Chapter 440 Brothers
The night was long, but the sun finally rose. After a night, the morning glow broke through the darkness of Xuchang City. Although Xuchang was almost in ruins at this time, the Yellow Turbans led the remaining people to clean up the mess, bringing some vitality to this dilapidated scene.

This place once saw off the emperor of the Han Dynasty and destroyed the Han country, and now it has once again seen off the emperor and country of Wei.

While the Yellow Turbans began to rebuild the ruins, they also began to settle accounts with the crimes of the old Wei monarch and his ministers.

The dungeon in Xuchang was dark and damp, and the musty smell inside was not so easy to bear, but Xun Yu, who had already spent a night here, slowly began to adapt.

The dungeon was dead silent. This atmosphere was not only caused by the environment, but also by the low mood of many war prisoners in the dungeon.

They were once the supreme rulers of the State of Wei, but with the defeat of the State of Wei, they fell into the dust overnight, and all their dignity and respect were gone.

Everyone knew that from this moment on they were no longer the glamorous aristocratic families, but criminals that Xuan Xia was going to judge.

The emergence of Xuan Xia means that a new system has emerged in the land of China. This system has a completely different set of judgment logic for society. In this set of judgment logic, many of their previous behaviors have become crimes.

The aristocratic families were the judges in the past, but now a more powerful being will come to judge them. This is a great terror to them. The thing they are most worried about has really happened. The Yellow Turbans have really crushed them all the way and are about to raise their butcher knives against them.

The dull and silent prison cell reflects the despair of these nobles about their fate.

After a long time, the cell door was slowly opened. Many criminals looked up and saw a scholar in ordinary clothes walking in. Most of them did not recognize this face, but the other party's elite temperament was enough for them to realize that this person was also a member of the scholar family.

The entire Wei Kingdom was destroyed by the Yellow Turbans. At this time, which scholar could move so freely under the Yellow Turbans?
Before everyone could express their doubts, they saw this man standing in front of a cell, where Xun Yu was.

At this moment, many people suddenly realized. They remembered that Xun Yu had a younger brother who was working for Xu Chen. The person who came to find Xun Yu at this moment could only be this person.

Everyone's guess was correct. When Xun Yu, with disheveled hair and a little disheveled, looked up, he saw a familiar face. It was his younger brother Xun Chen.

Xun Yu shook his head with a bit of self-mockery and relief: "It seems that my Xun family's business will be handed over to You Ruo, but I believe you can shoulder this burden. The fact that you chose Xuan Xia is enough to prove that your vision is far better than mine."

Xun Chen sighed. In fact, he had some resentment. If Xun Yu had listened to his advice and withdrawn from Wei State earlier, things would not be like this today.

But at this moment, complaining afterwards would be of no use, he could only accept reality.

"I have taken care of my eldest sister-in-law and nephews and nieces, so you can rest assured, brother."

Xun Chen knew what Xun Yu was most worried about at this time, so he immediately informed him of the information to reassure him.

Sure enough, when Xun Yu heard that his wife and children had been found, he visibly relaxed.

At this time, he was just glad that Xun Chen had chosen the Yellow Turbans. Perhaps this decision was difficult to understand at the time, but now it seems to be the wisest choice.

Xun Chen then sat on the ground, facing Xun Yu across the railing, and took out some food and wine from the food basket and placed them in front of Xun Yu.

After all, they were brothers who had not seen each other for many years. It was inevitable that they felt a little sad when they met again. "Xuanxia has always been strict in its actions. If guilty, they will be punished. If innocent, they will be released. This is true even for the nobles. Although my brother is serving in the State of Wei, he has not committed any specific crime. He may not be able to escape unscathed. I will also collect evidence to prove his innocence."

"Thank you for your hard work, this matter is not easy. If it doesn't work, don't force it."

After the two brothers talked for a while, they raised their glasses and drank. The atmosphere was a little depressing and heavy for a while.

Xun Chen's face was gloomy, as if he had something on his mind.
Xun Yu, on the other hand, began to eat calmly and casually, not looking like a man awaiting punishment at all. It seemed that he treated the present moment as a leisurely conversation between two brothers at home.

Xun Yu smiled and said, "I heard that Youruo is doing business in Xuanxia?"

Xun Chen drank the wine and said, "That's right. After all, people from the aristocratic families are restricted. Although business is cheap, it is still a good way out. Moreover, Xuanxia promotes industry and commerce, so business may have a chance to flourish in the future."

Xun Yu looked at him and nodded. After hesitating for a moment, he continued, "Brother, I have something to say to you. In my opinion, Xu Chen seems to be hostile to the gentry, but in fact he is hostile to the rentier class. The gentry of today may not be the businessmen of the future. If you are in business, you need to keep a low profile."

Xun Chen heard this and thought about it, feeling a little frightened, as if he also sensed the existence of a crisis.

It has to be said that those involved are often confused. If Xun Yu hadn't pointed this out, I'm afraid Xun Chen would not have realized it.

If you think about it carefully, the Han Dynasty and Xuan Xia are different after all. One respects the emperor, and the other respects the people.

Although Xuanxia is now vigorously promoting industrial and commercial affairs, the Xuanxia court does not represent the interests of the merchant class. This can be seen from the various laws and regulations that restrict merchants. In essence, the two are still in opposition.

A tree that stands out in the forest will be destroyed by the wind. This is indeed a saying that we should keep in mind.

“To make a family business prosperous, it is not about a sudden peak, but about long-term stability. From now on, the Xun family business will be in your hands. You must remember this principle.” Xun Yu finally swallowed his food, put down his chopsticks, and said this earnestly.

Xun Chen nodded, but fell silent for a moment. He clearly felt that Xun Yu had already made arrangements for his funeral arrangements.

The two brothers understood each other's minds. Some things didn't need to be said. They just looked at each other and they already had a tacit understanding. Xun Chen suddenly felt sad and powerless.

Xun Yu was quite calm: "I will leave my children to You Ruo to teach. You don't have to treat them as your own children. It is enough for you to teach them knowledge and morality strictly and let them grow up safely."

Xun Chen sighed: "Don't worry, brother. He is my nephew. How can I not take good care of him?"

Xun Yu finally drank the wine and smiled with relief: "The world has changed. I no longer teach them Confucian classics. There are new saints in China. They must learn from them. The past of the aristocracy must be forgotten. From now on, they should just be good Xuanxia people."

After saying this, Xun Yu seemed to have finished explaining everything. He no longer had any regrets on his face. He just closed his eyes and did not react.

Xun Chen's eyes were red, but he said no more. He just collected the tableware, bowed to Xun Yu, and left the place quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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