Chapter 492 Go to war!

Gongs and drums were beating and firecrackers were blasting. When the Yellow Turban army marched in a group through the main roads of the city of Peking, the people on both sides of the road also offered their most enthusiastic blessings to their own soldiers. Everyone was looking forward to the victorious return of the Yellow Turbans.

In fact, the Yellow Turbans did not need to pass through the city, but in order to cater to the people's mood, they finally went around the city. It must be said that this did make the people very happy.

The soldiers in the army are relatives of the local people. The people are not only seeing off the army, but also blessing their own relatives.

The neatly-organized military formations formed straight lines. Even though they appeared less serious by interacting with the civilians on both sides from time to time, they still demonstrated strong military qualities. Such a relatively loose formation was unbelievable for any other army of this era.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Yellow Turban Army is the lower limit of the lower limit, and the upper limit of the armies of Shu Han, Wu and Xiliang.

Now, this army is about to complete its final mission, launch a final heavy blow to Shu Han and Wu in the south, and completely end this era of strife.

The noisy and excited atmosphere of the crowd had reached its climax. Countless young girls were throwing handkerchiefs into the team, which made the young soldiers in the marching formation feel excited. However, their strong sense of discipline allowed them to keep their original intentions and continue to move forward firmly among the beautiful girls.

There were also children jumping and skipping along the way, adding a festive atmosphere.

This kind of atmosphere has never been seen even during ordinary festivals. It can be achieved to this extent because the people generally know that this battle is the final battle of Xuanxia with great significance. After this battle, people all over the world will no longer have to fear that the former noble masters will come back to enslave them, and everyone will be liberated and have a new life.

It wasn't until a loud exclamation was heard that the boiling emotions calmed down.

"The Prime Minister is here, the Heavenly Master is here, the Saint is here!"

Countless people along the way all looked towards the back of the team where the exclamation came from, and then they saw that in the middle of the team, there was a line of people on horseback. They were obviously the generals in the army and the leader of Xuan Xia.

Following the exclamation, people quickly focused their attention on one of them, a man wearing light armor.

Although many people could not recognize who these leaders were, they had good eyesight and knew that the one surrounded and protected by the crowd in the center must be the man.

After the crowd confirmed his identity, they could no longer control themselves. At that moment, countless old men knelt down in tears, and countless young girls stared at that man without moving their eyes because of arousal.

The team that was originally there to see off the soldiers gradually showed signs of getting out of control. Fortunately, this was a military unit, and soldiers immediately formed teams to control the situation. However, the extreme enthusiasm of the people still made it difficult to calm them. If the people really broke through the obstacles, it would be difficult to leave the city today.

The subordinates around Xu Chen could easily imagine that as long as the people were allowed to rush over, this place would be flooded by the crowd in an instant.

At this time, Tian Shitou felt sweat on his forehead. As the captain of Xu Chen's personal guards, what he was most worried about was the complicated situation at the moment. Although the people in front of him were all civilians from Xuanxia, ​​there was no guarantee that there might not be assassins hiding among them. Even if there was only a one in a million possibility, Tian Shitou did not dare to relax at all.

"Master, let's speed up and leave the city first. The people are too enthusiastic. I think our brothers who are maintaining the city are not having an easy time either." Tian Shitou, who was unwilling to take risks, immediately rode forward and made a suggestion.

Xu Chen was riding slowly on his horse, waving to the people on both sides. He was feeling very proud. Hearing this, he nodded.

Looking around, he saw that it was really difficult for the soldiers nearby to stop the people. If he dawdled here for too long, it would only add to the work pressure for his personal soldiers, so he agreed to Tian Shitou's suggestion.

Soon, they sped up, passed the army marching on foot, and quickly headed towards the city gate.

It has to be said that Xu Chen really enjoyed the shouts and support from the people along the way. It made him feel that his work was not in vain and the people's true and pure emotions were the best reward for him.

Of course, Xu Chen couldn't help but feel complacent. Who would have thought that an ordinary person like him could get to where he is today.

"The people's hearts can be used. As long as we have such support from the people, what can the Shu Han and the Wu Kingdom do? Any enemy will be drowned in the vast ocean of the masses!" The horse trotted at a slow trot. Xu Chen felt the relaxation of galloping and enjoyed the cheers of the crowd. He couldn't help but sigh.

Ma Yan, who followed Xu Chen closely, quickly responded: "The leader is right. Our army will win this battle."

Xu Chen glanced at him and said with a smile: "Our navy is newly established. Neither you, the navy commander, nor the soldiers under you have any practical experience in water combat. And this naval battle is particularly important. Can you withstand this kind of pressure?"

Ma Yan laughed and looked confident. "We brothers are all from the north. We are not good at water warfare, but we are determined and willing to endure hardships. In order to adapt to the environment of water warfare, my subordinates and brothers have hardly left the boat this year. Whether eating, sleeping or training, our feet are always on the deck. Although it was uncomfortable to vomit in the early days, we got used to it after vomiting for a while. I dare not say that we are more skilled in water warfare than the southerners, but at least we can ensure that we are not at a disadvantage."

At this point, Ma Yan paused for a moment, and it was unknown what he thought of, his eyes became a little hot: "And the new equipment equipped by the navy can be called magic weapons. With them, the Wu Shu navy is nothing but a joke." Xu Chen naturally understood what Ma Yan was talking about. After all, this thing was created by himself.

Recalling the first time he accompanied Ma Yan to Wuqing Port to inspect the navy half a year ago and saw with his own eyes the experimental results of the new weapons after they were put into service, he had a rough idea of ​​the outcome of this naval battle.

Although this new weapon is still immature at this stage and its reserves are extremely limited, it can indeed determine the direction of the war if used properly.

Due to technical limitations, new weapons are extremely expensive and have a long manufacturing cycle. The Yellow Turbans do not need to wait for this. It is enough to make full use of the existing ones.

"We can't rely solely on new weapons. If we can use them to successfully rush into the waterway, we will have accomplished our mission. If we really want to compete with the enemy's navy, we need real weapons."

After Xu Chen gave a warning, he quickened his pace and soon reached the city gate.

It can be seen that there are still a large number of people waiting outside the city. Even when he walked here, Xu Chen could still hear the cheers one after another. He looked back and saw that on both sides of the Yellow Turban team, which was so long that he could not see the tail, there was a magnificent scene of people holding colorful flags and banners.

Even Xu Chen couldn't help feeling proud at this time, at least he had done a good job.

When Ma Yan caught up from behind, he only heard Xu Chen sigh: "We can't let down the expectations of the people in this city. We must return victorious from this battle."

As soon as the voice fell, Xu Chen took out the whip and rode out of the city.

The plan of the southern expedition officially began when Xu Chen rode out of Peking on horseback.

Most of the soldiers who set out from the capital this time were from the Xuanxia navy. The main Yellow Turban army was stationed in Yan and Xu states. Once the Yellow Turban navy gained control of the situation, any place along the entire Yangtze River could be the place where Xuanxia launched an attack.

Before this, the Yellow Turbans were helpless against the Yangtze River.

Originally, the navy controlled by the Han Dynasty was all in the two states of Jing and Yang. Although the Yellow Turbans launched fierce attacks, they never gained control of any part of the navy. This was even more embarrassing than Cao Cao in history.

After all, Cao Cao still had Zhang Yun and Cai Mao who had surrendered to him, and when he looked at the Yangtze River, he found that there was not a single ship that belonged to him.

If not for this, Xuan Xia would not have taken the initiative to build ships and create a navy so early.

If Xuanxia cannot occupy the waterway, then in the future confrontation between the north and the south, it will become very passive. Any place along the northern Yangtze River may be attacked by the navy of Shu Han and Wu at any time, and Xuanxia itself has no countermeasures.

To think of the worst, this would even force Xuan Xia to deploy heavy defenses along the entire Yangtze River.

This is why Xu Chen was so eager to launch the Southern Expedition. The three states of Yan, Xu and Yu had just been occupied. If the weak situation of the navy could not be changed, it would be difficult for these places to stand firm. The Wu and Shu countries could make Xuanxia extremely anxious by relying on long-term harassment by the navy.

That kind of situation was certainly not what Xu Chen wanted to see, so he could only decisively launch a general attack before that.

Xu Chen had enough confidence in this regard. What the Yellow Turbans lacked was only control over the Yangtze River. As long as this shortcoming was made up and the Yellow Turbans could safely cross the river to fight, there would be no possibility of losing this war.

The battle on the water may still have suspense, but the battle on land will only be a one-sided situation.

After all the troops had left the city, they marched all the way to Wuqing Port. When they passed through towns and villages along the way, the people all came to see them off with food and drink.

Such scenes appeared in different places every day along the way, without interruption.

And this is not a bad thing. Nothing can motivate soldiers more than the support and love of the masses. Xu Chen clearly felt that the farther they went, the stronger the morale of the army would be. He firmly believed that the Yellow Turban soldiers' desire for victory must surpass anything in the world.

When all the soldiers arrived at the Wuqing military port, the morale reached its peak, so much so that after the soldiers boarded the navy ships, even the fleet seemed to have gained a bit more momentum.

The southern expedition that has been brewing for a year has finally begun, and this young Yellow Turban navy is about to make their debut.

(End of this chapter)

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