Chapter 480: Eternal Incense
The Beiping Military Department is the military center of Xuanxia. It is located on the outskirts of Beiping. It is a huge forbidden area that outsiders cannot enter.

This place is responsible for the function of high-level military meetings, and the entire military center will formulate detailed plans such as conscription, budget, material preparation, etc. according to the results of the meetings. It can be said that once a large-scale war is launched, this is the brain of the Xuanxia Yellow Turbans.

In addition, this is also the Yellow Turbans' senior military academy.

Once a mid- or high-level general in the army makes a mistake, he will be punished according to military law based on the specific circumstances. Extremely serious mistakes will result in direct dismissal or imprisonment or death, while general mistakes will require suspension from work and the general to return to the military for further training.

Previously, Zhang Baiqi, Zhang Rao and Guan Hai made a command mistake and fell into Cao Cao's hands, resulting in serious negligence, so they were all demoted and sent back for further study. Although the nature of the technical mistake was not serious and they are now able to return to the army, they were all demoted, and there is basically no room for error in their future military career.

Lu Meng followed Ma Yan around the military headquarters and deeply felt the formality and professionalism here. He even took the initiative to participate in several military courses and personally experienced the course content.

In addition to professional military content, the military's courses also include a considerable portion of the army's ideological construction. Even soldiers need to be indoctrinated with the concept of naturalism, and the core of this concept is a sentence that Lu Meng can see everywhere in the military.

The Yellow Turbans belong to the people!

"This sentence was written here by the leader after the military department was established." As soon as he entered the military department, Ma Yan pointed to a vertical screen wall inside and explained the sentence engraved on it.

Lu Meng and Li Zheng looked forward and nodded solemnly.

This is the only door to enter the government office, and anyone passing by here would find it difficult to ignore these words. Countless people in the military go in and out to work day and night, and they are reminded of these words every day.

It can be seen that in Xu Chen's eyes, this sentence is of great importance to the Yellow Turbans.

"It should be so." Of course, Lu Meng also felt that this sentence was very right. Not to mention the Yellow Turbans, after Li Zheng came to Huainan, his own Huainan Army also held the same idea.

Ma Yan glanced at him, nodded and smiled: "The leader will finally meet Ziming tomorrow, but before that, I will take you to a place."

Upon hearing this, Lu Meng could not help but grin. Just as Ma Yan said, the moment he had been looking forward to the most had finally arrived.

When he thought about seeing Xu Chen tomorrow, he couldn't suppress his excitement.

However, he would not lose his composure at the moment. Ma Yan walked forward and he followed quietly.

After a few days, he was no longer unfamiliar with the military headquarters, but the place where Ma Yan was going was particularly deep and quiet, which inexplicably made Lu Meng feel a solemn and quiet atmosphere.

This is an independent courtyard deep in the military headquarters. As soon as he walked in, Lu Meng saw a huge stone tablet standing.

"This is the monument we use to commemorate the fallen soldiers. It is different from the original monument in Yuyang, where the Yellow Turbans rose up. This one was built by our military to help the surviving soldiers remember their former brothers."

As he spoke, Ma Yan looked solemn. He first took a few incense sticks from the side, bowed three times, and then put them in the incense burner.

Lu Meng and Li Zheng also remained solemn, and then, following Ma Yan's example, they offered incense to the spirits of the sacrificed Yellow Turban heroes. For some reason, Lu Meng felt that his relationship with the Yellow Turbans had become even closer.

Now that I am also a member of the Yellow Turbans, with this permanent incense offering, even if I really sacrifice myself one day, I will have no regrets.

Afterwards, Ma Yan walked towards the houses surrounding the monument. The two Yellow Turban soldiers on duty immediately saluted and opened the door for them with solemn expressions.

When they walked in, they saw rows of wooden shelves with piles of books on them. Ma Yan carefully picked up a book and opened it to read.

Lu Meng leaned over and saw that what was written in the book was mostly rows of names, with other information below the names.

"Every soldier who died, his name, hometown, and posthumous pension will be recorded here one by one. For example, the soldiers recorded on the bookshelf in front of us all died in the battle against Liu Yu."

After saying that, Ma Yan put the list down and continued walking forward. However, different information was marked on another wooden shelf.

Ma Yan pointed there and said, "The names on this wooden frame are all those who died during the battle against Yuan Shao. We were ambushed by Cao Cao, and more than 10,000 of our brothers died in a fire."

Shaking his head, Ma Yan continued walking forward, introducing as he walked.

Every list here records a certain war, and there are clear marks on the bookshelf. As Ma Yan told the story, Lu Meng couldn't help but imagine the scenes of those wars in his mind.

Every soldier of the Yellow Turbans is remembered here. As long as the incense is still there and as long as this list remains, they will never be forgotten by the world. In the concept of naturalism, they will be immortal and become immortals.

Listening to all this along the way, Lu Meng couldn't help but sigh in his heart. If Xuan Xia could do this, how could the soldiers not repay him with a fight to the death?

In the past, soldiers were just consumables requisitioned by the government, and no one cared about their contributions. But in the Yellow Turbans, soldiers were no longer consumables, and they were given the dignity and honor that warriors deserved.

If I were just an ordinary soldier, I would definitely fight to the death like these heroes.
As they were walking, Ma Yan's next words made Lu Meng stop in his tracks.

Ma Yan stopped in front of a wooden rack. In front of him was a small compartment. It was obvious that this small compartment was different from other places, and there was only a lonely list lying there.

"The hundreds of brothers here all died when Yuyang was hit by a flood a year ago."


Lu Meng was stunned for a moment. Most of the casualties were on the battlefield, and the sudden appearance of such a flood made him a little confused: "Could it be that the brothers died at the hands of the victims while fighting the disaster?"

This was his subconscious thought.

After a disaster, there will be many refugees. Once the refugees are out of control, riots will occur. Once the riots grow in size, it can easily turn into a rebellion that will cause headaches for the government.

The word "zhen" in "zhenzai" means to suppress. Once the victims show signs of getting out of control, the first thing the government should do is to take up arms against the victims.

This was a disaster relief method used by the government that Lu Meng was familiar with, and when he heard it, he had the same association.

The only thing that surprised him was that with the fighting power of the Yellow Turbans, even if the victims of the disaster rioted, it would not result in the sacrifice of more than a hundred people.

But Ma Yan was stunned for a moment, then looked at Lu Meng with amusement: "Ziming, you are joking. How could our brothers die at the hands of the victims? They were fighting against the flood and sacrificed in the process of disaster relief."

(End of this chapter)

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