Chapter 86 Big Victory Small Defeat
The fourth watch was the time for deep sleep, and many soldiers who had just been relieved from duty were sleeping soundly. The sudden sound of fighting woke them up one by one, and they finally came to their senses after being confused for a while.

When they hurriedly picked up their weapons and went out of the tent to fight, they saw only fighting everywhere in the camp. The Yellow Turbans and their own side were completely mixed together. The difference was that the Yellow Turbans were well prepared and had organization and command, while their own side was completely like a headless fly.

Even if they joined the battle, they could only fight against the Yellow Turbans in front of them, and there was no formation or coordination between them.

At this time, not only the soldiers were confused, but Zhang Chun ran out with his clothes in disarray. When he saw that the entire camp was completely cut off by the Yellow Turban formation, his eyes suddenly went dark and he almost fainted. As soon as he saw this situation, he knew that the situation was over.

He was stunned for a moment and had no idea what to do. Fortunately, Tian Chou, who came running from another place in the same panic, woke him up in time.

"General, the morale of the army has collapsed. There is nothing we can do. We can only gather the army and retreat to break out. We must also reward the soldiers with rewards to encourage them to fight to the death and cover the rear. This is the only way to buy time for the breakout!"

Then Tian Chou ran over, grabbed Zhang Chun and reminded him anxiously.

Zhang Chun finally woke up as if from a dream and knew what to do. At this time, several generals under him also hurried over, and he immediately ordered a breakout.

Fortunately, the rear of the camp had not yet gotten out of control, and after several generals gathered their troops, they were able to gather some fighting power.

But at this time the situation in the front camp had already become completely deteriorating, and Zhang Chun quickly issued military orders on the battlefield.

"All soldiers, listen up! As long as you hold on tonight, you will be rewarded with a thousand coins!"

The guards on both sides were riding horses and moving around the camp, shouting and repeating the order loudly. The incentive of money was indeed effective. The soldiers who were originally confused and panicked became completely crazy!

The originally dangerous situation on the battlefield changed in an instant. Every soldier went into a state of madness and fought more and more desperately.

However, while the soldiers in the front camp were fighting hard, Zhang Chun and others in the rear army had already mounted their horses and prepared to retreat.

Zhang Chun knew that with the battle going on like this, they would not be able to hold out tonight, so he naturally just shouted out the reward casually.

He had completely given up on the soldiers in the front camp. Even if all of them were killed, as long as he could delay the enemy's progress and allow himself to retreat safely, that would be enough.

Although this is cold-blooded and ruthless, it is indeed the right choice on the battlefield. At this time, the only right way is to cut off and preserve the living forces. If you get entangled with the front camp, the whole army will definitely be dragged into it.

However, in order to maintain the combat morale at the front, Zhang Chun's retreat was only carried out gradually. Otherwise, once the soldiers in the front camp discovered that they had been betrayed, the entire battle formation would collapse immediately.

Under normal circumstances, if the night attack on the camp is successful, the enemy can be defeated quickly.

However, stimulated by the huge amount of money, they burst out with terrifying fighting power, so much so that after fighting for nearly half an hour, the soldiers in the front camp were slowly strangled to death.

In the end, although some soldiers' eyes were bloodshot, when their companions became fewer and fewer, the fear of death prevailed, and they finally dropped their weapons and surrendered.

But at this time their mission had been completed, and the last army in the rear camp was retreating in the dark in the dim sky.

Wang Dang jumped out of the battle array on horseback, covered in blood. He glanced at the direction where the enemy disappeared and snorted coldly, "You want to escape? Let me see if I agree!"

After that, he shouted, "Left and right cavalry, follow me and chase them. Don't let them get away easily!"

Hundreds of riders followed and responded loudly, then, under the leadership of Wang Dang, they chased into the darkness.

At this time, the war in the camp was gradually ending. Xu Chen led his troops to control the situation, collect weapons and guard the prisoners. Hearing the soldiers report that Wang Dang led his troops to chase and kill, he frowned. "Doesn't this guy know that you should not chase after an enemy who is desperate?"

Without thinking too much, Xu Chen immediately gathered more than a thousand people and ordered them to follow and meet Wang Dang, while he continued to clean up the mess here.

Those soldiers who had just been fighting desperately couldn't believe it when they saw that Zhang Chun and the rear troops had already run away. Then they became extremely indignant.

Even a fool knows that he has been treated as a discarded pawn, and the so-called reward is just a deception.

But it doesn't matter what they think at this point. In the future, they will inevitably receive the same warm treatment as the Yellow Turbans treated the prisoners, and they will naturally become the natural enemies of the gentry in the future. There is no need to hate them now.

It took a long time to collect the bodies, treat the wounded, and receive the baggage, and before we knew it, it was dawn.

It was at this time that Xu Chen finally waited for Wang Dang to come back, but the cavalry team had thrown away their weapons and armor, and many people had injuries of varying degrees, and the number of people was obviously much smaller.

Seeing this situation, how could Xu Chen not understand? He sighed helplessly.

Sure enough, after the king got off the horse, he half-knelt on the ground and began to apologize, regardless of some minor injuries on his body.

"I led the troops to pursue the enemy, but they ambushed us along the way. We were caught off guard and suffered a great loss. If it weren't for the follow-up infantry formation, we would have found it difficult to break through.

It is my fault that these brothers were killed. I ask the leader to punish me!"

As he spoke, Wang Dang's face was filled with shame, and he didn't even dare to look up.

It was naturally difficult for Xu Chen to punish too severely, as he did not have any useful generals under his command. If he really punished Wang Dang, he would be left alone.

Of course, there must be due punishment.

"Just record this as an offense, and I will fine you after the war. Also, at the post-war military seminar, you must use this battle as an example to make a public self-examination. Not only must you recognize your own mistakes, but you must also let the entire army know what to do correctly next time this happens!"

At this point, Xu Chen waved his hand and said, "Okay, take the brothers to the military medical camp to treat their injuries!"

Upon hearing this, Wang Dang felt as if he had been pardoned, but then he sighed. He didn't care about the fine, but it was really embarrassing to review it in public at a military seminar.

But he really had no way to beg for mercy, as such a system did exist among the Yellow Turbans.

According to the Yellow Turban Army system, there must be a seminar after the war. There will be meetings of senior officers at the top and seminars for soldiers within the hundred-man team at the bottom.

This kind of meeting allows everyone to speak up and summarize gains and losses, make suggestions, and tell what worked well so that it can be promoted throughout the army, and what worked poorly so that it can be avoided in the future. Everything from tactics and strategies to small tips for setting up camp and making fires is included.

Now, I almost made a big mistake because of my underestimation of the enemy and my reckless advance. This case will definitely be discussed repeatedly in the seminar, and I am inevitable to reflect on myself.

He could only vent his anger on the enemy: "I only have minor injuries. I will take care of them after a while. I will fight the enemy again and I will definitely get my revenge!"

(End of this chapter)

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