Chapter 478 Urgent
Lu Meng was walking on the central avenue of Peking, curiously looking at the hustle and bustle of the traffic, while chatting and laughing with Li Zheng beside him with great interest.

It had only been one day since he arrived in the capital, but everything here amazed and novel to him. If possible, he would definitely not get bored of traveling around the city for ten days or half a month. However, compared to traveling, he was more eager to see the man in person.

Especially after coming to Xuanxia and seeing that this place is ten or a hundred times richer than Huainan, this desire has become even stronger.

Such a peaceful world undoubtedly proved that the man was right. This path was the real way to save the people of the world. From then on, countless ordinary people no longer had the huge pressures of powerful families and emperors hanging over their heads. Their dignity and rights could finally be upheld.

The natural teachings of Xuanxia's supreme law have clearly stipulated that the people are the masters of the country, and all their rights are protected by the supreme teachings. The basis for the operation of this society is ultimately not centered around a certain person or class who is high above, but around the most basic and largest masses of people.

The far-reaching significance of this is far more than just some superficial policies that benefit the people, but rather a truly earth-shaking undertaking to rebuild the world.

Anyone who can accomplish such a great feat is a well-deserved sage and great man. This was the first time in his life that Lu Meng's desire to see the emperor was so urgent.

The street was bustling with people coming and going. Li Zheng looked up and saw that it was almost noon, so he pulled Lu Meng into the restaurant next door, ordered some food and went to have lunch.

When the meal was placed in front of him, Lu Meng also noticed that the variety of food here was exceptionally rich. Not only was there pasta, a staple food that was relatively new to him, but even the dishes had become diverse due to the ingredients and spices brought in by tribute trade.

He clearly felt that Xuanxia was much richer in material terms than the south. Ingredients such as beef and mutton, which were extremely precious in the south, were not so rare here. If ordinary people saved some money, they could still have some to eat.

For example, now Lu Meng looked down from the second-floor window, and among the people returning home, it was not uncommon to see people carrying a bunch of raw meat. This kind of scene would never be seen in the south. Although Beiping had the natural advantage of being the capital, it still made Lu Meng feel exaggerated.

Looking at the dazzling array of shops on the streets, the bustling commercial atmosphere immediately hits you.

While strolling around the street that day, he also bought a lot of good things, such as the novels of Xuanxia that were becoming popular, some exquisite glassware, and some new things such as glasses, soap, and matches.

"Before this, I thought the situation I had managed in Huainan was pretty good. I cleared out the local tyrants, distributed land to the people, and gained their support. It seemed that up to this point, I had already accomplished my mission. But now that I have come to the capital and seen it with my own eyes, I realize how ignorant I was."

After pouring the wine and taking a sip, Lu Meng sighed: "The leader has created such a situation in a desperate situation. Compared with his achievements in the past few years, I am afraid that my achievements in the past few years are less than one percent. I am still far behind."

Li Zheng was eating his meal. Hearing this, he smiled and said, "Ziming, you don't have to belittle yourself. After all, Huainan is in the enemy's hinterland. It's not easy to establish a base."

Lu Meng did not take such comforting words seriously: "Didn't the leader also stay in the enemy's territory at the beginning? In the end, the leader is much more powerful."

Li Zheng laughed out loud. He certainly agreed with this point. "Our leader is a god-like figure. To be frank, there is only one who appears in thousands of years. It is normal that you cannot compare to the leader. It would be strange if you can compare to him."

Hearing what Li Zheng said, Lu Meng was not angry, but grinned instead.

In his eyes, Xu Chen was just like Confucius in the eyes of Confucian scholars. If someone said that he was better than Xu Chen, he would get angry. Even when Li Zheng said that Xu Chen was a figure that would not appear for thousands of years, Lu Meng did not think it was an exaggeration at all. It was the fact.

The epochal changes that I witnessed today were so drastic and rapid, even a little abrupt. When everyone's thinking was still generally stuck at the level of competing for world domination, Xu Chen suddenly appeared out of nowhere and brought about an all-round change from ideas to systems.

If he thought about it carefully, Lu Meng would feel that if Xu Chen had not appeared, it would probably take much longer than he thought to reach this point today.

"By the way, when will the leader see me? I can't wait any longer!" Lu Meng put down his wine glass and asked, with a hint of resentment in his words.

Li Zheng thought for a moment and said, "The leader is not seeing you now, not intentionally ignoring you. He has always been tolerant and easy-going. There must be some deep meaning behind this."

Lu Meng nodded, and the uneasiness in his heart eased a little. He was actually very worried whether Xu Chen had any opinions about him.

However, after only one day in the capital, he had already learned a lot about Xu Chen's deeds from the local people and some of his fellow officials. No matter who talked about Xu Chen, they all admired and respected him from the bottom of their hearts. Lu Meng knew that what Li Zheng said was not false.

A remarkable fact is that in the past ten years of Xuanxia, ​​no one has ever heard of anyone suffering from inexplicable disaster because of Xu Chen's mood. For people who are accustomed to the idea that millions of people would be killed when the emperor is angry, an enlightened leader like Xu Chen would definitely be called a benevolent monarch in the past.

Maybe the master really has some deep meaning.
While the two were talking, a young man suddenly came up to the restaurant, carrying a cloth bag with a large stack of newspapers in it. He was a newsboy who came here to sell newspapers.

After walking around the second floor, he came to Lü Meng and Li Zheng and said, "Would you like to buy a copy of this month's new newspaper? Is there any big news?"

Naturally, they would not refuse. They handed the money to the boy and asked for one.

Li Zhengxian opened it and looked at the front page, then he smiled and said, "There is really big news."

Lu Meng became curious: "What's the matter?"

Li Zheng placed the newspaper on the table and pointed to the front page, saying, "Look, the court is going to issue official bonds again this month, saying that they will be used for the court's national trunk road construction project."

Lu Meng nodded and said, "This is a good thing. If all the main roads in the world have hardened roads like the one in Youzhou, it will be a great benefit for trade and marching in the future."

Li Zheng heard this, but he had other ideas: "The court does have a large infrastructure plan. This has been reported for a long time. First, it can boost the civil engineering industry, and second, it can create a large number of jobs. Once the road is built, it will benefit future generations. However, I think this seems to be just a cover. The infrastructure plan has been going on for a long time, but there has never been a precedent for issuing government bonds for it."

Lu Meng pondered for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up, as if he realized something.

(End of this chapter)

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