Chapter 434 Follow the trend
The so-called trend or luck has always been an illusory thing, but illusory does not mean false. On the contrary, once the trend appears, everyone in the era can clearly feel it.

It is a torrent of the times. When it rolls in, everyone in the world will be actively or passively caught up in it. The smart ones will follow the trend and move forward, while the stubborn ones will go against the current and can only sink to the bottom of the water.

Now, Xuanxia's trend has arrived. Let's not talk about other places for now. At least every official, nobleman and common people in Wei State can clearly feel the power of the trend.

This situation was relative. On one hand, the Wei State was half-dead, and on the other hand, the Yellow Turbans were coming on strong. This sharp contrast between the two undoubtedly made every official in the state and county of the Wei State despair.

The people of Wei State, who had long been unable to bear torture and exploitation, were extremely eager and looking forward to the arrival of the Yellow Turbans. To them, even if the Yellow Turbans were not as good as the rumors said, they could not be worse than the Wei State.

When the Yellow Turbans were advancing deep into the Wei State with unstoppable force, even the powerful and aristocratic groups who were most resistant to and afraid of the Yellow Turbans began to consider whether or not to embroider the yellow flag. After all, as long as they were not extremely evil, the Yellow Turbans would not really massacre the aristocratic and powerful classes indiscriminately.

This also resulted in Xu Chen's army becoming more and more comfortable as they got closer to Xuchang. Almost all the counties and prefectures along the way surrendered at the sight of him. The Yellow Turbans didn't have to expend any extra effort. As long as Xu Chen's name spread, all places would be pacified one by one.

So when Xu Chen was about to reach Xuchang with his army, he was stopped by Wei scholars.

When this group of scholars stood in front of Xu Chen who was riding a horse, and the leader of them had tears in his eyes and shouted excitedly "The Immortal Master has come to the world", Xu Chen was very surprised.

Although he knew that this was just a way for the scholar group to show their obedience to the new rulers, he was still surprised that they could do this.

“The destiny of heaven changes, the divine tools change, and they return to the virtuous. This is the law of nature.

Today, the world is in chaos and people are living in poverty. The world's holy ruler is in the sky. Finally, a heavenly master will be born in accordance with the will of heaven. He will sweep across the world, and all the people will be attracted to him and admire his virtue.

We scholars look to the Heavenly Master just as a long-awaited drought longs for rain, and the people of the world long for a sage king just as fish look to the sea! "

After saying these words, Wang Lang shouted "Lucky!" and knelt down in front of Xu Chen. The scholars around him also responded, shouted along, and then knelt down in a large group.

They bent down, stuck out their buttocks, and pressed their foreheads tightly against the ground, expressing their attitude of submission and respect to the fullest.

Guan Hai, Zhang Rao and others who were surrounding them all had strange expressions and laughed oddly, while Xun Chen turned his head away with an embarrassed look, as if he was ashamed of these people.

Even Xu Chen remained silent for a while. He thought these scholars came to him to scold him, but he didn't expect this to happen.

But when you think about it, it is not surprising. Although there are many people with high moral character among the scholars, most of them are just ordinary people. It is human nature to be afraid of death and to curry favor with the powerful. When they see the general trend clearly, they will naturally try to attach themselves to it.

Of course, Xu Chen would not be confused by their attitude, nor would he be overjoyed by Wang Lang's words.

Now he is the one who inherits the general trend and destiny, so Wang Lang said these words to himself. If the person representing the general trend today is Cao Cao, Wang Lang will also send these words to Cao Cao without hesitation.

It has to be said that this was also the first time that Xu Chen felt the changes in the world, or the first time that the general trend appeared before him in such a concrete form.

This was the first time during the Yellow Turban Rebellion that such a large number of scholars finally surrendered to them.

This was certainly a smart way for them to submit to the new rulers, but it was also a helpless choice of obedience when the general trend could not be reversed. When the Yellow Turbans reached Xuchang, no matter whether the scholars were willing or not, they could only accept the reality of the Yellow Turbans taking over China. Although the Yellow Turbans had not completely conquered the Wei Kingdom, and even if they conquered the Wei Kingdom, there were still Sun Quan and Liu Bei, the scholars could see that the future was already determined.

Xu Chen waved his hand and asked Wang Lang and others to stand up. He clearly saw the nervousness on their faces. Even Wang Lang, who tried hard to pretend to be excited, could not hide the uneasiness in his eyes.

Xu Chen took in all the people's actions. He looked at Wang Lang with a half-smile and said, "Kowtowing to me, aren't you afraid that Confucius will be unable to sit still?"

Wang Lang was stunned for a moment, but had no words to say.

The faces of the rest of the people changed slightly, and many of them covered their faces with their sleeves to hide their shame. What happened today was truly humiliating, and after being exposed by Xu Chen without any shame, they were even more ashamed to face others.

Xun Chen on the side also kept sighing secretly. The reason why he was embarrassed before was because of Xu Chen's words from Confucius.

A student of Confucius knelt down and kowtowed to Xu Chen, a naturalist. It was not that Xu Chen was unworthy, but this act of betraying his faith was too ugly for Xun Chen, who was also a scholar, to look at.

Even though Xun Chen and Ju Shou now follow Xu Chen, they are only loyal to Xu Chen himself. They never call him "Master Tianshi" but "Lord".

Wang Lang and others naturally knew that their actions were ugly, but to show their loyalty and sincerity, it was not enough to just pledge allegiance. They also had to follow the Yellow Turbans and convert to Yiism. As outsiders who wanted to integrate into someone else's circle, they could not show their loyalty without doing so.

Even though it was Xu Chen who revealed the embarrassment, Wang Lang had to defend Xu Chen instead.

"The Mandate of Heaven can still change, and the Great Dao cannot fail to progress. The Han Dynasty practiced Confucianism but ended up in decline, while the teachings of nature flourished in troubled times and were able to stabilize China and benefit the people. This is the origin of the replacement of the old with the new, and the cycle of Heaven.

What we seek is not a particular religion or a particular path, but the truth of heaven and earth.

We were once Confucian scholars, because Confucianism is the orthodox tradition, but now it is natural to teach the new to replace the old, so we should switch to the progressive learning.

Wang Lang mustered up the courage to speak eloquently, which immediately brightened the eyes of the other scholars, and they all echoed him. Even Xu Chen couldn't help but look at Wang Lang a few more times.

These words can only be said to have wrong motives, but the results are all right.

Xu Chen also admired this guy a little. In order to find a justification for his ugly behavior of changing his beliefs and changing his masters, he finally came up with such a pragmatic and movement-development-oriented idea.

Even Xu Chen had to admit that these words were very advanced.

However, after saying this, Wang Lang had no time to be complacent, but waited anxiously for Xu Chen's decision. He wanted to follow Xu Chen and convert, but he also needed others to accept it.

The rest of the people around also turned their eyes to Xu Chen. They were all wondering, would Xu Chen really accept the scholar group with Wang Lang's request?

Everyone present, except for a rough-minded guy like Guan Hai, could see that this was a test of Xu Chen by the scholar group.

They intended to convert to Yijiao in exchange for Xuanxia's acceptance of their class.
(End of this chapter)

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