Chapter 498 The Wind Rises

got windy!
Dark clouds rolled in, and small raindrops began to fall. Along with it, the wind gradually grew stronger. This wind was exactly the east wind that Xuan Xia had been waiting for!

From downstream to upstream, the only hope of breaking through is to take advantage of the east wind.

The Yellow Turbans, who had been silent for many days, also began to react immediately. Although they seemed to be idle these days, they had already made preparations in secret. As soon as the astronomical conditions were ripe, they would quickly take action.

Thousands of warships immediately raised their sails, and the naval soldiers quickly began to pack up their equipment and line up. The murderous atmosphere instantly spread over the river.

Fortunately, the rain did not turn into a rainstorm, but the wind was getting stronger and stronger.

With the help of such celestial phenomena, the Xuanxia navy, which had been very clumsy when sailing upstream, finally became fast. One ship after another braved the wind and waves and moved forward, as unstoppable as a giant axe to chisel at mountains.

This time, it was not just Ma Yan who led the army to fight. At the rear of the fleet, Xu Chen and other generals also boarded the ships and followed all the way.

When boarding the ship, the raindrops were very cold, which made Xu Chen very uncomfortable, but the opportunity was fleeting. At this critical moment, he could only rush forward with all his strength. The rain was not enough to stop the navy from going on the expedition.

It was not until Tian Shitou beside him handed him a straw raincoat and a hat at the right time that Xu Chen felt much more comfortable after putting them on.

At this time, the boat was obviously shaking more than usual. After all, it was in a strong wind and it was not so stable to control.

There were strong winds blowing all around, and everyone's clothes were rustling. The sails on the huge masts were swelling upstream to the west. Along with the soldiers' energetic shouts, the ships were pushed forward as if they were held up by hands.

Before the invention of steamships, battles on water were always restricted by astronomical phenomena, and the exact time of battle depended on the will of God.

Xu Chen looked forward, and saw only densely packed sails with no end in sight. He looked back, and saw sails being erected one after another, and they also seemed to be endless.

The celestial phenomenon is rare, so this battle must be fought with all our strength.

"Master, will this work? We are just going to act recklessly like this. The enemy is an iron wall, and we are going to crash into them like this..." At this time, Ju Shou walked forward against the wind, looking extremely worried.

Wang Dang wiped the rain off his face and said in a deep voice, "It's already this time, why are you still talking about whether it's okay or not? Just do it!"

Xu Chen remained silent. He did not answer the two of them, but just looked behind him.

There were many medium-sized ships, which had been hidden in the rear of the fleet. Even Wang Dang and Ju Su had never noticed that the shapes of these ships were very different from those of other warships, and there seemed to be many foreign objects installed on the hull.

It was certainly unusual for them to go all out right from the start, but Xu Chen would not explain to them now that he was not relying solely on the superficial strength of the navy fleet.

Moreover, there is only this one chance, and we must be effective if we take action, otherwise the entire war plan will probably be thwarted.

"Old Wang is right. There is no need to hesitate. Just do it!"

After walking to the bow and standing up straight, Xu Chen looked straight ahead and gave his answer, which made Ju Shou and Wang Dang shut up at the same time. The battle was about to start, and saying anything else would affect morale. Even Wang Dang, who had been on the battlefield for a long time, couldn't help but tremble at this time. This battle was really crucial and determined the direction of the entire war. He couldn't help but be nervous.

If possible, he would have liked to jump onto the Youzhou, the ship at the forefront of the navy, and take over Ma Yan's command and go into battle himself. However, he was definitely not as reliable in water combat as Ma Yan, who had undergone long-term training and actual combat. Even if he could not hold back any longer, he could only trust in Ma Yan's ability.

Xu Chen's mood was not much better either.

He was seen holding onto the edge of the boat tightly with his hands, staring into the distance motionlessly. Although he could not see anything now, he was unwilling to move his gaze, as if he wanted to see through numerous obstacles to peek at the Wu and Shu navy.

Xu Chen was nervous, just as he was nervous when facing Gongsun Zan, Liu Yu, Yuan Shao and Cao Cao. But now his opponents were Zhou Yu, Guan Yu, Liu Bei and Sun Quan!
These people are all heroes of the world. Xu Chen, an unknown person from later generations, is now competing on the same stage with them. How can he not be nervous?

This is the absurdity of historical memory shining into reality, but it is also the heaviness brought by the invisible mission on the shoulders.

In fact, Xu Chen could lose, but he just couldn't afford to lose.

Even if he loses this time, Xuan Xia's strength will not be affected. It will only delay the process of unifying the world for a few years. However, no matter how high the tolerance is, Xu Chen does not want to lose even once.

People like Zhou Yu, Liu Bei and Sun Quan are not to be underestimated. Xu Chen is unwilling to give them even the slightest chance. Things that can be solved now should not be left for the future to increase risks.

In every war, he strives to do his best and build as many trump cards as possible, just to end everything as quickly as possible.

The same is true today. He does not want to give Zhou Yu, Sun Quan and Liu Bei any extra opportunities, so he is unwilling to lose this battle, just as he was unwilling to lose before when facing Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan.

Liu Bei, Sun Quan, Zhou Yu, Guan Yu, you are all the top few people of this era, but I, Xu Chen, have also prepared gifts for you. Whether you can eat them depends on your own ability.
In this battle, we must break through upstream!
This was what Xu Chen was thinking at the moment, and it was also what Ma Yan was thinking on the Youzhou, which was at the front of the fleet.

Ma Yan stood on the bow in armor, not moving even though the rain poured down on him. He was as silent and cold as a steel sculpture. However, unlike his appearance, his heart was burning with passion at this moment.

This day finally came. Although he only had the right time but not the right place and people, Ma Yan had enough confidence.

The Yellow Turbans may not have the advantage of terrain and people, but they have a variable like their leader. This man can create all the impossible, and in this battle, this divine power will be reproduced again!
"General, we have seen enemy warships ahead!"

On the watchtower of the warship, the flag soldier was observing the enemy situation in the distance with a telescope. He immediately blew a whistle and shouted. Then he stood up and waved the battle flags of different colors in his hands to convey information and orders to other ships.

In fact, without the flag soldiers reminding him, Ma Yan could already see the appearance of the enemy with his naked eyes.

In the gloomy weather with heavy rain, the river water several miles away was suddenly cut off. From a distance, it looked like a high wall blocking the way, but if you look closely, you can see that it is a densely packed huge warships lying in front. The iron wall formed by the warships completely blocked the way.

Ma Yan took a deep breath. Just by looking at the situation in front of him, he could imagine how difficult this battle would be.

But at this moment, I have no choice but to move forward, even if there is a mountain in front of me, I have to climb over it!

(End of this chapter)

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