Chapter 11 Great Harvest
After about ten seconds of pause, Li Qing shook his hands and looked at Geralt and Vesemir. After knowing that they were both fine, he began to pat the blood and flesh splattered on his body.

To be honest, using attribute liberation to deal with this royal griffin was indeed overestimating him, but Li Qing was afraid that his head would be snatched by Geralt, so he did not hold back.

I have to say, it’s really cool, but my hands feel sore after using it.

Moreover, this royal griffin was too fragile. It was blown all over the sky, which looked a bit unsightly!
But no matter what, Li Qing’s mission was accomplished!

The system also updates information on time:
[Mission: Hunting the Royal Griffin Completed]

[Task reward: none]

[Your hunter level is increased: lv1→lv2]

[Task time remaining: one day]

[You can return to the main world at any time, or explore freely within the time limit. After reaching the time limit or actively confirming to return, you will have five seconds to teleport]

Since there is no reward, the panel just had a simple update.

Moreover, the level increase did not add any attribute points as Li Qing expected. Instead, it was a bit like the hunter level when playing games in the past. It was useless except for knowing that you were an old hunter.

Of course, it may also be that Li Qing’s level is too low now and he doesn’t know what use it is.

But the remaining time and the function of returning to the Monster Hunter world at any time made Li Qing take a second look.

This undoubtedly provides him with an additional insurance when he explores after completing his mission or when he carries out some adventurous actions.

"You really opened my eyes! This is the first time I've seen someone hunt like this!"

Vesemir was the farthest away, so his body was kept the cleanest, and he also used a seal to block it, so it seemed that he was not affected at all.

At this moment, he walked over, looking at the broken royal griffin, and stared at Li Qing from head to toe.

"Really, I really doubt whether you are a human being!"

"Compared to him, we all seem much more normal." Geralt also walked over and said.

He was not much better off than Li Qing, as he was covered in blood. The main reason was that he was too close to the target and did not have time to react and use magic seals to block the blood.

"Have you completed your mission?"

Listening to Geralt's question, Li Qing nodded and said, "Yes, my mission has been completed. I can stay here for another day."

“What are your plans?” Geralt asked.

"Uh" Li Qing thought for a while after being asked. He had only played games and had never studied the background of the wizarding world. Naturally, he didn't know what good things he could find in a day.

So he thought for a moment and said, "Can Yennefer make magic items?"

Geralt didn't expect that Li Qing would ask this question. He thought for a moment and nodded, "Yes, but making magic items takes time and effort, and requires special materials."

"I'm not sure if I can help you."

"It doesn't matter. I will talk to her and I will naturally pay the price." Li Qing nodded without dwelling on it.

"That's good."

Geralt didn't say much and collected some materials on the royal griffin.

Li Qing also got some. Although he didn't know if they could be used, it was better to have them than nothing.

After cleaning up the battlefield, the three returned the same way. Li Qing and Vesemir returned to the inn in White Orchard Village, waiting for Yennefer that Li Qing mentioned, while Geralt went to report the situation to the Nilfgaardians.

And it was just as Li Qing said, as soon as Geralt returned to the inn, a group of Nilfgaard soldiers surrounded the entire inn.

Then Yennefer appeared in front of the three of them.

After Geralt and his companions had a brief exchange of information with Yennefer, Li Qing went straight to Yennefer and proposed a deal.

Li Qing looked at the beautiful woman in front of him, knowing that her mind was on Geralt, so he said without any nonsense, "Yennefer, do you have any space magic items?"

Yennefer did not answer Li Qing's question, but asked: "Geralt said you know Ciri's location?"

"That's right." Li Qing was stunned for a moment, then said: "But I have already made a deal with Geralt about this news. He taught me the sign, and I will tell you where to find Ciri."

Yennefer nodded slightly: "That's good."

"But what you said about us being people in the story. Can I listen to one of the stories? Just a little bit." Yennefer stroked her hair.

"This." Li Qing scratched his head, not knowing whether he should reveal the spoiler.

But Li Qing soon put all this behind him because Yennefer took out a ring engraved with a dark gem.

"This is the space magic item you mentioned. It contains a space for a carriage. As long as you tell me some information, it will be yours."


Li Qing felt that he needed to sort out where to start, but no matter what, this mission was not in vain!
Suddenly a world away.

Just now the sky was bright and clear, and a gentle breeze blew on my face.

The next second, it turned into a torrential rain hitting my face, one piece after another, and even my vision became blurred instantly.

Feeling a completely different feeling, Li Qing realized that he had returned to the world of Monster Hunter.

And looking at the rain clouds gathering in the sky and the howling wind that was weighing down the treetops, one could tell that it didn't take him too long to travel through time.

Looking forward, I saw that the blue bear beast that had been almost electrocuted was still lying not far in front of me. The thunder wolf dragon was obviously manic and had no intention of enjoying the food quietly.

Li Qing looked around. The traces left by the huge body of the Thunder Wolf Dragon were still very obvious, but there was no trace of it. It must have run away to who knows where.

So Li Qing didn't hesitate and quickly walked to the blue bear beast and started to get his own harvest.

Fur, wrist armor, teeth, bones.

Apart from other things, Li Qing was definitely good enough in the basic aspects of hunter. It took him less than ten minutes to separate all the necessary materials. Then he wrapped them together with the fur of the blue bear and put them back into the ring. He found the right direction and started to rush towards Jieyun Village.

I have to say that it is really convenient to have a space equipment that you can carry with you.

Otherwise, these things separated from the blue bear beast alone would be almost as heavy as a chopping axe. Even if Li Qing could withstand it, the key point would be that it would hinder his movements.

But now Li Qing has no burden at all, even the axe is included, the main focus is on feeling relaxed.

Unfortunately, the relaxing time did not last long, as Li Qing saw the mad Thunder Wolf Dragon on the way down the mountain.

At the same time, he also noticed the two hunters who were struggling to fight against the Thunder Wolf Dragon!

(End of this chapter)

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