Chapter 417 Fear of Death
How long will it take for Cao's army to arrive?
On the top of the city wall, Han Sui looked at the Yellow Turbans attacking fiercely below and became so anxious that sweat broke out on his forehead.

The situation changed too quickly. Just six or seven days ago, he was still relying on his military superiority to defeat the Yellow Turbans. However, Gao Nu's Yellow Turbans turned to his side, which changed the situation here.

Although their combined strength is still not as great as ours, the difference is not that big. When the gap in strength is not large enough, the gap in combat power begins to become apparent.

Gao Nu's Yellow Turbans arrived here, and after joining forces with a part of the Yellow Turbans here, they launched a shift in their offensive.

The Yellow Turbans, which had previously been able to only passively defend, received strong reinforcements and immediately became full of energy. Once they launched a counterattack, they were unstoppable. Han Sui's scalp was numb and he had no choice but to retreat all the way.

These days, Han Sui cursed almost all of Ma Teng's ancestors in his heart. If Ma Teng had favored his opponent, how could his good situation have turned out like this?
He even suspected whether Ma Teng did it on purpose.

Of course, he did not forget to scold the Yellow Turbans. Even if the Yellow Turbans wanted to gather their forces to attack, why didn’t you go and fight Ma Teng? Why did you target me?
Unfortunately, cursing someone in your heart cannot solve the problem. Only reinforcements can solve the problem.

Han Sui was still very self-aware and had never thought of taking the initiative to ask Ma Teng for help.

Even if I, Han Sui, die in battle today or jump off the city wall and die, I will never accept any favor from you, Ma Teng!
Therefore, the only person he could count on was Cao Cao. However, the distress signal had been sent for such a long time, but there was no sign of Cao's army coming to help, and Han Sui's heart began to grow colder.

Given the current battlefield situation, Han Sui feels that his side may be finished at any time. If Cao's army arrives too late, they may only be left to collect their own corpses.

He regretted it. He should not have listened to Cao Cao's lies. The affairs of the Central Plains had nothing to do with him. He should not have gotten involved in it in the first place. Even if Xuan Xia posed a huge threat, that was a matter for the future. Why should he join in the fun now?

He had a very ominous premonition. Could this really be his burial place?
If he really had to die, then he would die. The iron-blooded men of Xiliang were not the kind of people who were afraid of death. But when he thought that after his death, the whole of Xiliang would belong to Ma Teng, he felt angry.

I can die, but if it means that Ma Teng gets the upper hand, I will not be willing to die!

"General, it's bad, the enemy is attacking!"

Perhaps God confirmed Han Sui's premonition. The soldier next to him screamed, which startled Han Sui. He turned his head and felt cold and numb all over. The premonition of death reached its peak.

The city gate finally collapsed under the heavy load after being attacked for a long time by the Yellow Turbans, and the Yellow Turban soldiers rushed in shouting.

For a moment, countless bloody body parts appeared everywhere in the crowded city gate, and screams continued one after another without stopping.

Although the Xiliang soldiers in the city fought bravely, the Yellow Turbans were not much inferior. A head-on collision between the two sides would be a fight for life and death. On one side, there were extremely brave and ferocious individuals, while on the other side, there was a strict and orderly military formation. They would completely determine the winner and the loser, as well as life and death.

At first, the Western Liang army fought bravely and fearlessly and indeed withstood the offensive of the Yellow Turbans. However, as the war continued, individual will and energy were constantly worn away, and the stable coordination of the Yellow Turbans' battle formation became increasingly powerful.

Moreover, the gap in equipment between the two sides also made Han Sui despair. He could clearly see from above that the Yellow Turbans who rushed into the city were all wearing standard armor, pouring in like a torrent of steel, and the Xiliang soldiers could only use their own flesh and blood to fight off the enemy.

All Han Sui felt was a heavy sense of powerlessness.

With his last hope, he looked towards the distant land. If Cao's army could arrive at this time, then he would still have a chance of survival.

But looking into the distance, all you can see is the desolate sunset.
This time, they were doomed. "General, there is no way out. Go down and fight!" Not long after, a general on the top of the city rushed over, and he drew his long sword, ready to fight to the death with the Yellow Turbans.

Han Sui was stunned for a moment, then looked at the soldiers below who were fighting to the death one after another, and finally just sighed.

Everything is over now. Going down and fighting will only lead to death.

"Surrender!" Han Sui sat down dejectedly, leaning against the wall, feeling bored.

The general was stunned, with a look of disbelief on his face: "My Xiliang army is brave and fearless, how can we surrender? Are you a coward?"

The top of the city wall became strangely quiet. Han Sui clearly felt that many eyes were focused here. Finally, he looked up at the general and sighed, "Listen to me, surrender. It's a losing situation. It's useless to struggle."

The general glared at him, but still could not accept it, and loudly persuaded him: "General, brothers are not afraid of death. As long as you give the order, even if we all die here, we will never bring shame to the reputation of our Xiliang Army!"

Seeing this, Han Sui could only stand up again helplessly, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he just patted the general on the shoulder and leaned over as if to whisper.

The general thought it was some military arrangement and took possession of it.

But when he approached, he felt a slight chill and pain in his heart, and then Han Sui sighed: "No one is really not afraid of death. The brothers are waiting to surrender. Since you insist on stopping us, in order not to embarrass the brothers, I can only send you off first."

The general felt as if all the strength in his body was being drained away like a thread. He could only use the little strength he had left to tightly hold on to the dagger that was inserted into his heart.

Blood gushed out like a spring. He took a last look at Han Sui and wanted to say something, but when he opened his mouth no sound came out.

Han Sui shook his head and said, "Don't hate me. I'm just trying to find a way for my brothers to survive. As for me, I will go to accompany you in a moment."

Hearing these words, the general was stunned for a moment, as if he was relieved of something, and then his body collapsed and there was no movement anymore.

Just as Han Sui said, there are only a few people who are not afraid of death. When the defeat was already decided, many Xiliang soldiers were actually waiting eagerly for Han Sui to issue the order to surrender.

Han Sui obliged them. He threw away his sword and shouted, "Listen to my orders, all the troops, throw down your weapons and surrender!"

As soon as this order was issued, countless soldiers breathed a sigh of relief, and then the crowd began to drop their weapons and kneel on the ground like a wave. The chaos on the battlefield ended completely at this moment.

Han Sui looked into the distance again, but this time he was no longer looking forward to reinforcements, but looking at the sunset.

With a miserable laugh, he jumped up from the parapet, then fell heavily to the ground. After a dull thud, there was no more movement.

(End of this chapter)

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