People in the Three Kingdoms: Starting from Preaching

Chapter 74: No more farming, let’s go to war!

Chapter 74: No more farming, let’s go to war! (Please read on!!!)

The Yellow Turban Army is also Xu Chen's personal guard. As the people closest to Xu Chen, they are also the group most influenced by the teachings of Naturalism.

Even when Xu Chen opened a literacy class, the guards were the first to receive education, just like other senior officers.

Especially since Xu Chen himself had high hopes for them, he often gave them warnings and instructions, which eventually made them the most conscious and special group among the Yellow Turbans.

Today, their main responsibility is not to protect the leader, but to supervise and educate the Yellow Turbans and local areas.

When not at war, Xu Chen kept only twenty or thirty people at his disposal, and all other guards were transferred to local areas and the army.

They are like an extension of Xu Chen's will, always restraining the thoughts and behaviors of those under their rule and the army, so that the entire large group can move forward in a relatively unified manner in accordance with Xu Chen's will.

After Xu Chen and Wang Dang established the battle plan, the busiest people were the guards.

As the leader's orders were given, they immediately rushed to every military settlement and squad under their jurisdiction and, together with the local settlement and squad leaders, began to make pre-war mobilization and preparations. As a result, the sounds of them running and shouting could be heard in every place in Yuyang.

"Fellow villagers, our scouts have learned that the soldiers will attack us after the spring plowing!"

Although we are still busy with spring plowing, we can still gather the people together after letting them go at night.

Under the flickering torches, the people gathered together and watched the guard standing next to a small table and preaching. But the first words he said made everyone's heart sink.

The soldiers are coming.
As the original Han people, they felt a little awkward when they heard this at first.

What followed was a sense of inexplicable panic, as if some disaster was about to befall them, which made the people feel strongly uneasy.

But they didn't know where this uneasiness came from. Even if the government troops attacked, they could still live their lives as usual. What was there to be uneasy about?

Soon, the guards told them where the uneasiness came from.

"Fellow villagers, the soldiers cannot bear to see us live a good life. When they come, they will only take back all our land and the wealth you have been allocated. By then, new nobles will come to ride on our heads!"

This sentence was like a bolt of lightning that split the confusion in the hearts of the people. They suddenly realized that this was where their anxiety came from!
Yes, how could the government possibly recognize the money, grain and land divided by the Yellow Turbans!
When the people realized this, they suddenly became even more panicked because they had an instinctive fear of the Han court.

For hundreds of years, the people of this land have been submissive sheep of the Han Dynasty. They didn't feel anything when the Yellow Turbans came, but now when the pressure from the court came, their fear of the Han Dynasty suddenly came out.

"It's all over, the soldiers are coming back, and all our fields are going to be gone."

"How could this happen? Our spring ploughing would have been in vain!"

"What can we do? No matter what we do, we can't fight the government. We finally have some hope in life. Sigh."

The scene suddenly became noisy. Upon hearing the news, the people ignored the fatigue of a day's farm work and could not help but talk about it in panic. However, the content of their discussions was mostly pessimism and fear.

When the guard saw this scene, he was not dissatisfied but happy instead. This was exactly the effect he wanted.

The fear is because the people have subconsciously placed the officers and soldiers on the enemy side. The more fear they have, the more extreme this position is.

"Fellow villagers, there is nothing to be afraid of!" Just as the people were panicking and making a lot of noise, the supervising guard suddenly knocked on the table. The sound made the scene suddenly quiet. The villagers all looked over and saw the supervising guard's confident and calm face.

"Your land was distributed by me, the Yellow Turbans, so no matter who comes today, they can't take it back!
Even if the soldiers come, I, the Yellow Turbans, will be the first to take the lead. As long as there is one Yellow Turban left, the situation in Yuyang will not change!"

The voice was deep, powerful and resounding, which naturally made the people more convinced. That kind of confidence that came from the heart was not something that could be faked.

The guards are closest to the leader, and their thoughts are also the most deeply influenced group.

When they are fully aware of the situation, they will naturally become firm and resolute. They know what they want to do and what they want to do with the people.

"Yuyang is our home. If we want to defend it, we must act faster than the soldiers. Although we are still in the spring ploughing season, we must also prepare for war at the same time."

The guard looked at the villagers who were staring at him eagerly, and his expression gradually became serious: "This concerns the fate of all of us. Only by driving away the soldiers can we continue to farm and survive on our own land!"

When the guard's voice fell, the villagers all felt a solemn and heavy atmosphere, that was the breath of war.

The common people do not like war, and they are even afraid of it, because every time there is war, it is also the most miserable time for them.

But in order to protect their own little piece of land, and to protect their newly promising days, perhaps they have no choice but to put down their hoes.

An old man with wrinkles on his face stood up and turned to look into the dark distance.

Although he couldn't see anything now, he knew that there were large tracts of farmland that had not yet completed spring plowing. Preparing for war at this time would inevitably affect the spring plowing, and this year's harvest would probably be much less.

For farmers, farming is a huge task, and this makes him feel so uncomfortable that he can't breathe.

Even so, he threw the hoe in his hand to the ground and turned to look at the other villagers.

"My children, I have been tilling the fields for others for most of my life. It was not until the righteous master came that I finally had my own land!
But I won’t cultivate this land now. I will come back to cultivate it after we drive away the soldiers.

If we don't help the Yellow Turbans fight today, no matter how much land we plant, it won't belong to us. Only when all the soldiers are driven away can we live in peace. I am willing to sacrifice my old bones on the battlefield!"

The meeting place was silent. Perhaps it was the atmosphere that infected them, or perhaps the villagers had figured it out. They all stood up one by one and dropped the hoes in their hands at the same time.

There was no need to speak, their attitude was clear.

The guard supervisor was shocked. He expected that war mobilization would not be too difficult, but the level of support from the villagers was beyond his imagination.

However, although the villagers have good intentions, the Yellow Turbans will not completely ignore spring ploughing.

He remembered that the leader's request was to minimize the impact on spring ploughing and to recruit a small amount of manpower from each village and township.

No matter what era, farming has always been the top priority on this land.

(End of this chapter)

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