Homeworld: Global Survival

Chapter 18 A great food harvest!

Chapter 18 A great food harvest!
[Tip: The wall repair is complete, consuming 10 iron ore.]

After the restoration was completed, the originally damaged wall became intact again.

Chen Ziqing immediately continued to stand on the roof to attract and hunt the dark creatures.

This continued until late at night or early morning. Feeling tired and sleepy, Chen Ziqing stopped and prepared to go to bed.

At the same time, throughout the first half of the night, Chen Ziqing hunted a total of 27 dark creatures. The strongest of them was undoubtedly the 3-star wild boar king dark creature, and the rest were all 1-star.

Chen Ziqing's stock of magic crystals also increased by 27 pieces, including a 3-star earth-attribute magic crystal, and the rest were all 1-star magic crystals with different attributes.

After simply checking his backpack and counting the magic crystals he had harvested, Chen Ziqing returned to his bed in the room to sleep.
“Chichi! Chichi!”

early morning.

A burst of crisp bird calls woke Chen Ziqing from his sleep.

Have a good night's sleep.

Chen Ziqing also instantly felt full of energy and relaxed all over.

Then Chen Ziqing couldn't help but look forward to it.

“It’s time to see the harvest.”

The iron clamps, hooks, row hooks and other trap hooks set yesterday.

After a day and a night, today is the time to see the harvest.

After simply washing his face and brushing his teeth, Chen Ziqing immediately went to the river behind the house to check the hooks.

When Chen Ziqing began to pull up the hooks, the river fish hanging on them appeared.

[Hint: You caught a carp and got 5 carp meats]

[Hint: You caught a silver carp and obtained silver carp meat*10]

[Hint: You caught a mandarin fish and obtained mandarin fish meat.]

Chen Ziqing pulled out hooks one by one, and there were more hooks with fish than empty hooks.

Finally, all the hooks were pulled out and counted. There were a total of 60 hooks, and 41 of them were caught with fish.

There are carp, grass carp, mandarin fish, silver carp, etc.

Moreover, these fish are all large in size. The small ones are at least three or four kilograms, while the largest one weighs more than thirty kilograms.

In the end, there were a total of 237 pieces of fish, each of which weighed one kilogram.

That is to say, the 60 hooks Chen Ziqing set last night caught a total of more than kilograms of fish overnight.

This can only be said that the fish resources in the river are too abundant.

It has nothing to do with technology.

After collecting the fish and putting down the hooks, Chen Ziqing began to check the iron clamps, snares and other traps on the surrounding hillsides.

The harvest from the iron clamps and lifting sleeves was also amazing.

In total, 10 hares were caught, 5 badgers were caught, 3 boars were caught, and 10 pheasants were caught.

[Hint: You capture a wild rabbit and get 5 wild rabbit meat and 1 rabbit skin]

[Hint: You captured a badger and obtained 30 badger meat and 1 hide]

[Hint: You captured a fragrant pig, and received fragrant pork +50, animal skin *1]

[Hint: You captured a pheasant and obtained 2 pheasant meat and 10 chicken feathers]

Finally, after careful selection, 60 pieces of rabbit meat, 170 pieces of badger meat, 140 pieces of fragrant pork, and 25 pieces of pheasant meat were obtained.
A wave of wealth!

Chen Ziqing couldn't help but reveal joy on his face.

Although he knew that there were abundant resources here, he had never imagined that they were so abundant.

But this is undoubtedly a good thing for him.

With so much meat, he certainly couldn't eat it all himself, and he could sell a large amount of it in exchange for wood, stone, iron ore, fiber, animal skins and other necessary materials.

Then Chen Ziqing put all the meat on the trading table except for a small amount that was enough for his own consumption.

Sell ​​materials such as wood, stone, iron ore, fiber, hides, silver ore, etc.

[The trading platform sells a large amount of meat in exchange for wood, stone, iron ore, fiber, animal skins and other materials. MMM if you are interested]

[The trading platform sells a large amount of meat in exchange for wood and stone.]

After placing the order on the trading platform, Chen Ziqing shouted three times in the communication channel as usual. At this time, there was still no one else selling food on the trading platform, which was undoubtedly good news for Chen Ziqing.

After all, those who understand understand the benefits of monopoly.

If you don’t understand, forget it.

As Chen Ziqing placed another order in the communication channel.

The entire communication channel was boiling again.

【Fuck, it’s this guy again. 】

【Master Ziqing, please hold your thigh. 】

[Brother Ziqing's family wants to give birth to a child for you. ]

【Husband, husband, I am your wife. 】


【Your mother is upstairs. 】

[We are all human beings, why is there such a big difference? 】

[Is this the world of the big guys? 】


Chen Ziqing took a quick look at the response on the communication channel and ignored it, directly exiting the [Home] system.

Next he was going to prepare to explore the surrounding area.

Find treasure chests, silver mines, and various necessary supplies.

As for food, just continue to use iron clamps, hooks, etc. to check once every morning.

I stood on the roof and looked around the house.

The hillside in front of the house and the hillside behind it are the direction Chen Ziqing came from, so there is no need to explore further.

Over the small hill to the left of the house is the bay where the mammoth lives. After thinking about it, Chen Ziqing decided that it would be better not to go there. Otherwise, what if the mammoth accidentally dislikes him or thinks he has bad intentions and attacks him? Although this giant beast is a gentle herbivore, it is better not to touch it easily if possible.

In this case, there are only two directions for Chen Ziqing to explore.

One is on the right side of the house, and the other is across the river behind the house.

However, to get to the other side of the river, Chen Ziqing would have to cross the river. He could either swim across or build a wooden boat and row across.

After thinking about it, I decided to explore the right side of the house first, explore the area around the river side of the house first, and then look at the area across the river.

Having made the decision, Chen Ziqing immediately took out a hatchet, put on his camouflage uniform, and explored towards the right side of the house.

[There is a poisonous snake in the bushes 100 meters ahead. Its poison is lethal. Be careful.]

[There is a nest of bumblebees under the tree fifty meters ahead.]

[There are three detoxification herbs 300 meters to the right, which can cure all kinds of poisons. They are rare detoxification elixirs.]

[There are five hemostatic herbs 200 meters to the left, which can stop bleeding and treat injuries. They are rare herbs for external injuries.]

[Hint: You get the detoxification grass]

[Hint: You get the hemostatic grass.]

Chen Ziqing explored and searched for various useful supplies along the way.

Under the effect of [God's Eye], Chen Ziqing was almost invincible, and nothing could escape his sight.

There were many kinds of wild animals along the way, but Chen Ziqing was no longer interested in these wild animals because the traps set up around the house were more than enough for hunting, and there was no need to spend any more time on hunting.

Finding treasure chests and other useful supplies is Chen Ziqing’s top priority now.

Especially the treasure chest, because it is the hope of finding the inheritance book and gaining extraordinary ways.

In this way, Chen Ziqing continued exploring.

By afternoon.

Finally, the information about a treasure chest appeared in Chen Ziqing's sight again.

[There is a white treasure chest in the tree hole one thousand meters ahead. It is safe and can be obtained directly.]

(End of this chapter)

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