Chapter 476 Intelligence
In the Prime Minister's Mansion, two children were playing in the yard. The boy was only three years old, and the girl was one year younger. She walked unsteadily and could only try hard to follow the boy around like a follower.

Fortunately, there were maids from the mansion watching over them, so there was no need to worry about them falling and getting hurt.

Of course, the host and hostess were also in the hall of the mansion. They chatted while watching their children playing. The peaceful and leisurely atmosphere was quite warm.

The host and hostess were naturally Xu Chen, the prime minister of Xuanxia, ​​and his wife Cai Wenji, while the boys and girls were the eldest son Xu Xuan and the daughter Xu Xia.

Now Xu Chen has a harmonious family and a successful career, and his life can be considered complete. Only in this family can he feel that he truly belongs to this era, and is not just a passer-by.

After traveling through time, the end of the Han Dynasty was actually a strange world to him. He did not have any blood relatives here, and he was essentially a loner.

Once a person reaches this point, the most terrifying thing is loneliness. Although they are in the world, they will fall into a state of self-isolation.

Xu Chen joined the Yellow Turbans and started a vigorous era of change. He was somewhat forced, but more importantly, it was some mysterious sense of mission that prompted him to do these things.

But this is only a macro goal. On a personal level, he has never truly integrated into this world. After all, he is not originally from this world.

It was not until he got married and had children here that he was truly connected with this world. As long as he looked at Cai Wenji beside him and the innocent children in the courtyard, Xu Chen could not help but feel satisfied and happy.

Compared with personal wealth and glory, he cares more about the peace and tranquility in front of him.

It's not that Xu Chen's temperament is really so noble and indifferent, but his emotions are anchored in this small courtyard. Things outside the courtyard have limited meaning to him. As a person in later generations, it is difficult for him to enjoy the wealth and splendor of the Han people.

Driving slaves will not make him happy, no amount of money can buy what he remembers, power can make others kneel before him, but he will only feel uncomfortable.

Xu Chen was holding a book and watching his children playing. He seemed to be distracted until Cai Wenji spoke to him and he came back to his senses.

"I just received a letter from Mr. Liu. He said that he was very satisfied with his student Zhou Liang. Zhou Liang understood a lot of the knowledge he taught, and often used other research methods to come up with new solutions. Many times, even Mr. Liu himself could solve his own puzzles."

As Cai Wenji spoke, she took the kettle from the stove next to her and added hot water to Xu Chen's cup. "In his letter, the teacher praised Zhou Liang greatly, saying that Zhou Liang had a pure mind, was diligent and willing to learn, and spent all his time on learning, never having a moment of leisure. The teacher said that at this pace and progress, I'm afraid he will have nothing to teach in less than a year."

Xu Chen nodded: "The reason why I chose Zhou Liang was because of his purity. Now it seems that I was right about him."

Liu Hong's feedback still made Xu Chen very satisfied. If Zhou Liang could complete his training within a year, Xuan Xia's plan to go to sea could also begin preparations. Xu Chen was still thinking about the treasures on the other side of the ocean.

Instead, Liu Hong said that he could learn something from Zhou Liang, which made Xu Chen feel interesting.

But it is not surprising. After all, Liu Hong and Zhou Liang are intellectuals from two different eras. They have different ways of thinking and different methods and tools. Naturally, they will benefit each other when studying problems.

Cai Wenji then continued, "Mr. Liu wanted to ask my husband for something in the letter."

Xu Chen looked over and smiled: "I didn't expect that he would beg me. Tell me about it."

Cai Wenji said, "It's about the sea voyage. He was quite surprised when he heard Zhou Liang talk about his sea voyage experience. He also believed in the several magical objects that her husband mentioned, so he also wanted to go to sea. He said he wanted to go on the next ocean voyage with Zhou Liang." "This..." Xu Chen was stunned when he heard it, and then frowned, "It's not that I don't want to, but this ocean voyage is not a comfortable thing. It may take months or even years to go back and forth, and there are bound to be storms and tsunamis during the trip. He is already not young, what if something happens?"

Upon hearing this, Cai Wenji also agreed with it deeply, but she was just conveying the matter.

After thinking for a while, she said, "My husband certainly means well, but Mr. Liu may not accept it. He has always been persistent. If I don't follow his wish, I'm afraid it will make him even more depressed."

Xu Chen pondered for a while, and finally nodded: "Wen Ji's words make sense. If he doesn't mind, I won't stop him. You can write back according to the situation."

Cai Wenji nodded: "I know."

After chatting for a while, Xu Chen turned his attention back to the book in his hand.

However, before he could look for long, his interest was interrupted by the arrival of a person. It was Tian Shitou who wanted to see him.

When Cai Wenji saw this, she understood that Tian Shitou must have something to report on state affairs. Although state affairs generally did not need to be kept secret from her, Tian Shitou's work was mostly related to confidential information and intelligence, so Cai Wenji certainly knew to avoid it.

Not long after, she stood up and walked into the yard, and coaxed away Xu Xuan and Xu Xia, who were having fun. Most of the hired workers in the mansion also walked away to avoid her.

When Tian Shitou came in, the yard had become completely quiet. In such an independent and isolated environment, no matter what secrets or intelligence there were, there was no need to worry about the risk of leakage.

However, the news that Tian Shitou brought this time was not very sensitive.

"Prime Minister, there is new intelligence in the south. Wu and Shu Han are making quite a stir. Just over ten days ago, the navies of the two countries were obviously moving frequently, showing signs of joining forces, and heading down the Yangtze River. The land armies of the two countries are also moving. Jingzhou and Yangzhou have deployed troops to various places on the south side of the Yangtze River."

After Tian Shitou finished speaking, he handed a letter to Xu Chen, which contained the detailed intelligence.

After hearing the information, Xu Chen did not respond immediately. He just nodded, took the letter, and then unfolded it and read it slowly.

The content of the letter was exactly what Tian Shitou had said, but it was more specific, such as how many ships passed by where on a certain day, how many troops were stationed in a certain place on a certain day, and so on.

To do intelligence well, it is not only necessary to collect information, but more importantly to analyze it. Thanks to the standardization and professional research on the intelligence system, Xuanxia's intelligence personnel have done a good job in this regard.

Not long after, when Xu Chen finished reading the information and put down the letter, Tian Shitou quickly spoke up to add something.

"Combining various information, my intelligence team has determined that the armies of Wu and Shu have formed a deep alliance. They should have predicted the possibility of our army's southern expedition and have begun combat preparations long ago.

Judging from the deployment of their naval and land divisions, their main defense area against our army on the water in this battle should be in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, while the important towns on the south bank of the Yangtze River are their land defense areas. "

(End of this chapter)

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