Homeworld: Global Survival

Chapter 26 Resource Exchange, Level 3 House!

Chapter 26 Resource Exchange, Level 3 House!
After feeding ten pieces of snow jade.

Chen Ziqing did not feed the mammoth anymore.

After all, if he feeds the mammoth too much at one time and makes its appetite bigger, what will he do next?

Now that there is a Titan Ape at Xueyu Bajiao's place, Chen Ziqing definitely doesn't dare to go there again.

In this case, the snow jade banana in Chen Ziqing's hand is a limited resource.

Therefore, given the limited resources, Chen Ziqing naturally had to plan how to use them, especially since he was thinking about increasing the mammoth's favorability and then signing a contract with the mammoth.

Chen Ziqing should plan for its use even more.

After feeding the mammoth, Chen Ziqing returned to the house again.

By the time Chen Ziqing returned to the house, the sun had completely set behind the western hills.

It's almost dusk.

Night is approaching.

[Tip: Night is about to fall, dark creatures are about to appear, please take precautions and avoid them in advance.]

When Chen Ziqing returned to the house, he first used the stove and iron cooking pot he had prepared in the morning to stir-fry some Chinese cabbage and some asparagus.

I ate this mixture of meat in one meal.

With two more vegetarian dishes, Chen Ziqing felt that the meal was particularly delicious, but the only flaw was the lack of salt.

There is still no staple food.

However, due to limited conditions, Chen Ziqing did not force it and would just wait and see how the situation develops.

The world has changed drastically now, and his current life is probably unattainable by 9,999 out of 10,000 people.

After eating and drinking enough.

Chen Ziqing opened the communication platform of the [Home] system again to check the sales status of the meat that was placed on order this morning.

[Hint: All the yellow muntjac meat you sold has been sold, and you get iron ore*500]

[Hint: All the mandarin fish meat you sold has been sold, and you get silver ore*100]


The moment you open the trading platform.

Intensive transaction information came flooding in.

Today's sales are still good. Except for the meat with gold ore and silver ore, all the other meats have been sold.

Even silver ore was sold for more than a hundred today.

The gold ore was not sold.

Afterwards, Chen Ziqing counted his backpack and found that he now had more than 10,000 stone and wood materials, and more than 3,000 iron ore.
But to be honest, wood, stone and iron ore are no longer a necessity for Chen Ziqing today. Apart from small amounts of daily consumption, he no longer needs them.

On the contrary, silver ore and gold ore are Chen Ziqing's next urgent needs.

"However, wood, stone, and iron ore are not very useful to me now, but for those who have not built a house yet or have built a house but have not upgraded it to level 2, they are all necessary materials."

Thinking of this, an idea suddenly popped up in Chen Ziqing's mind.

That is to sell these materials yourself, exchanging materials for other materials.

Then Chen Ziqing started placing orders directly on the trading platform.

[Sell wood*5000: unit price 1 stone;]

[Sell wood*5000: unit price 10 wood 1 iron ore;]

[Selling stone*5000: unit price 1 wood;]

[Selling stone*5000: unit price 10 stone 1 iron ore;]


In essence, Chen Ziqing’s sale should be described as an exchange of materials.

1 gold ore is equal to 10 silver ore.

1 silver ore is equal to 10 iron ore.

1 Iron Ore is equal to 10 Stone or 10 Wood.

If Chen Ziqing puts up an order for sale, then anyone who has stone, wood, iron ore or gold ore can trade with him.

For example, some people are lucky enough to get silver ore or gold ore from a treasure chest. For them, although silver ore and gold ore are precious, the most important things are not silver ore and gold ore, but stone, wood, iron ore, etc., because building a house must start from level 1 and then continue to upgrade.

Level 1 houses require stone and wood.

To upgrade a level 2 house you need iron ore.

Silver ore and gold ore can only be used when upgrading level 3 and 4 houses.

So at this time, for those who are lucky enough to get silver ore and gold ore but do not have enough wood, stone, iron ore and other materials, low-grade wood, stone and iron ore are the priority.

In this case, there will definitely be people willing to exchange silver ore and gold ore for low-level iron ore, stone, wood and other resources. And this is exactly what Chen Ziqing wants.

He now has no shortage of low-level resources such as stone, wood, and iron ore, but he needs resources such as silver ore and iron ore.

However, some people who get treasure chests may have high-level resources such as silver ore and gold ore, but lack low-level resources for building houses.

In this case, Chen Ziqing and the other party can exchange what they need.

[The trading platform exchanges a large amount of stone, wood, iron ore, silver ore, gold ore and other resources. Those who are interested can go and have a look]

[The trading platform exchanges a large amount of stone, wood, iron ore, silver ore, gold ore and other resources. Those who are interested can go and have a look]

【Trading platform.】

After placing the order, Chen Ziqing sent three messages in the communication channel as usual.

【Fuck, it’s this guy again. 】

[The people in the front row look up to Master Ziqing. ]

【Damn it, we are both human beings, why are we so different?】


In an instant, countless people were blown away by Chen Ziqing's information, and many who were interested rushed to the trading platform as soon as possible.

Then after reading the transaction information posted by Chen Ziqing, many people were instantly happy.

[Thanks, Boss Ziqing. I am short of 500 stones to build a house, but it is getting dark and I can’t continue mining. It just so happens that I got 100 silver ore from the treasure chest last time. I can exchange it for stones and build a house right away.]

[Thanks to Mr. Ziqing, I have 200 silver ores. If I exchange them all, I can build a house right away. ]

[Fuck, I was too slow. Who the hell acted so quickly? The stone is gone.]

[Fuck! I need wood, but it’s gone too. Aaaaaah!]

[The quick hand will get you the reward, but the slow hand will get you nothing. Fortunately, I am quick. 】

【Strongly request that Ziqing put it back on the shelves. 】

[Master Ziqing, please put some more on the shelves. I only need 100 stones to build a house. ]


The popularity of the exchange transaction was completely beyond Chen Ziqing's expectations.

Chen Ziqing himself did not expect that this material exchange transaction would be so popular.

In less than half a minute, the 10000 stones, 10000 pieces of wood and more than pieces of iron ore he had hung up were almost used up.

[Hint: The wood you sold was sold successfully and you got iron ore.]

[Tip: The stone you sold was sold successfully, and you got iron ore.]

[Hint: The iron ore you sold was sold successfully, and you got silver ore*300]

[Tip: The iron ore you sold was sold successfully, and you got gold ore*100]


Some of the timber sales were sold for stone and iron ore.

Some of the stone sales were bought for lumber and iron ore.

But all the iron ore was sold as silver ore or gold ore.

Afterwards, Chen Ziqing continued to exchange the wood, stone and iron ore in his backpack in the same way.

After a while.

All the 10000 pieces of wood, 10000 pieces of stone and more than pieces of iron ore originally in Chen Ziqing's backpack were sold out and converted into silver ore and iron ore.

A total of 560 silver ore and 25 gold ore were obtained.

And the most important thing is that after these sales, the silver ore in Chen Ziqing’s backpack space has exceeded one thousand units.

His house can also be upgraded.

[Tip: Upgrading a house from level 2 to level 3 requires 1000 silver ore. Do you want to upgrade?]

[Hint: You consumed 1000 silver ore and successfully upgraded the house to level 3. ]

Without any hesitation, he saw that there was enough silver ore in the backpack space.

Chen Ziqing immediately upgraded his house from level 2 to level 3.

Suddenly the information of the house changed.
Owner: Chen Ziqing.

Level: Level 3 [Your current house level is Level 3];
Defense: 4 stars [Your current house can defend against all attacks of 4 stars and below.];
Authority: upgrade, expansion, renovation, recruitment.

Wall: Level 3, defense 4 stars.
The house's defense has also reached 4 stars.

As long as the level is increased by one more level, the defense will be able to catch up with the combat power of the mammoth, and even the mammoth can defend.

(End of this chapter)

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