Chapter 67 Could this be a traitor?
"Zhongjing, just in the village I just saw, almost everyone has a hidden disease or a long-term illness. There are so many people in this world, and I don't know how many people are troubled by injuries, diseases and epidemics. How many of them can be cured?
Such a huge medical demand cannot be solved by a few doctors.

What we need is a simpler and more efficient method. This method may not be as effective as treatment by a regular doctor, but it is low-cost, easy to learn and quick.

The several methods I just proposed all have such characteristics. Do you think they are feasible?"

Outside an ordinary village under the jurisdiction of Yuyang, Xu Chen and Zhang Zhongjing walked side by side, while Tian Shitou led about twenty or thirty people to follow them, vigilantly and conscientiously performing their duties to protect the leader.

When they reached a big rock at the entrance of the village, Xu Chen simply pulled Zhang Zhongjing to sit down and had a detailed discussion.

He and Zhang Zhongjing often discussed microscopic pathology, and their relationship was becoming increasingly close.

In addition, Xu Chen always treated Zhang Zhongjing with courtesy, which really moved Zhang Zhongjing greatly, so until now the two of them really have something of the flavor of close friends.

Xu Chen's way of addressing Zhang Zhongjing also changed from "Mr. Zhang" to a more intimate way of addressing him by his courtesy name.

Zhang Zhongjing didn't want to call Xu Chen "Master", so he finally called him "Taoist Priest".

After Zhang Zhongjing sat down, he looked thoughtful, nodding from time to time, or looking at Xu Chen in surprise.

I have to say that the methods Xu Chen just mentioned really made him feel novel and feasible.

Of course, if we really want to do this, there are many difficulties that need to be overcome.

After thinking for a while, he slowly stroked his mustache and discussed with Xu Chen very seriously.

"The Taoist priest has a theory about microscopic pathogens, and judging from the effectiveness of previous plague control, this theory is not false. Therefore, it is reasonable to encourage the whole nation to eat cooked food and drink cooked water. If such a habit can be promoted, I think the people will be able to isolate themselves from many diseases."

When he said this, Zhang Zhongjing frowned involuntarily.

No matter what, he was born into a proper scholar family, and he was also selected as a local official because of his filial and honest character. He knew the specific conditions of the people. This kind of thing is easier said than done.

Then he shook his head and sighed, "It's just that it's not easy for ordinary people to get firewood, and most of them are unwilling to spend more money to drink raw water and eat cooked food. This method is certainly worth a try, but I'm afraid it won't have obvious results."

"What is easy to do in this world?" Xu Chen smiled. He knew the answer to this question. "If there are difficulties, we should solve them. We can't just stop eating because of choking."

Having said that, Xu Chen waved his hand, and soon a Yellow Turban brought something over.

This object is black and shaped like a cylinder with many holes in the middle, like a peculiarly shaped honeycomb.

Xu Chen took the object and held it in his hand, pointing at it with his other hand, and then introduced it to Zhang Zhongjing.

"Recently, there is a coal mine near Yuyang. I found that although this material can be used as fuel, it also has many shortcomings. So I asked the craftsmen to do more processing and improvement. Finally, this finished product is called honeycomb coal. It is not only low-cost and simple to make, but also highly efficient and easy to burn. It can be used as a substitute for firewood!"

Zhang Zhongjing's attention was immediately attracted. Hearing Xu Chen bragging like that, he was quite skeptical.

It's not that no one uses coal, it's just that it's a bit difficult to use. It's mostly used to burn charcoal pots for heating in winter, but it's not very suitable for cooking.

Could it be possible to make it work better if it is processed and modified?
Seeing that Zhang Zhongjing didn't believe it, Xu Chen immediately sent someone to get a clay stove and started a fire on the spot. After this on-the-spot experiment, Zhang Zhongjing was stunned.

This honeycomb coal is much better than the coal balls used by ordinary people in terms of burning time and difficulty of use, and it is even more durable than firewood. Zhang Zhongjing often has to burn a furnace when he makes soup and medicine, so he is not unfamiliar with this matter. When he saw it, he immediately realized that this thing is indeed a very suitable fuel.

"This thing is easy to make. I have already planned to open a coal mine to produce this kind of honeycomb coal and sell it to the people. After a long time, it will be able to change the people's habits to some extent."

While wiping his black hands, Xu Chen smiled and talked about his plan.

Although Zhang Zhongjing was amazed, he knew that this alone might not be enough.

The common people live a hard life, and they try to avoid any unnecessary expenses. Even though honeycomb briquettes are cheap and easy to use, they are still cheaper than chopping wood in the mountains themselves.

He was about to say that, but when the words came to his lips, he remembered what Xu Chen had said before, "Solve difficulties when there are any", and finally his shake of the head turned into a nod.

Yes, nothing is difficult in this world. We can’t just not do it just because it’s difficult.

The development of honeycomb coal will, on the one hand, help promote food hygiene, and on the other hand, Xu Chen is also trying to explore possible economic industries.

A honeycomb coal industry may not be a big deal, but if more industries like this are discovered, the Yellow Turbans will be able to obtain more fiscal revenue in addition to land taxes.

However, Xu Chen called Zhang Zhongjing today not only to talk about the honeycomb briquettes, but this other matter obviously made Zhang Zhongjing more interested.

"After careful consideration of the 'Barefoot Doctor's Manual' mentioned by the Taoist priest, I really think it is an excellent method.

I don't need to teach the treatments for difficult and complicated diseases, nor do I need to teach profound and complicated medical knowledge, and I don't even need to discuss the logic of prescriptions.

I only need to solve common diseases and teach simple treatment methods. I will study whatever means are available to the people.

This may not produce qualified doctors, but having a barefoot doctor can help ordinary people deal with illness, which is also very meaningful. "

When talking about his own profession, Zhang Zhongjing became obviously excited and couldn't stop talking.

The idea proposed by Xu Chen was so constructive that he felt it was reliable as soon as he heard it.

Precisely because he is a doctor, he understands even more how much the people lack medical treatment. There are so many people in the world, but only a few doctors. Even if they were divided into eight hundred parts, it would not be enough.

Making this "Barefoot Doctor's Manual" may eventually produce a large number of half-baked doctors, but that is much better than having no doctors at all.

However, just as there are difficulties in promoting hygienic diet, it is also not easy to prepare this "Barefoot Doctor Manual".

"This method is good, but even if I compile a manual, most ordinary people are illiterate and they won't be able to learn it?" Zhang Zhongjing felt depressed when he thought of this. This problem is much more difficult than solving the problem of hygienic diet.

Xu Chen didn't care at all, he just smiled faintly: "There is no problem that is completely unsolvable, just think of a way. I will start the literacy campaign among the Yellow Turbans, and then spread it from the Yellow Turbans to the people. If five years are not enough, then ten years, and if ten years are not enough, then twenty years. One day, people will understand."

Zhang Zhongjing was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and the look in his eyes when he looked at Xu Chen suddenly became a little complicated.

Is this kind of perseverance and public spirit really what a rebel should have?
(End of this chapter)

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