Chapter 432 Resentment
On the top of Chenliu City, the county governor and a group of officials ran around to supervise the battle, and from time to time he shouted some words to encourage the soldiers. However, when the battle became more and more dangerous, he could no longer bear it and grabbed the generals defending the city and scolded them.

"You have to hold on no matter what. If the Yellow Turbans attack us, none of us will survive!"

The general wiped the spit from his face and smiled bitterly. He didn't even have time to explain before turning around and began to command the battle. The Yellow Turbans' offensive was so fierce and so fast that if they relaxed a little at this moment, the entire defense line might collapse.

Not long after, a loud thunder-like sound suddenly came from the city gate, like a thunder from the sky, captivating everyone's heart, and the entire battlefield fell silent for a moment.

At this time, both the generals who fought bravely and the county magistrates and officials who supervised the battle had pale faces. As the front line of the southern countries against Xuan Xia, Wei was naturally familiar with the methods of the Yellow Turbans, and they knew immediately where this movement came from.

"It's dynamite. The Yellow Turbans are blowing up the gate. Quick, go and guard the city gate!"

The county magistrate was stunned for a moment, then he started shouting loudly, and cold sweat broke out all over his body.

Fortunately, it was not uncommon for the Yellow Turbans to use gunpowder to blow up doors, and the generals had taken some precautions. Soon, soldiers rushed forward to form a defense line at the city gate, and in the narrow area, the Yellow Turbans and Chenliu soldiers fought each other.

The war actually started not too long ago, but facing the fierce attack of the Yellow Turbans, Chenliu's defense line has begun to crumble.

However, the most fatal blow to Chenliu was not dealt by the Yellow Turbans, but by the people in the city.

Soon after the city gate was blown open, there were loud shouts from inside the city. The county magistrate looked inside in a daze and saw a large number of civilians in the city rushing towards the top of the city with hoes and sticks in their hands. This scene made the county magistrate's heart stop for a moment.

It was obvious that these people did not come to support the government soldiers, but instead to help the Yellow Turbans fight the government soldiers. This could be heard from their shouts.

"Fellow villagers, come with me to welcome the Yellow Turbans. After we welcome the Yellow Turbans, we will have meat to eat!"

"Damn it! The soldiers have been stealing my food and arresting my son. I have long wanted to fight them. Now the chance has finally come!"

"Charge! The Yellow Turbans are here, and the Blue Sky is here. From now on, we can all share land and reduce taxes, and we no longer have to endure the torture of the government. For our own sake, we must kill the government soldiers!"

Looking at a large group of people rushing towards him, gritting their teeth and shouting words like "freedom, fairness, and justice", the county magistrate knew that it was over, everything was over.

The army was already unable to withstand the attack of the Yellow Turbans, and at this critical moment even the common people rebelled, which dealt a fatal blow to the officers and soldiers.

There was no need for a real fight. As soon as the people started to rebel, the morale of all the officers and soldiers plummeted. The already powerless defense line collapsed instantly, and the Yellow Turbans rushed into the city.

Then I saw a general in heavy armor raising his arms and shouting, "Put down your weapons, don't kill those who surrender, and treat prisoners well."

Faced with such a situation, the Chenliu soldiers no longer had the will to resist. They dropped their swords one after another and squatted down in a daze, anxiously awaiting their fate.

At least one thing made them feel at ease, that is, what the general shouted was indeed true.

No matter how Wei State blocked the news about Xuan Xia, the policies and treatment there would still spread to some extent. The soldiers had never heard of the Yellow Turbans killing prisoners, and they could even get medical treatment from the Yellow Turbans if they were injured. In the future, the most they would have to do was undergo labor reform and then return to their normal lives.

It was precisely because of these rumors that the soldiers' will to resist was not so strong, and once the situation became unfavorable they decisively gave up resistance.

For the soldiers, surrender was not such a terrible thing, but for the local officials and powerful nobles, it was another matter. In their eyes, the Yellow Turbans were the most vicious existence in the world. For example, the prefect of Chenliu and a group of county officials nearby were all trembling with fear at this time.

These people have much better access to information than ordinary soldiers and civilians. They know very well what the policies of the Yellow Turbans are. If they were to be tried according to the Yellow Turbans' religious doctrine, most of those standing here would probably be chopped to pieces by the Yellow Turbans.

In order to meet the military needs of Wei, these local counties all intensified their exploitation of the people so that they would have enough soldiers and money and food to supply the Wei army. They themselves were well aware of how much disaster and suffering this brought to the people.

Just this one point alone would be enough to make them die countless times.

This is the reason why the people in the city reacted strongly today.

"Haha, the Yellow Turbans won, we are saved!"

When the Yellow Turban army entered the city one after another, the people were all crying and dancing with joy.

However, they soon turned their attention to the many officials in Chenliu, and the atmosphere changed subtly.

The already frightened officials, feeling the cold and hateful gazes of the people, kept retreating and finally fled in all directions.

However, how could the people let them go so easily? As long as they thought about themselves and their families being forced to do endless hard labor, as long as they thought about the beatings and scoldings they suffered, as long as they thought about the money and food that were snatched away by the government despite their desperate begging, as long as they thought about their daughters and wives who were defiled, their eyes would suddenly turn red.

"Fellow villagers, don't let these dog officials get away, I'm going to eat them alive today!"

"Chase them, beat these bastards to death!"

Soon, the people's joy at the Yellow Turbans' victory turned into hatred towards the officials. Other things could be dealt with later, but now that the time had come to settle accounts for the crimes, they needed to first settle the old accounts with the government.

The huge crowd of people had lost control at this point, and all they cared about were the officials who were fleeing in panic.

With the advantage of numbers, they quickly caught up with the officials. Then came the officials' shrill screams. The sound could be heard from far away, and even Guan Hai, who led the army to take over the city, found it creepy.

Guan Hai looked over there, and couldn't help but take a breath when he saw the tragic scene.

It turns out that the people's shouting about eating officials alive was not an exaggeration, but a statement in the physical sense, and they are actually doing this now.

What came into view was a horrifying feast of flesh and blood. After a period of frantic struggle and wailing, the officials soon became motionless.

At some point, Guan Hai came to his senses and was surprised to find someone next to him.

He hesitated and asked the man, "Master, should we interfere?"

Xu Chen looked at the tragic scene, sighed, and shook his head: "There is nothing to stop them. These people used to feed on the people. Today, the people are just giving them back. This is fair."

(End of this chapter)

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