Chapter 443 Plan
The beheading of more than 2,000 war criminals brought an end to Xuchang, which had experienced a long period of war and turmoil. Although the chaos had just subsided, for some reason, when the people saw the Yellow Turbans busying around, they felt particularly relieved.

They believed that with the Yellow Turbans here, their safety could be guaranteed.

Moreover, if someone attacked at this time, they would be willing to take the initiative to help the Yellow Turbans resist the enemy even without the Yellow Turbans making any requests. This was a completely different mentality from when they dealt with the Wei army.

The Yellow Turbans are still as benevolent and righteous as before.

In the past, when General Zhao conquered Xuchang, he did not harm the people at all and distributed food and money to the people. The difference between such an army and the Wei army was greater than the difference between heaven and earth, so naturally the people's attitude towards them was also very different.

Xuchang is now in a state of disrepair, and the people can only rebuild their homes in a ruined city. Fortunately, they have a large number of Yellow Turbans to help, and everything soon gets back on track.

In every corner of Xuchang, one could see Huang Jin commanding Wei army captives to work. Huang Jin himself also personally helped the people carry materials and repair houses, or registered the people and lined up to receive money and food, distributed confiscated farm tools and items, and even allocated land to every household.

In some more spacious places, simple sheds were set up. Although the conditions were crude, they were relatively isolated and extremely clean. Chalk powder could be seen everywhere. These were temporary hospitals set up by the Yellow Turbans in the city, and all the military doctors were here to treat the wounded and civilians.

At this time, almost all affairs in the city were completely taken over and settled by the Yellow Turbans, and the people were also carrying out post-war repair work under the command of the Yellow Turbans.

On every street, you can see many women and old people cooking. The men are either doing some civil engineering work or accepting the arrangements of the Yellow Turbans to resume agricultural production. Everything is clearly divided and in order.

The post-war depressed atmosphere has gradually subsided, and after surviving the disaster, the people have finally begun to smile.

Although many of them suffered tremendous hardships during the war, suffering was a normal thing for people in that era. As long as they had hope in life, they would quickly devote themselves to life with an optimistic and positive attitude.

Xu Chen and Wang Dang, who were walking on the street, could feel this optimism and positivity very intuitively.

They were inspecting incognito, and at this time they looked like two ordinary Yellow Turban officers. The Yellow Turbans were busy working and didn't notice them, and the common people were not very familiar with their faces, so they were not recognized along the way.

They soon discovered that unlike when they first entered the city and most of the people were crying and wailing, people were now slowly returning to their normal lives. Whether they were working or relaxing, they could all talk and laugh. The shadow of war disappeared very quickly.

"It seems that Tian Shitou has done a good job. With sufficient ideological construction and the involvement in concrete labor, the people will soon be able to recover from their trauma."

Wang Dang nodded and muttered as he walked, with a smile on his face.

Labor is always the most fulfilling and reassuring scene. As long as we see people working peacefully, it means that order has been restored.

Xu Chen was also somewhat relieved. Judging from the results of the inspection, the team building of the Natural Education School had been successful enough. After all, it was still in the start-up stage, and it was the time when everyone was most united.

"Come to think of it, more than ten years have passed, and it's finally time for us to succeed." After seeing enough, Xu Chen found a place to sit down, feeling a little emotional.

Wang Dang was stunned for a moment, then sat down beside them and was also lost in his memories.

Yes, I have come to this point without realizing it...

Looking back, Wang Dang felt a sense of unreality. Who could have thought that a group of several thousand defeated soldiers could gradually recover the country and now dominate the world? Gongsun Zan, Liu Yu, Yuan Shao, Cao Cao.

One by one, the opponents fell at the feet of the Yellow Turbans. Looking again, only Sun Quan, Liu Bei and Liu Zhang were left trembling in a corner.

Although victory has not yet been completely achieved, there is no possibility of losing.

Even Wang Dang understood that the north was the core area of ​​China, where there were the vastest plains, the most fertile land, and the most abundant population.

The gap in resource conditions has already determined the basis for victory or defeat, not to mention Xuan Xia's victory in military and institutional terms.

No matter how hard Wang Dang tried, he still had no idea how to lose!
"Master, why don't we just take advantage of this opportunity and march south to conquer the country?" Wang Dang's breathing became heavy. The closer he was to complete victory, the more impatient he felt.

It's just this small step. With a little more effort and a little more tiptoeing, it seems that it will be done.

To be honest, Xu Chen's heart was also moved. This last step was indeed very tempting.

But after thinking about it, he calmed down: "Our army has been fighting for a long time. Both the soldiers' condition and the military food reserves are not so good. If we send our troops on a long expedition again, it may not have a good result. It is safer to prepare well before taking action."

This sentence was like a basin of cold water, which immediately extinguished Wang Dang's anger and calmed him down.

If you think about it carefully, it is impossible to lose, but if you want to swallow Liu Bei, Sun Quan and Liu Zhang in one bite, you need a good pair of teeth. Although Liu Bei, Sun Quan and Liu Zhang are in a remote place, they have many strategic locations to defend.

The Wu State occupied Yangzhou and Jiaozhou, and its navy was powerful enough to defend the river. If the Yellow Turbans wanted to fight, they would need a navy of considerable strength. Xu Chen had already made preparations for this, and now there were results, but it would take some time to reach mature conditions.

The Han State in Jingzhou was also across the river, but its navy was not as strong as that of the Wu State.

As for Shu where Liu Zhang is located, it is a naturally isolated geographical space. It would take some effort to reach in.

These problems are not big problems. At most, they can only delay the Yellow Turbans' pace. However, they are enough to make Xu Chen and Wang Dang calm down. If they act without being prepared, they will definitely suffer greatly.

"What is the leader's plan?" Wang Dang looked at Xu Chen and asked directly.

Xu Chen pondered for a while: "Not now, our navy was formed not long ago, they need to adapt to water training, and although Liangzhou Ma Teng was forced back by Wu Li, he is still a hidden danger in the rear of our army. Even the Wei Kingdom has just been taken over, and Yanzhou and Xuzhou have not yet been fully recovered, which also needs time."

Wang Dang nodded silently. This was indeed a problem that needed to be solved before the decisive battle.

However, it wouldn't take too long. After a brief calculation, he had a rough idea in his mind: "I think a year is enough to complete these things."

Xu Chen nodded, his eyes sharpened: "Then one year later, we will launch the final attack, completely wipe out the world, and bring peace to this land of China!"

(End of this chapter)

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