Chapter 88 Pursuit
Although Zhang Chun's act of coercing the people was cold-blooded, it did create good conditions for his breakout. After the Yellow Turbans gradually pacified and restrained the people, the two sides had already opened up a large distance between themselves.

However, it was impossible for Xu Chen to let Zhang Chun go. Even if he agreed, Wang Dang would not agree.

Afterwards, Zhang Chun fled in front, while Xu Chen and Wang Dang led their troops to continue pursuing him.

Perhaps because the pressure from the Yellow Turbans in the rear was too strong, Zhang Chun's army ran for their lives all the way, and in terms of speed they were not much inferior to the Yellow Turbans who were good at rushing.

The pursuit lasted another two days, during which they stopped and started and fought several times. Each time, Zhang Chun left behind a part of his army to cover the rear and led the main force ahead. As the battle continued, both sides unknowingly left Yuyang County and entered the territory of Youbeiping.

At this point, the Yellow Turbans had to give up for the time being. If they went deeper into the enemy territory, they would surely be trapped in the encirclement of Youbeiping again. It would not be a wise move for them to send their troops on a long expedition.

Although Zhang Chun finally escaped, the continuous pursuit managed to kill and capture more than a thousand of them, and also seized a lot of gold, silver and other valuables from carts. This was considered a fruitful harvest.

Under Xu Chen's order, the Yellow Turbans simply rested on the spot. Not only were the soldiers tired from the long chase, but there were also many wounded, so they needed to set up a simple military medical camp for treatment.

Ever since the Yellow Turbans established a military medical battalion, both the general Wang Dang and the soldiers under him felt that this battalion was very useful.

During all the battles, whenever the Yellow Turbans took a break, the military medical battalion would treat the wounded in the makeshift camp. Up to now, it is unknown how many soldiers' lives have been saved and how many soldiers' pains have been alleviated.

The existence of the military medical camp is not only a physical guarantee for the soldiers, but its psychological stability cannot be ignored either.

The leader Xu Chen often went to the military medical camp to care for the wounded soldiers, and this time was no exception. After Zhang Zhongjing finished his work, he smiled and told him a good news.

"In the past, when treating the wounded, we all made garlic extract according to the Taoist's method. From my observation, the wounded did indeed suffer fewer ulcers after using this ingredient. Based on my experience as a doctor, I can conclude that this ingredient is very effective!"

When Zhang Zhongjing was speaking, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up, which showed that he was so happy.

Of course, the look he gave Xu Chen was also one of amazement.

As a doctor, no one understands it better than him. This miraculous thing can suppress ulcers, and it is no exaggeration to call it a miracle medicine. Most of the diseases and injuries in the world are not the most terrible, but ulcers are difficult to cure and are even more fatal.

Now that we have this miracle drug, I wonder how many lives it will save in the future.

He was also completely convinced by Xu Chen. This guy really could make anything he took out have such a miraculous effect.

Sometimes he couldn't help but wonder if Xu Chen could really receive divine revelation, otherwise it would be difficult to explain how this kid got all those wonderful medical theories and this thing he had now.

Hearing this, Xu Chen breathed a sigh of relief. Although allicin is relatively simple to prepare, it was made by his own unconventional methods after all, so he did not have much confidence.

I thought it would take a lot of trial and error to come up with an effective product, but I didn't expect to succeed in one go.

This is probably the blessing of God of Nature.
"That's good. As long as it can be confirmed to be effective, we can make it according to the established practice in the future. However, treating patients and saving lives requires rigor and thoroughness. It is not enough to just know that it is effective. Zhongjing may continue to study its efficacy, optimize the preparation method, and even the principle of its efficacy, etc."

Xu Chen smiled and pulled Zhang Zhongjing to sit on a bench in the military camp.

"Speaking of this matter, it is also related to my natural way. If Zhongjing has studied out some medical principles, I will ask you to record the results in my teaching's "Natural Classic" to complete the medical content of the classics." After Xu Chen finished speaking, Zhang Zhongjing was stunned for a moment. He obviously did not quite understand what Xu Chen meant.

After hesitating for a moment, he looked at Xu Chen in confusion: "I don't quite understand. This is clearly the scripture of your religion, why did you include my medical achievements?"

Xu Chen chuckled and just as he said "Of course this is the reason" he was suddenly interrupted by a voice.

"Master, just now one of our patrol teams found a wounded hunter in the forest, and brought him back to the military medical camp. However, this person is not a member of our army, so we don't know whether we should admit him for treatment. We have come to ask for your instructions." A Yellow Turban military doctor ran over and reported the matter to Xu Chen.

Before Xu Chen had time to speak, Zhang Zhongjing answered without hesitation: "Of course we have to treat him. Otherwise, why would we just leave him to die? Send him in and I will treat him myself!"

The military doctor's face froze when he heard this. He did not agree or take action immediately, but looked at Xu Chen first.

Xu Chen also nodded: "The people are in trouble, our army can't just stand by and watch, bring them in and treat them well."

Upon hearing this, the military doctor nodded and turned to leave.

Seeing that Zhang Zhongjing had already started to open his backpack and was about to start treating the patient, Xu Chen could only put the previous topic aside.

Not long after, a civilian was seen being carried into the military medical camp. His legs were covered in blood, as if something had pierced a bloody hole in his legs. It looked very scary.

As soon as Zhang Zhongjing saw the situation, he knew what was going on and immediately called a few military doctors to hold the man down.

The subsequent treatment made the injured twist and struggle in pain, screaming and wailing, but this scene was not uncommon in the military medical camp.

Only Xu Chen felt sympathetic in his heart. It was a pity that he didn't meet another miracle doctor, otherwise he could have gotten some Ma Fei San to use.

Fortunately, although this man's injuries looked scary, they were not fatal after all, and were not particularly difficult to deal with. After Zhang Zhongjing's medical treatment, the treatment was over.

At this time, the man was already exhausted. Extremely tired, he instinctively wanted to fall asleep and rest, but a glimpse of the surrounding environment woke him up suddenly!

The people around are probably the Yellow Turbans with short hair. They are the Yellow Turban bandits!
The man realized this and his relief at being rescued suddenly disappeared, and he sat up with a start.

"I have no money, no food, and I have an 80-year-old mother and an 8-year-old child at home. I cannot leave home. Please let me go, fellow Yellow Turbans!"

The faces of many Yellow Turbans suddenly turned ugly. It seemed that this was the image of the Yellow Turban bandits in the eyes of the common people.

Xu Chen also said unhappily: "Don't worry, we won't do anything to you. If you are really scared, you can leave now."

The man came to his senses and looked around after hearing this, then looked at his bandaged wounds. He realized that the other party seemed to have no ill intentions, and he felt relieved.

Realizing that he had misunderstood his benefactor, he rubbed his head and said a little embarrassedly: "Thank you all for your help, but my family is poor and I am afraid I have no way to pay for the treatment. I did hunt a wild boar, which I think can be used as a substitute."

(End of this chapter)

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