Chapter 56 Drenched in Sweat
The organization hastily set up during the march was still very crude. It only established the most basic military positions, but had not actually formed a complete system.

Only when the entire supporting promotion and demotion system is fully established can the army be considered to have a basic structure.

But this is not something that can be done in a few days, nor is it something that this group of peasants can handle.

But even if only basic military positions were established and appointed, the change in the entire army's appearance would be immediate, and this could be directly seen from the march.

In the past, everyone was a Yellow Turban, and there were no clear positions. Most of the time, a powerful one would lead hundreds or thousands of people to obey his orders, and above them would be a regional leader. In this situation, everyone would rush in to do anything without any rules or organization.

Since the continuous establishment of military positions in recent days, the appearance of the Yellow Turbans has begun to change visibly, and the march has naturally become orderly. Every soldier at least knows who his sergeant is, so they don't run around everywhere during the march. In this way, the army does not look too chaotic.

Xu Chen was very satisfied with the results. He believed that as the soldiers gradually became familiar with and accustomed to the military system, this motley crowd originally composed of refugees would gradually move closer to the regular army.

As the army marched, every once in a while, Wang Dang would lead the entire army in shouting loud songs together.

These songs include folk songs familiar to people of that time, as well as powerful songs taught to them by Professor Xu Chen. Just like the "Unity is Strength" they are shouting at this moment, the simple and straightforward lyrics and music can inspire people and boost morale.

Xu Chen rode to the side of the team, a flag suddenly rose up behind him, and then a wide yellow cloth fluttered conspicuously in the strong wind.

The Yellow Turbans were subconsciously attracted and turned their heads to look. Then they felt jealous, and their singing voices became more powerful, and their eyes became more determined.

The tattoo on it is not the name of the country that symbolizes the monarchy, nor is it a personal surname, nor is it even a Taoist symbol.

In the center of the flag, there was only a simple pattern, which was a ruler and a hoe placed crosswise.

Every Yellow Turban knew the meaning of this pattern very well, because their revered leader had already told them when he drew the pattern.

This is a pattern revealed by God. It symbolizes the most basic laborers. In deism, it is such laborers who create all value.

Whenever this flag was raised, the Yellow Turban soldiers felt their hearts burning with joy, because they were the workers represented by this pattern.

This flag constantly reminds them that they are not working for the monarch, nor for the head of the family, nor even for the leader of the sect, but are fighting for the millions of toiling people like themselves.

This is the first time a flag has been raised for them on this land...

Even Xu Chen was a little dazed when he saw the flag. This responsibility was particularly huge, and he himself didn't know whether he could succeed.

The person carrying the flag at this time was a tall young man. He was the captain of the personal guards selected by Wang Dang for Xu Chen. Of course, he was also the commander-in-chief of the Yellow Turban Army.

His name was Tian Shitou, and like the other Yellow Turbans he came from a low-class farming family. However, because he was ruthless in battle and smart in doing things, he was relatively outstanding in the Yellow Turban group, which is why Wang Dang noticed him.

"Have you memorized the military laws and disciplines that I told you yesterday?" Xu Chen slowed down his horse's pace, walked side by side with Tian Shitou, and asked.

As soon as he spoke, Tian Shitou, who was carrying the flag in high spirits just now, suddenly became nervous.

Wang Dang, who was standing beside them, saw the commotion and silently moved closer, pricked up his ears and eavesdropped on their conversation. After all, Tian Shitou was the man he had chosen, and if he showed any weakness in front of the leader, he would lose face.

Fortunately, although Tian Shitou was nervous, he still managed to answer. "I remember, the leader said that we Yellow Turbans cannot steal or rob, and we must not kill innocent people. If anyone commits such a crime, we will be punished according to the circumstances.

Serious offenders must be beheaded, while less serious offenders can be kicked out of our team or sentenced to hard labor.

And as for the disciplines you mentioned, the soldiers must not eat a single grain of rice from the people, must strictly obey the military orders of their superiors, and must be united, friendly and supportive of each other.

Officers must not bully soldiers, and the army's military plans must be carefully considered and understood, and we must always remember to learn more about military tactics."

As Tian Shitou spoke, Xu Chen nodded beside him. He was quite satisfied with the answer.

Huang Jin was illiterate, so naturally he could only tell him about this kind of thing orally. However, Tian Shitou could remember most of it after listening to it a few times, which showed that he was indeed quite smart and attentive.

Xu Chen asked again: "If someone in the army violates military law and discipline, what will you do?"

Tian Shitou quickly replied: "Of course I will punish him according to the rules!"

Xu Chen said "hmm", then glanced at Wang Dang who was pretending to look up at the sky. After laughing, he asked again: "What if the person who violated the military law was General Wang, what would you do?"

Wang Dang's body obviously shook, and his head shook a bit, but he did not turn around in the end. He still maintained the posture of looking at the sky, as if he did not hear what Xu Chen said.

Tian Shitou froze for a moment. He turned his head to look at Wang Dang, then looked back at Xu Chen.

"This should also be punished according to the rules, right?"

After a long time, Tian Shitou finally gave a hesitant answer, but the last syllable of "吧" was dragged out a bit, and the lack of confidence in his tone was evident.

"How can a military commander be so hesitant? You must remember that military law is ruthless and no one is exempt!" Xu Chen frowned in dissatisfaction, and then spoke directly to Wang Dang: "General Wang, tell me, if you violate the military law, should you be punished?"

Wang Dang was silent for a moment, then replied angrily: "Of course I will be punished."

After saying this, he glared at Tian Shitou with his tiger eyes, then turned his head back to look at the sky.

Tian Shitou responded quickly, only to feel his forehead getting hot. He dared not think about punishing the general himself. After all, he was just a small soldier not long ago.

However, Xu Chen did not intend to let him go, but continued to ask with a smile.

"What if it is me who violates military law? What will you do?"

When Xu Chen finished speaking, Tian Shitou almost fell off his horse. This could have cost him his life!
He touched the sweat from his forehead and subconsciously looked at Wang Dang, but when he looked over, he found that Wang Dang seemed to be wiping the sweat from his forehead just like him.

For a moment, Tian Shitou was in a dilemma. Could he punish the leader?

He just felt hot all over and very uncomfortable.

Now, I'm sweating profusely.
(End of this chapter)

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