. We must deal with this matter quickly!"

Hearing this, Cao Cao's heart sank to the bottom and he even forgot to answer Xun Yu's words.

Everyone knows how terrible the plague is, and no one wants it to happen to them.

Xun Yu seemed to sense Cao Cao's heavy heart, and then said something meaningful: "Lord Cao, don't panic for now. Although this is not a good thing, it may not be a bad thing either."


Cao Cao was stunned for a moment and didn't react for a moment, but after thinking about it carefully, he slowly understood.

All of a sudden, his brows relaxed and he looked towards the Yellow Turban camp.

The occurrence of a plague at this critical time may actually save lives, which is indeed not a bad thing to some extent.

The more Cao Cao thought about it, the more wonderful it seemed to him, and in the end the corners of his mouth even curled up. While he was still thinking, Xun Yu continued to give him instructions.

As a counsellor, he was indeed conscientious and responsible, and he continued to perform his duties conscientiously even when he was seriously ill.

"I have read Xu Chen's natural science theory. According to their microscopic pathogen theory, the plague can be traced. To deal with the harm of the plague, if large-scale treatment is not possible, then the most effective means is to block it.

There are measures such as boiling water and cooking food, steaming clothes, isolating patients, burning and burying dirty things, etc. Although this method comes from Xu Chen, we may not be unable to learn from it. Cao Gong can try it out at that time, and it may reduce our military losses. "

After Xun Yu explained his situation, he eventually fell into a coma due to his illness. Cao Cao could not help but be moved by such a dedicated subordinate. He immediately called a doctor and gave a death order that Xun Yu must be cured.

The limited medical resources may not be able to save most of the infected soldiers, but it is not difficult to treat one or two people.

After settling Xun Yu, Cao Cao immediately summoned the generals of the coalition forces and began to give them orders on various matters. Then a comprehensive investigation and isolation operation began within the coalition forces, and there was quite a stir for a while.

As time passed, Cao Cao never saw the Yellow Turbans launch another attack, and only then did he feel completely relieved.

It was obvious that it was not just their own side that was infected with the plague, the Yellow Turbans were also hit.

So, you Yellow Turbans are going to continue fighting with me?

"General Wang, now that a plague has broken out in the army, what should we do? Are we going to continue to fight the enemy here?" In the Yellow Turban tent, Zhang Rao asked Wang Dang a question while enduring the white cloth covering his mouth and nose.

Although according to microscopic pathology, this white cloth cannot block pathogens, it can at least reduce the spread of droplets, so it is somewhat effective.

Of course, the more important means of dealing with the plague are isolation and food hygiene.

Hearing Zhang Rao's words, Wang Dang sighed helplessly. This was not the first time he had seen such a situation. When the Yellow Turbans fled, they encountered a deadly plague. That time, they successfully survived the crisis under the leadership of the leader, but plague was difficult to control, and no one could guarantee whether it would work this time.

"We can't fight anymore. Prepare to retreat. If we continue to fight, even if we win in the end, most of our soldiers will die. Moreover, our military's logistics supply lines are long, and we don't have the conditions for long-term combat. If we retreat, we won't be able to come back for a while."

When he said this, Wang Dang slammed his fist on the table: "Damn it, it was just this close."

Zhang Rao and Guan Hai looked at each other, and finally could only sigh: "It can only be like this, but our army has made great gains in this battle, so it can't be considered a failure. The large area of ​​Yanzhou we have occupied is already a great achievement."

Wang Dang nodded silently. This was the only way he could comfort himself at this moment. Of course, it wasn't a loss to have fought till now, it was just too unfortunate.

The Yellow Turbans had already prepared to retreat, and the dispute seemed to be over, but when news of the plague reached Xuchang City, an undercurrent began to surge in the city.

Inside the Xuchang dungeon, a handsome scholar was persuading the jailer who was guarding him in a low voice.

"Now that the plague has arrived, we can no longer fight this war. The Yellow Turbans will leave sooner or later. How can we defend Xuchang then?
What will you do now? If you are a rebel and fall into Cao Gong's hands, what will be your fate?"

Several jailers were a little stunned. They were just chatting about the plague, which prompted this man to speak.

As former soldiers of Cao's army, they of course recognized this man. He was Guo Jia, the chief military advisor of Cao's army.

Now that Guo Jia asked this question, they suddenly fell silent. This was indeed a problem.

Guo Jia laughed and said, "A man who knows the current situation is a hero. The emperor has been deceived by evil people. What you should do is not to blindly follow the emperor, but to restore order and clear the court for the emperor. This is the right thing to do. By then, Cao Gong will also know your righteous actions and will definitely not blame you."

(End of this chapter)

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