Chapter 438 Mutiny
The pot was boiling over a high fire, and the large chunks of meat gave off a strong aroma after being simmered for a long time. While many Wei soldiers were guarding the city walls, they kept their eyes on this side, and their stomachs would rumble from time to time.

The war has been difficult recently, but the food in the army has suddenly improved a lot. It used to be difficult to eat dry food, but recently I can eat big mouthfuls of meat.

To be honest, this is a bit strange. Even if the soldiers didn't know the details of the army's food reserves, it was still strange to suddenly take out so much meat. But they didn't think too much about it and just ate whatever they had.

Most soldiers were simple-minded, except for a few veterans who, for some unknown reason, were very resistant to such sumptuous military meals. When the time came to cook, these veterans would only eat their own grains of rice and would never even look at what was in the pot.

Other soldiers felt strange and asked questions, but these veterans just sighed and shook their heads, appearing to be secretive, and often looked at these ignorant soldiers with pity in their eyes.


The aroma of meat was so strong that it could be clearly smelled even on the top of the city wall. However, this aroma did not arouse the appetite of Xun Yu and Guo Jia on the top of the city wall. Instead, it made them turn pale and retch.

This was not the first time they had had this reaction, and every time they saw soldiers feasting on their food, they couldn't help but feel physiological disgust.

Cheng Yu did indeed complete Cao Cao's instructions. Not only did he allow the Wei army, which had run out of food, to regain supplies, but he also provided a large amount of meat. This was a miraculous result.

However, food cannot be created out of nothing. Almost all the livestock and even the military horses in the city had been slaughtered, so how could so much meat be produced?

How could Guo Jia and Xun Yu not understand things that some veteran soldiers were aware of, but they could only pretend not to know.

What they saw was that the more greasy the soldiers' mouths were, the more terrifying and horrible they felt.

"Can this really be kept secret?" Xun Yu's voice trembled, not daring to look again.

Guo Jia's face turned pale, he exhaled deeply, covered his nose and said: "Some soldiers in the army have already discovered the problem, and rumors have gradually spread. If this continues, it won't be long before something bad happens."

Xun Yu heard this and sighed: "Why is it so? Even if I can hold on for a few more days, it will just be a futile struggle. Instead of this, I might as well accept the reality."

Guo Jia shook his head: "Your Majesty is very powerful. He can accept temporary setbacks, but he will not tolerate complete failure. It will not end until the last step."

Xun Yu was silent for a long time. Guo Jia understood Cao Cao, and he also understood Cao Cao.

This is indeed the case. Previous failures had never knocked Cao Cao down, but if he failed this time, everything would be over. Even though Cao Cao knew very well in his heart that the Wei Kingdom was powerless to turn the tide, he would not be willing to accept his fate.

Xun Yu turned his head and glanced not far away. Cao Cao was still standing on the top of the city wall with his head held high as always. The emperor was still guarding his foundation.

"The last step is not far away. By then, no matter how unwilling you are, you will have to accept your fate."

Xun Yu shook his head and smiled bitterly, his voice full of weakness and fatigue, but also a hint of relief.

Guo Jia was speechless. In the face of absolute strength, all the so-called tricks and strategies were nothing but empty talk. The Wei Kingdom had essentially reached its dead end. These so-called wise counselors and generals could not help Cao Cao change his fate.

Perhaps it was God's response to Xun Yu's words, because the soldiers' camp below, which was originally full of enthusiasm, suddenly changed. A young soldier was enjoying the broth in his bowl, but as he was drinking, he felt something foreign in his mouth. When he took it out of his mouth and looked at it, his body froze, as if he had been petrified.

His eyes widened and his breathing stopped completely. After a while, he threw away the things and the bowl in his hands as if he had seen a ghost, and then started screaming.

The noise immediately alarmed the surrounding soldiers, and they gathered around to ask for details, and then a bigger riot broke out.

Almost in an instant, the soldiers were shouting and yelling in fear, a mood of madness quickly spread, countless people began to scratch their throats in panic, and some even stirred the contents of the pot. When they really found something that shouldn't be there, they completely gave up and collapsed.

An extremely repressive, twisted and perverted atmosphere began to spread in the city. It appeared and spread so quickly that there was no time to react.

Not only did many officers of the Wei army fail to exercise control in time, they themselves were shocked by the facts that were exposed.

When such an extremely terrifying atmosphere could not be suppressed, even more terrifying things began to happen. The emotions of the soldiers began to get out of control, and mutinies began to occur at an extremely fast speed.

However, what is strange is that both Guo Jia and Xun Yu on the city wall and Cao Cao standing alone seem indifferent to this situation.

“It’s finally time to end.”

Guo Jia smiled faintly as he watched the army below gradually becoming chaotic. He just poured himself a bottle of wine. When he had finished the whole bottle in one breath, he threw it away, glanced at Cao Cao not far away, and said to himself: "It's a pity that I couldn't help your majesty achieve his career. It seems that Guo Jia is not a talent to assist the king."

After that, he patted Xun Yu on the shoulder and said, "Please tell Your Majesty that Guo Jia is timid and unwilling to face the enemy, so he left first."

Before Xun Yu could subconsciously grab him, Guo Jia grabbed the parapet and leaped up, falling from the top of the city wall. After a muffled sound, there was no movement at all.

Xun Yu was stunned, but then he felt relieved. At this moment, he also had the urge to go with her, but when he thought of his wife and children at home, he felt reluctant to leave.

Looking towards the Yellow Turban camp in the distance, Xun Yu smiled bitterly.

At least we need to settle down at home.
At this time, Xun Yu even lost the mood to comfort Cao Cao, because he knew that everything was over, and he also knew that Cao Cao knew that everything was over, so saying anything now would just be a waste of words.

The Wei army was already having a difficult time defending, and a mutiny at this juncture was enough to overwhelm the already devastating situation, making it completely out of control.

Waiting to die, there is no hope.
As expected, the Yellow Turban camp immediately noticed the movement in Xuchang City. Xu Chen and his subordinates gathered together, and they reached a consensus after a brief discussion.

In this situation, the Wei army could no longer resort to tactical deception. Doing so would only cause the morale of the army, which was already at its limit, to completely collapse. Even a fake would become real.

Xu Chen quickly issued an order: "Send troops immediately, capture Xuchang, and arrest Cao thief. Remember, you must capture him alive!"

(End of this chapter)

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