Chapter 65 The defeated dog
"Look at them, they look like dogs."

A man stood in the field, supporting his hoe with his left hand and pointing at the Han officials in the distance with his right hand. He made faces and began to judge.

After hearing what he said, the villagers around him put down their work and looked over.

Farm work is actually very tiring, and chatting with villagers is an effective way to relieve the negative psychology caused by fatigue.

As they looked over, they saw those Han officials working grunting and struggling, and if they slacked off in the slightest, they would be scolded by the Yellow Turbans who were guarding them, and in serious cases, they would even be whipped.

The miserable condition of the Han officials not only failed to arouse the peasants' sympathy, but instead became a rare source of entertainment for them during their busy schedules. Whenever the Han officials were beaten, that was when the peasants laughed the most.

They even thought that these Han officials were cunning and the Yellow Turbans had not hit them lightly enough and that they should be severely punished!
Now when we see them working in the fields, they grunt and look not as ugly as dogs. However, they are not ferocious dogs, but miserable defeated dogs.

"What do you mean by like? They are. Our leader said at the trial meeting a few days ago that these bastards are the dogs of the emperor and the powerful."

Someone sneered and looked at the Han officials with mocking eyes.

They remembered very clearly the attitudes of these Han officials at the trial meetings in the past.

These Han officials usually look bright and righteous and talk about morality, but when it comes to doing things for the common people, they rush to serve the emperor and the powerful. So don't blame yourself for treating you like dogs.

"Speaking of dogs, the beast locked in the cage was eaten alive by his own vicious dog for seven or eight days. It died two days ago. Its final appearance was no longer human. It was so miserable!"

"What's so miserable about this? This is what he deserves. If it weren't for our leader's fairness, I'm afraid he would still be riding on our heads and peeing and shitting on us."

"Hmph, those Han officials would rather serve as dogs for such beasts than uphold justice for common people like us. What do we need such officials for? From now on, I will support our Yellow Turban Volunteer Army. Only our Volunteer Army is truly committed to the future of common people like us!"

"You're right. There are no better people in the world than our Yellow Turban Volunteer Army. They are very clear about distributing food, money and land. When they stand up for us, they behead those bastard masters in droves. It's so satisfying. From now on, no one will be able to bully us!"

The farmers were chatting excitedly. They felt at ease now and had more energy to do anything. They could chat endlessly.

Whenever they talked about the Yellow Turban Rebellion, they all praised and expressed gratitude, but when they talked about the Han court and Han officials, they were full of contempt and disdain.

Ordinary people also have a scale in their hearts. They can tell at a glance who is working for their own good and who is oppressing them.

What the Yellow Turbans are doing now is in stark contrast to the Han court’s indifference.

Everyone says that aristocratic families are hateful, but how good can the Han Dynasty court be? After all, the Liu family is the largest aristocratic family in the world, and they are nothing more than a den of snakes and rats.

Only the Yellow Turbans are willing to treat common people like themselves as human beings, and only the Yellow Turbans are willing to give common people justice.

Whether it is an emotional choice or a consideration of practical interests, the people of Yuyang also know who they should support.

"How many people do you think will not be able to bear it today?" someone asked in a joking tone.

The others all shook their heads, their faces full of contempt: "I thought these bastards were so tough. If they could hold out to the end, I would respect them as real men. But they complained about the hardship after only working for a few days. It turns out they are just cowards!"

"You guys are right, ever since these guys surrendered to the righteous army, the speed of the righteous army distributing land has increased a lot, so these guys are still somewhat useful." Someone said, sighing. The farmers were chatting animatedly, and although the Han captives could not hear them, they could tell from their pointing and occasional laughter that they were making fun of them.

When they first learned that the Yellow Turbans' plan for them was to undergo labor reform, they were delighted.

If I am not forced to surrender to the Yellow Turban rebels, and they don't kill me, then it seems that it is not unacceptable for me to do the work myself. It is much better to suffer a little bit of hardship and fatigue than to lose my integrity or my life.

But after they really started working, they realized that they seemed to lack a correct understanding of how hard the labor was.

Only after they really started working did they realize that it was not just a little bit tiring and hard, but extremely tiring and hard.

They have always been pampered and have never experienced the feeling of doing heavy physical labor all day long. The endless physical torture almost makes them collapse.

Moreover, physical torture alone was not enough. It was shameful in itself for a noble scholar to do farm work, not to mention having to endure the ridicule and sneer of countless farmers, which was an unspeakable mental blow.

Not everyone can be indifferent to life and death and endure the pain. Under the double torture of physical and mental, some of them could not bear it and soon surrendered to the Yellow Turbans.

After the first one, there came the second, and naturally there became more and more.

The fact is, the officials are completely unable to enjoy the fun of the working people, and their so-called integrity of rather breaking than bending can ultimately not withstand the pain of reality.

But of course there are also some stubborn elements among them who are still struggling to hold on under such circumstances.

Ju Su waved a hoe in his hand and turned the soil over and over again. The work he was doing was actually harder than that of the farmers because he was reclaiming wasteland.

As a member of a prominent family in Jizhou, he had never worked in the fields in his life. This was his first experience of farming. Of course, the experience was definitely not a good one, but he had a strong will and was able to endure the physical fatigue and continue to work silently.

Today's work is still arduous. By now, his feet have begun to feel weak, the hoe in his hands has become heavier, his waist feels like it is about to break, beads of sweat roll down his forehead, and the world he sees is shining with Venus.

It felt as if he was going to fall to the ground in the next second, but he gritted his teeth and continued to do it.

It was not until the whistle sounded that it was time for the Yellow Turbans to finish their work and have lunch. The captives could finally eat and rest under supervision.

After being driven to an open space by the Yellow Turbans, Ju Shou was given a bowl of thin porridge with a few wild vegetables floating on it. This was his lunch.

In the past, he would not even look at such things, but now he would just lick the bowl clean.

As he held the bowl in both hands and drank it tremblingly, a voice was heard in the camp.

"Take a half-hour break to eat, and continue working in the afternoon. If you fail to complete the goal today, don't even think about eating!" A fat man snorted coldly at the prisoners.

Ju Shou looked up, then sighed imperceptibly.

He remembered that the man who was shouting was a prisoner like himself a few days ago. Now that he had surrendered, he was really the one who took advantage of the power of others and started to bully his own people.

(End of this chapter)

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