Homeworld: Global Survival

Chapter 49: Battle of Giant Beasts

Chapter 49: Battle of Giant Beasts


outside the house.

Heavy rain came down, accompanied by deafening thunder and lightning whistling in the dark clouds.

Upon seeing this, Chen Ziqing built another tent on the roof. After eating and drinking, he went under the open-air tent on the roof and lay in a rocking chair to leisurely enjoy the rain scene.

Also worth mentioning.

After half a month, Chen Ziqing has now obtained rice.

Seven days ago, when Chen Ziqing was exploring outside, he discovered a mountain bay full of wild rice, covering dozens of acres, and it was ripe. This allowed Chen Ziqing to harvest a large amount of rice. The rice was enough for Chen Ziqing, Shangguan Wan and the other three to eat for several years.

At the same time, during this half month, Shangguan Wan and other three people also cultivated a vegetable garden and two pieces of fertile land at home, and planted a lot of fruits and vegetables.

In addition, Shangguan Wan and other three are now responsible for the hunting traps such as hooks, snares, and iron clamps in the house.

There was a lot of meat caught every day, and Chen Ziqing and his four companions could not finish it, so they took it to the trading platform to sell it in exchange for various other materials.

But to be honest, nowadays transactions are made on trading platforms in exchange for supplies.

Materials such as gold ore, silver ore, iron ore, stone, and wood are no longer useful to Chen Ziqing and his team, and they even have a lot of them stored up.

But apart from these supplies, more advanced materials like crystal ore are not available for purchase.

Therefore, the current trading platform gives Chen Ziqing a feeling of being useless.

He couldn't buy high-grade materials like crystal ore, and he couldn't use the things he could buy like gold ore.

However, this undoubtedly proves one thing, that is, Chen Ziqing has basically reached the forefront of everyone's development today.

But this situation also leads to.

Many of the things that Chen Ziqing needed basically had to be found by himself.

What Chen Ziqing wants most now is the crystal mine.

Because the Dark Moon will arrive in half a month, when the dark creatures will go wild, and powerful dark creatures of 4 stars and above will appear.

By then, there is no guarantee that dark creatures above 5 stars will not appear.

So for the sake of safety, Chen Ziqing thought that he should upgrade the level of his house and walls by one level or even two or three levels before doing so.

That is the safest and most secure way.

As for his own personal strength, from the current perspective, it is difficult to break through before the arrival of the Dark Moon. Even if he breaks through, he can only become a 4-star thunder magician, and his combat power is at most 5 stars.

However, we must try our best to find the giant beast's essence blood before the dark moon arrives.

Because if he obtained the essence of the giant beast, he could change his job to become a warrior and make up for his current poor close combat strength and fragile body.


Thunder was still roaring in the sky.

A bolt of lightning struck from the clouds and landed on the top of a distant mountain. From a distance, it seemed as if it had struck the top of the mountain.

At this time, a pair of white jade arms stretched out from behind and hugged Chen Ziqing's neck, accompanied by a familiar body fragrance.

Chen Ziqing knew it was Shangguan Wan by the familiar touch and body scent.

Chen Ziqing couldn't help but reach out and hold Shangguan Wan's hand and then pulled Shangguan Wan into his arms and hugged her.

"Wait until Qingqing and the others come up and see it."

Shangguan Wan quickly spoke out to remind her.

Although she was already with Chen Ziqing and their relationship had long been made public to Song Xue, Luo Meng and Shangguan Qing.

But in front of the three men, Shangguan Wan was still not used to being intimate with Chen Ziqing.

Upon hearing this, Chen Ziqing reached into Shangguan Wan's clothes and grabbed her before letting her go.

Shangguan Wan glared at Chen Ziqing unhappily, then walked over to the rocking chair next to her and lay down.

At this time, Shangguan Qing, Song Xue and Luo Meng also came up from the stairs.

"Hey, we are so disappointed that you two didn't hide from us on the rooftop."

As soon as Song Xue came up, she looked at the two of them and started joking.

"That's right. We sneaked up here to watch the show, but this is the result. You really disappoint us."

After more than half a month, the five people had already become familiar with each other.

At the same time, in front of Chen Ziqing, Song Xue and Luo Meng's true nature as female drivers was fully revealed.

"You think everyone is as confused as you are."

Shangguan Wan was annoyed when she heard this.

Chen Ziqing didn't say anything, but just smiled and watched the three people bickering.

At this time, the dark clouds in the distance began to clear up, and the rain began to visibly decrease.

Most of the rain in summer is thunderstorm, which is characterized by coming and going quickly.

After a while, the rain stopped completely and the sky cleared up.

Even on the distant hilltops in the west, the setting sun, which was almost half-set, could be seen, and it was bright red.

[Tip: Night is approaching, dark creatures are about to appear, please make protective preparations in advance.]

The information prompt of the home system appears.

Night is coming.

But at this moment. "Roar!"

Suddenly, a deafening roar of an animal came from the downstream of the river on the right side of the house, captivating everyone.

It's the Titan Ape.

Chen Ziqing instantly recognized that the roar came from the Titan ape.

However, after this Titan ape, two loud roars like dragon roars were heard.

"hold head high!"

"hold head high!"

The sound was like that of a dragon or a beast, no worse than that of the Titan ape, and it sounded as if a great battle had broken out between the two sides.

"hold head high--!"

Immediately afterwards, the mammoth in the bay also let out a loud roar, and at the same time conveyed a message to Chen Ziqing.

Other strange giant beasts came here.

The two dragon-like and beast-like sounds just now were made by the strange giant beast, and there were two of them.

The mammoths' roar is an instinct to protect their own territory, and it is also a warning to the approaching strange beasts.

"Zi Qing."

Shangguan Wan, Shangguan Qing, Song Xue and Luo Meng couldn't help but change their expression as they were frightened by the sudden roar of the beast.

"Two strange beasts have come here, and from what I heard, they have entered the Titan Ape's territory. You stay at home, I'll go over and take a look."

At this time, the mammoth also walked over from the bay on the other side of the hillside.

Upon seeing this, Chen Ziqing immediately rode on the mammoth and took Tiger Da, Tiger Da, and Tiger Mom to quickly move towards the territory of the Titan Ape.

Half an hour later, we approached the territory of the Titan Ape.

At this time, deafening roars of beasts and sounds of fighting were heard from the mountain bay ahead.

Chen Ziqing quietly rode the mammoth elephant and took Tiger One, Tiger Two, and Tiger Mom to the hillside on the left side of the bay.

At this time, the figures of three giant beasts also appeared in Chen Ziqing's sight.

One of them was the Titan Ape, whose huge body was taller than two stories high.

The other two were dinosaurs, which looked to be seven or eight meters long, no less than the Titanodon. At the same time, these two dinosaurs had tall fins growing on their backs.

When Chen Ziqing looked over, the information of the three giant beasts appeared in his sight.

[Titan Ape: Combat Power 5 stars, Defense 4 stars, a prehistoric giant beast. This is a Titan Ape that is still in its growth stage. It is now surrounded and attacked by two Siamese dragons and has been injured.]

[Siamese dragon: Combat power 5 stars, defense 3 stars, carnivorous dinosaur, prehistoric behemoth, extremely aggressive.]

These are two Siamese dragons that came from nowhere.


"hold head high!"



In the mountain bay, accompanied by a deafening roar, the battle between the three giant beasts broke out completely.

The two Siamese dragons continued to attack the Titan Ape from both sides.

Around the three, trees were broken one after another in the battle between the three.

It's an amazing picture.

Giant beasts battle.

The ground cracked and the mountains collapsed.

However, judging from the battlefield, the Titan Ape, fighting one against two, was undoubtedly at an absolute disadvantage.

A Siamese dragon attacked Titanodon head-on. Titanodon had just raised its hands to fight back when its left arm was bitten by another Siamese dragon from behind. The Siamese dragon that attacked from the front took the opportunity to bite Titanodon's right arm.

Then the two Siamese dragons bit the Titanodon's left and right hands and started tearing them apart.

Large pieces of flesh on the Titanodon's arms were torn by the Siamese dragon.

A large amount of blood also flowed out.


The Titan Ape roared in pain and used all its strength to free its two arms from the Siamese dragon's mouth. Then it picked up a Siamese dragon's head and threw it out.

The other Siamese dragon took the opportunity to bite the Titanodon on the shoulder.

On the hillside, Chen Ziqing, who was watching this scene from afar, couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling.

This behemoth is simply terrifying.

Whether it is strength, defense, or vitality, it is incredibly powerful.

If an ordinary person encountered this, he would probably die if he was touched.

At the same time, the mammoth also conveyed a feeling of irritability and restlessness to Chen Ziqing.

Because the performance of the two Siamese dragons in the picture is so brutal and their strength is so powerful.

If the Siamese dragon really killed the Titan ape, it might attack them next time. At that time, the mammoth would not have the confidence to deal with these two Siamese dragons.

(End of this chapter)

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