Homeworld: Global Survival

Chapter 4 Iron Axe, Fire!

Chapter 4 Iron Axe, Fire!
[I have pears and raw crabs, how do I exchange them? ]

After seeing the transaction information, Chen Ziqing directly sent a transaction information.

It is quite simple to contact people by sending messages through the [Home] system. You can just generate messages and send them through your thoughts.

There was an immediate reply from the other side.

[The size of the pear is the size of the raw crab. 】

[Pears are the size of a fist, three pears weigh about one pound, and a raw crab weighs about half a pound, a river crab. If you are willing to exchange, I can give you two pears and two crabs.]

[No, it's too little.]

[It's quite a lot. You know the current situation well. Food is hard to find, and many of them require life-threatening situations. I can give you one more pear, three more pears, and two more crabs at most. This is half of the food I have now. If you're willing to exchange, then go ahead. If not, forget it.]

[And if I'm not mistaken, you should have more than one axe. ]

Chen Ziqing started to communicate.

He guessed that most people who traded axes probably had more than one, because axes were now necessary tools for survival in this world and were in high demand.

Unless someone is really starving to death, no one would be willing to sell their axe.

And Chen Ziqing’s guess was not wrong.

After hearing Chen Ziqing's words, the person on the other end fell silent.

He did have more than one axe. He was lucky enough to find a treasure chest with two axes in total.

That's why he took out a handful to sell, hoping to exchange for some food or water, because he was in need of these things right now and had been hungry and thirsty for most of the day.

Finally there was silence for about two or three minutes.

[Okay, I agree.]

[OK, let’s exchange.]

Then the two of them completed the transaction directly through the [Home] trading platform.

After the transaction is completed.

There were three pears and two crabs missing from Chen Ziqing's backpack space.

Corresponding to this, there is also an iron axe.

[Iron Axe]: White quality, the best tool for logging, durability [100/100].

Chen Ziqing took the iron axe out of his backpack, and instantly all the information about the iron axe appeared before his eyes.

The entire iron axe weighs about four or five pounds, and the axe blade is sharp.

Chen Ziqing tried waving it, and it felt a little unsmooth with one hand, but it was just right with two hands.

Quality represents the grade of an item. According to the information in the [Home] system, any item in the world has quality. There are five grades in total. White is the lowest quality, representing ordinary items. Above that are four other qualities: green, blue, purple, and gold.

Durability represents the integrity of an item. When the durability reaches zero, it means the item is completely damaged, but it can be repaired by spending materials through the [Home] system.

The current durability of the [Iron Axe] is 100, which almost means that this is a brand new [Iron Axe].

After completing the transaction, Chen Ziqing couldn't help but feel happy.

With this [Iron Axe], he can start cutting wood next.

At the same time, this iron axe can also be used as a weapon when encountering danger.

At this time, on the trading platform of the [Home] system, the person who had just completed the transaction with him sent another message.

"Brother, add me as your friend. We can continue to trade with each other in the future."


Seeing this, Chen Ziqing also agreed.

People like this who can find a treasure chest at the beginning might be lucky. There is nothing wrong with adding him as a friend. It will also be convenient to continue the trade if he gets something good he needs later.

After adding friends, Chen Ziqing continued to search on the trading platform.

【Iron Axe】Got it.

The next thing he needed was a pickaxe.

In this way, as long as he has an [Iron Axe] and a Pickaxe, he can cut wood, dig stones and build a house.

But unfortunately, I didn’t see the transaction information I needed afterwards.

Seeing this, Chen Ziqing stopped trading the things Ping Tao had bought.

Now that you have an iron axe, you can start cutting down trees, and also see if you can catch some larger prey.

[This is an ordinary forest. There is no danger at all. It is a good place for logging.]

Chen Ziqing then looked towards the forest in front of him.

The information seen by [God's Eye] then emerged.

After making sure there was no danger, Chen Ziqing immediately stood up and walked towards the woods with his [Iron Axe].

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Chen Ziqing quickly reached the edge of the woods and started chopping at an unknown tree with a trunk so tall that it took a man to hug it.


After more than ten minutes, sweating profusely, the whole tree was cut down by Chen Ziqing.

At this time, the message prompt sound of the [Home] system sounded again.

[Hint: You get wood +10 and resin +3 by chopping wood]

Then, in Chen Ziqing's sight, the big tree he had just chopped down seemed to be decomposed and slowly turned into powder and dissipated on the ground.

At the same time, two more items, wood and resin, appeared in Chen Ziqing's backpack.

[Hint: Fire, requires 5 wood and 1 resin, whether to make it. ]

[Hint: You consume 5 wood and 1 resin to create a fire. ]

After obtaining the wood and resin, Chen Ziqing immediately made a fire.

[Fire]: It can burn directly after use and can last for 10 hours after use. It cannot be recycled after use.

【Tip: Please select whether to use the ignition placement position. 】


Chen Ziqing chose a flat ground in front of him and used the fire directly.

In an instant, a ball of fire burning with blazing flames appeared in front of Chen Ziqing.

[Tip: You use the campfire to obtain flames, which can help you keep warm, keep away the cold, boil water, provide lighting, and grill. At the same time, the light brought by the flames can also repel dark creatures and beasts to a certain extent, but be aware that some powerful dark creatures and beasts are not afraid of the light brought by the flames.]

[Tip: Flame is one of the symbols of human civilization. If you have obtained the flame, it means that you have initially mastered the power of human civilization. ]

Then Chen Ziqing took out the crabs from his backpack without hesitation and started grilling them.

[Hint: You got a grilled crab. ]

[Hint: You got a grilled crab. ]

【Hint: You.】

Chen Ziqing roasted all the remaining crabs in his backpack in one go and ate four of them.

After all, cooked crabs are delicious.

After finishing four grilled crabs, I felt my hunger disappear and my strength returned.

Then Chen Ziqing took the axe and started chopping again.

He needed to get as much wood and resin as he could before it got dark.

After all, whether it is building a house or making a campfire or torches, wood and resin are needed.

[Hint: You get wood +8 and resin +3 by chopping;]

[Hint: You get +20 wood and +5 resin by chopping;]

[Hint: You get wood +12 and resin +3 by chopping;]

【Hint: You.】

Through felling trees, Chen Ziqing also discovered that the larger, straighter and taller the trees were, the more timber they would yield.

Resins do not follow this rule.

subsequent time.

Chen Ziqing was also cutting trees in the woods. He would rest when he was tired and continue cutting trees when he had rested enough. He would eat crabs and pears when he was hungry and drink water when he was thirsty.

And there happened to be a clear spring in the woods.

Before I knew it, four or five hours had passed.

At this time, Chen Ziqing had 275 pieces of wood and 85 pieces of resin in his backpack.

At this time, the sun also set on the western hills.

[Tip: Night will fall in one hour. After night falls, dark creatures will crawl out of the mud. It is recommended to take precautions and avoid them in advance.]

At this time, the prompt message of the [Home] system will appear again.

Chen Ziqing's heart suddenly tightened.

Night is finally falling.

And what exactly are the dark creatures?

 I’m looking for recommendations, collections, and further reading of my new book. The contract has been signed and is on the way!


(End of this chapter)

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