Chapter 51 I'm not guilty!
Even though the Yellow Turbans held torches, marching at night was still very difficult. After a night, they had only traveled half the distance. It was not until noon the next day that they could barely see the shadow of Fanyang City.

Although they had been running for a whole night and a morning, the Yellow Turbans were not overly tired.

This was because they had made a plan in advance. They had rested early during the day yesterday and marched at night. They took advantage of the time difference to widen the gap with the officers and soldiers. Therefore, the Yellow Turbans still had a lot of physical strength and spirit left.

Although the condition is not very good, it is enough to cope with the county town which is now short of troops.

"Our army must fight quickly and decisively. How long will it take General Wang to capture Fanyang?"

The army was ready for battle. Looking at the state of the army, Xu Chen had a general idea in his mind.

However, as for the matter of battle, he was not as good as the general Wang Dang after all, so he asked.

Wang Dang looked towards the top of Fanyang City in the distance with a smile on his face. Through his own condition, he could understand the situation of the soldiers.

"Our army hides during the day and moves at night. We still have some strength left. It's just a county town with poor defenses. I will definitely take it down in a certain hour!" He shook his finger at the county town, looking very confident.

Xu Chen nodded when he heard this. This time was not exaggerated. Now that the main forces from all places had been deployed, only basic forces were left for defense. This was not enough to resist this group of Yellow Turbans who were as fierce as wolves and tigers.

The Yellow Turbans did not even give the already small number of defenders a chance to prepare. The entire army rushed to the top of the city without stopping.

When the county magistrate learned that the Yellow Turbans had returned, he hurried to the top of the city wall. When he saw the massive Yellow Turbans outside, he almost fainted.

Although Fan Yang now has more than a thousand soldiers, most of them are auxiliary soldiers and servants, and there are only three to five hundred real officers and soldiers. How can they defend themselves against the brutal Yellow Turbans?

But there is no other choice now. Even if we can't hold it, we have to bite the bullet and defend it.

The Yellow Turbans climbed up the city wall with great momentum, but this time it was not like the previous times where there was much noise but little action. Everyone put in all their effort and fought with all their might from the beginning.

This fierce attack was much more severe than the last time, but the military strength of Fanyang City was less than that of the last time. Therefore, the situation of this attack and defense was completely different from the last time.

The Yellow Turban Army led by Wang Dang was like a huge hammer that kept hitting the defenses on the city walls. As time passed, the defense line was soon smashed to pieces.

Once the Yellow Turbans climbed the city walls, they immediately stood firm on the top of the city walls. As soldiers from the rear poured in, they pushed the battle line from the foot of the city walls to the top of the city walls. The defenders who had lost the city walls lost their advantage, and faced with the Yellow Turbans' offensive, they collapsed at the first touch.

In frontal combat, the Yellow Turbans' overall superiority in terms of equipment, combat power and will was fully demonstrated. Especially when they had the upper hand in terms of military strength, this advantage increased exponentially.

Wang Dang's boast that he could conquer the city in an hour was not exaggerated at all. After the battle lasted for an hour, the officers and soldiers on the city wall threw down their weapons and surrendered. The battle ended in such a boring way.

After the city gates were opened, Xu Chen rode in on horseback. At least at this moment, he was the master here. All life and death in the city were decided by his words.

"Immediately divide the team into shifts and take turns to rest. Make sure there is always someone working. Everything that needs to be done must be completed before tomorrow morning!"

"Yes, I'll arrange it right away!"

Xu Chen issued an order, and Wang Dang followed it and left. All the Yellow Turbans shouted loudly to vent their high emotions, and they were all excited about their victory again.

There was no need for Xu Chen to arrange everything. He had already established the most basic rules and laws of the Natural Religion, and the Yellow Turban followers naturally understood what to do.

Those who are guilty will be dealt with according to religious laws, and the behavior of the Yellow Turbans themselves is also regulated by military disciplines. These two rules alone are sufficient to deal with all current events.

Just like the ancient peace of Zhuo County, the people were very frightened of the Yellow Turbans at first, until the Yellow Turbans showed their upright behavior of not harming anyone, which gradually made them feel at ease.

Also in the vegetable market, even though it was already late at night, the Yellow Turbans were still conscientiously carrying out their great task of slaughtering the powerful.

When Lu Ling was escorted to the vegetable market, he raised his head with difficulty, and with the light of the torch he saw Xu Chen's blurry face, which was an excessively young face.

The evil Taoist who had disturbed the peace of Zhuo County and made the powerful people in other counties unable to sleep or eat, turned out to have the true face of this.

He was not as fat as he had thought, he was even handsome with delicate features. Upon closer inspection, he had a kind of indifference and calmness in his eyes that did not match his age, and he really looked a bit ethereal and otherworldly.

As if he had noticed Lu Ling's gaze, the demon Taoist lowered his head on the platform and looked in this direction.

This made Lu Ling's heart tremble, and he felt a little flustered for no reason. He subconsciously wanted to lower his head, but when he thought that he was already in a desperate situation and there was nothing to be afraid of, he sighed again and stared at the demon in silence.

After a while, he even saw the demon Taoist nodded at him with a smile.

Then he heard the Yellow Turban announcing the crimes of the wealthy and noble people present. After the evil Taoist nodded with a smile, hundreds of nobles kneeling in the vegetable market were sentenced to beheading, which of course included Lu Ling himself.

But Lu Ling could not understand these charges at all.

The Lu family's land was accumulated over generations, and there was no sin involved in the process of accumulation. It was just that in years of disaster, poor farmers could not survive and chose to sell their land, or they borrowed money from the Lu family to survive, and in the end they could not pay back and had to sell their land to pay off their debts.

All of this is reasonable and legal. Even Lu's borrowing money to tide over the emergency can be considered an act of justice. In the end, the farmers could not repay the debt themselves, and Lu did not force them to death. He just asked them to pay off the debt with their land. Is there anything wrong with that?

The peasants lost their land, and if Mrs. Lu hadn't given them land to farm, they wouldn't even be able to survive. For such a life-saving grace, was it too much to ask Mrs. Lu to work for them and to make their children slaves?
Lu Ling never felt that the Lu family had let down the lower-class people who depended on them. Instead, those lower-class people should be grateful to the Lu family. Without the Lu family, they would have difficulty surviving!

But today, the members of the Lu family will be labeled as unclean people with original sin by the leader, and all the family property of the Lu family will be regarded as ill-gotten gains and so-called "confiscated".

This made Lu Ling feel extremely shameless. If they wanted to rob, they could just rob, but they had to use such a ridiculous excuse to cover it up.

Moreover, these Yellow Turbans said that the Lu family violated the basic rights of many ordinary people and put all the misery of these ordinary people on the Lu family. All in all, they wanted to kill most of the Lu family, which made Lu Ling even more unacceptable.

When a yellow turban holding a knife stood beside him, he just raised his head unwillingly and looked at the demon and said, "Lu is innocent!"

He did not get a response from the demon. All he got in response was a mouthful of thick spit from the yellow turban beside him, and a disdainful voice that followed: "Tsk, you're still stubborn with us when you're about to die. If the leader says you have it, then you have it!"

Lu Ling wanted to say something, but at this moment, a cold light flashed, and then his world went dark.
(End of this chapter)

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